2 research outputs found

    Análise da compreensão dos residentes e preceptores dos programas de residência em saúde acerca do conceito de espiritualidade em cidade do nordeste brasileiro

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    Introduction: Studies prove the generally positive association of spirituality with the health of individuals. However, there is still no consensus between the concept of spirituality in academic or professional environments. Thus, this study aimed to analyze how the concept of spirituality is understood by preceptors and residents of residency programs at the Recife Health Department. Material and Methods: Exploratory, descriptive study, with a qualitative approach, with a sample of 16 residents and 16 preceptors from 8 SESAU-Recife Residency Programs. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview script. The interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed following Minayo's proposal. The study followed the terms of resolutions 466/12 and 510/16 of the National Health Council for research on human beings, being approved by the CEP of the NN by protocol 2,811,270. Results and Discussion: Of the 32 subjects interviewed, most were female, Catholic, single, without children, with an average age of 33 years, average income of R6,171.00.Thecontentwasdividedintofourcategories:Spiritualityascare,asempathy,asethicsandasreligion.Itwasnotedthatmanyrespondentsunderstoodcareasspiritualityduetotheholisticconceptofhealth,whichincludesthespiritualsphere.Theconceptofempathyguidestheirrelationshipthroughitstransformativepower,whichisusedbymanyreligiousleaders.Ethicsisrelatedtospiritualitywhereasmanymoralcodesaregovernedbyitsprinciples.Finally,theassociationbetweenspiritualityandreligionoccursthroughthesuperpositionoftheseconcepts,oftenfoundassynonyms.Conclusions:Itwasidentifiedthatmanyoftheintervieweesunderstoodtheaspectsrelatedtotheconceptofspirituality,alsorelatingittoethics,empathyandcare.Thus,theauthorsofthisstudyintendtocontributetoabetterunderstandingoftheseconceptsandtheirimpactonthehealthofindividuals.Introduc\ca~o:Emboraexistamevide^nciasdaassociac\ca~opositivaentreespiritualidadeesauˊde,aindana~oexisteconsensoentreoconceitodeespiritualidadenomeioacade^micoouprofissional.Opresenteestudoanalisouacompreensa~odoconceitodeespiritualidadeporpreceptoreseresidentesdeprogramasdereside^nciaemsauˊde.MaterialeMeˊtodos:Estudoexploratoˊrio,descritivo,comabordagemqualitativacomamostrade16residentese16preceptoresde8ProgramasdeReside^nciaemPernambuco.Osdadosforamcoletadosutilizandoumroteirodeentrevistasemiestruturado.Asentrevistasforamgravadas,transcritaseanalisadasseguindoapropostadeMinayo.Oestudoseguiuostermosdasresoluc\co~es510/16doConselhoNacionaldeSauˊdeeaprovadoviaparecer2.811.270.ResultadoseDiscussa~o:Dos32sujeitosentrevistadosamaioriafoidosexofeminino,catoˊlica,solteira,semfilhos,commeˊdiadeidade33anos,rendameˊdiadeR 6,171.00. The content was divided into four categories: Spirituality as care, as empathy, as ethics and as religion. It was noted that many respondents understood care as spirituality due to the holistic concept of health, which includes the spiritual sphere. The concept of empathy guides their relationship through its transformative power, which is used by many religious leaders. Ethics is related to spirituality where as many moral codes are governed by its principles. Finally, the association between spirituality and religion occurs through the superposition of these concepts, often found as synonyms. Conclusions: It was identified that many of the interviewees understood the aspects related to the concept of spirituality, also relating it to ethics, empathy and care. Thus, the authors of this study intend to contribute to a better understanding of these concepts and their impact on the health of individuals.Introdução: Embora existam evidências da associação positiva entre espiritualidade e saúde, ainda não existe consenso entre o conceito de espiritualidade no meio acadêmico ou profissional. O presente estudo analisou a compreensão do conceito de espiritualidade por preceptores e residentes de programas de residência em saúde. Material e Métodos: Estudo exploratório, descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa com amostra de 16 residentes e 16 preceptores de 8 Programas de Residência em Pernambuco. Os dados foram coletados utilizando um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturado. As entrevistas foram gravadas, transcritas e analisadas seguindo a proposta de Minayo. O estudo seguiu os termos das resoluções 510/16 do Conselho Nacional de Saúde e aprovado via parecer 2.811.270. Resultados e Discussão: Dos 32 sujeitos entrevistados a maioria foi do sexo feminino, católica, solteira, sem filhos, com média de idade 33 anos, renda média de R 6.171,00. O conteúdo das falas foi dividido em quatro categorias: Espiritualidade como cuidado, como empatia, como ética e como religião. Notadamente, muitos entrevistados entendiam cuidado como espiritualidade devido ao conceito holístico de saúde, que inclui a esfera espiritual. O conceito de empatia foi pautado através de seu poder transformador, que é utilizado por muitos líderes religiosos. A ética foi relacionada à espiritualidade ao passo que muitos códigos morais são regidos por seus princípios. Por fim, a associação entre espiritualidade e religião foi apresentada através da sobreposição desses conceitos, frequentemente encontrados como sinônimos. Conclusões: Muitos dos entrevistados compreendiam os aspectos relacionados ao conceito de espiritualidade, relacionando inclusive com ética, empatia e cuidado. Todavia, algumas lacunas ainda carecem de esclarecimentos, principalmente considerando as repercussões positivas deste conceito à saúde das pessoas

    Older adult sexuality in the practice and training of geriatricians: a qualitative study

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    OBJECTIVE: To understand the academic training of geriatrics residents and their supervisors regarding the sexuality of older adults, as well as practical approaches to the subject in their work routines. METHODS: This qualitative study was conducted with geriatrics residents and their supervisors at a public hospital in Recife, PE, Brazil in 2019 and 2020. RESULTS: A partial understanding of the respondents’ concept of sexuality was identified through statements that expressed confusion between sexual intercourse and sexuality, as well as a lack of knowledge about sexuality on an individual level. Although the respondents affirmed the importance of discussing the subject, they reported that they do not, except passively. The respondents discuss this issue depending on the patient’s questions, despite acknowledging their difficulty in seeking a health service to talk about sexuality-related issues. Finally, the lack of an approach to sexuality in geriatric consultations was linked with gaps in undergraduate and specialization programs about general care for older adults, resulting in a feeling of unpreparedness to face the taboos and prejudices associated with sexuality. CONCLUSION: Although professionals consider it important to address sexuality with patients, most of them do not do so in medical consultations due to a number of difficulties, including the lack of a protocol to follow, which leads to a passive approach. Therefore, professionals acknowledge the difficulty of addressing the subject and associate it with deficiencies in their academic training.</p