12 research outputs found

    Avanços nas pesquisas etnobotânicas no Brasil

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    Variation In Volatiles Of Ocimum Campechianum Mill, And Ocimum Gratissimum L. Cultivated In The North Of Brazil

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    The essential oils of seven samples of Ocimum campechianum and five samples of O. gratissimum cultivated in the state of Para were obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC and GC-MS. The most abundant components identified in the leaf oils from O. campechianum were: eugenol (32.2% - 60.6%), methyleugenol (60.6% - 69.5%), 1,8-cineole (0.9% -19.7%), and elemicin (0.2% - 65.9%). The most abundant components identified in the oils from O. gratissimum were: thymol (13.1%- 36.2%), y-terpinene (0.2% -28.1 %), 1,8-cineole (0.0 - 25.2%), and p-cymene (4.4% - 19.9%). The results reveals the occurrence al least four types of O. campechianum in the State of Para, and at least two types of 0. gratissimum. The O. gratissimum studied here belongs to variety macrophyllum.103229240Paton, A Synopsis of Ocimum L. Africa (1992) Kew Bulletin, 47, pp. 403-435Viña, A., Murillo, E., Essential oil of twelve varieties of basil (Ocimum spp.) grown in Colombia (2003) J. Braz. Chem Soc, 14, pp. 744-749Corrêa, M.P., (1984) Dicionário das Plantas Úteis do Brasil e das Exóticas Cultivadas, , Rio de Janeiro, IBDFRodrigues, R.M., (1989) A Flora da Amazonia, , Belém, CEJUP, 462pMoreira, F., As plantas que curam (1978) São Paulo, Hemus Livraria, p. 260. , Editera, pPino, J.A., Rosado, A., Fuentes, V., Composition of the essential oil from the leaves and flowers of Ocimum gratissimum L. grown in Cuba (1996) J. Essent. Oil Res, 8, p. 139Pino, J.A., Garcia, J., Martinez, M.A., A comparison between the oil, solvent extracted and supercritical carbon dioxide extract of Ocimum gratissimum L (1998) J. Essent. Oil Res, 10, pp. 575-577Vieira, R.F., Simon, J.E., Chemical characterization of basil (Ocimum spp.) found in the markets and used in traditional medicine in Brazil (2000) Economic Botany, 54, p. 207Demissew, S., A description of some essential oil bearing plants in Ethiopia and their indigenous uses (1993) J. Essent. Oil Res, 5, pp. 465-479Simon, J.E., Morales, M.R., Phippen, W.B., Vieira, R.F., Hao, Z. (1999). Basil: a source of aroma compounds and a popular culinary and ornamental herb. pp. 499-505, In: Janick, J. (ed.), perspectives on new crops and new uses. ASHS Press, Alexandria, V. ASilva, M.G.V., Matos, F.J.A., Lopes, P.R.O., Silva, F.O., Holanda, M.T., Composition of essential oils from three Ocimum species obtained by steam and microwave distillation and supercritical CO2 extraction (2004) ARKIVOC, 6, p. 66Lemos, J.A., Passes, X.S., Fernandes, O.F., Paula, J.R., Ferri, P.H., Souza, L.K.H., Lemos, A.A., Silva, M.R.R., Antifungal activity from Ocimum gratissimum L. towards Cryptococcus neofromans (2005) Mem. Inst. Oswalde Cruz, 100, p. 55Dubey, N.K., Tiwari, T.N., Mandin, D., Andriamboavonjy, H., Chaumont, J.P., Antifungal properties of Ocimum gratissimum essential oil (ethyl cinnamate chemotype) (2000) Fitoterapia, 71, p. 567Vostrowsky, O, Garbe, W., Bestmann, H.-J. (1990). Essential Oil of Alfavaca, Ocimum gratissimum, from Brazilian Amazon. Z. Naturforsch., 45c, 1073Charles, D.J., Simon, J.E., Wood, K.V., Essential oil constituents of Ocimum micranthum Willd (1990) J. Agr. Food Chem, 38, pp. 120-122Vieira, R.F., Grayer, R.J., Paton, A., Simon, J.E., Genetic diversity of Ocimum gratissimum L. based on volatile oil constituents, flavonoids and RAPD markers (2001) Biochem. System. Ecol, 29, p. 287Nakamura, C.V., Ueda-Nakamura, T., Bando, E., Melo, A.F.N., Cortez, D.A.G., Dias Filho, B.P., Antibacterial activity of Ocimum gratissimum L. essential oil (1999) Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, 94, p. 675Orafidiya, L.O., Agbani, E.O., Iwalewa, E.O., Adelusola, K.A., Oyedapo, O.O., Studies on the acute and sub-chronic toxicity of the essential oil of Ocimum gratissimum L. leaf (2004) Phytomedicine, 11, p. 71Maia, J.G, Ramos, L.S., Luz, A.I.R., Silva, M.L., Zoghbi, M.G.B. (1988). Uncommon Brazilian essential oils of the Labiatae and Compositae. In: Lawrence, B.M.Mookherjee, B.D.Willis, B.J. (eds.). Flavors and fragrances: a world perspective. Amsterdam, Elsevier (Science Publication, B. 5), p. 177Silva, M.G., Craveiro, A.A., Machado, M.I.L., Alencar, J.W., Matos, F.J.A., Aurélio, F.K.F., Essential oils from leaves and inflorescences of Ocimum micranthum Willd. From Northeastern Brazil (1998) J. Essent. Oil Res, 10, pp. 77-78Adams, R.P., (2001) Identification of Essential Oil Components by Gas Chromatography/Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry, , Allured Publ Corp, Carol Stream, ILYayi, E., Moudachirou, M., Chalchat, J.-C., Essential Oil of Ocimum gratissimum from Benin (1999) J. Essent. Oil Res, 11, p. 529Suddee, S., Paton, A.J., Parnell, A.N. (2005). Taxonomic revision of tribe Ocimeae Dumont. (Lamiaceae) in continental South East Asia. III. Ociminae. Kew Bulletin, 60:3Grayer, R.J., Kite, G.C., Goldstone, F.J., Bryan, S.E., Paton, A., Putievsky, E., Infraspecific taxonomy and essential oil chemotypes in Sweet basil, Ocimum basilicum (1996) Phytochem, 43, p. 103