1,113 research outputs found

    Quantum trajectories and their statistics for remotely entangled quantum bits

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    We experimentally and theoretically investigate the quantum trajectories of jointly monitored transmon qubits embedded in spatially separated microwave cavities. Using nearly quantum-noise limited superconducting amplifiers and an optimized setup to reduce signal loss between cavities, we can efficiently track measurement-induced entanglement generation as a continuous process for single realizations of the experiment. The quantum trajectories of transmon qubits naturally split into low and high entanglement classes corresponding to half-parity collapse. The distribution of concurrence is found at any given time and we explore the dynamics of entanglement creation in the state space. The distribution exhibits a sharp cut-off in the high concurrence limit, defining a maximal concurrence boundary. The most likely paths of the qubits' trajectories are also investigated, resulting in three probable paths, gradually projecting the system to two even subspaces and an odd subspace. We also investigate the most likely time for the individual trajectories to reach their most entangled state, and find that there are two solutions for the local maximum, corresponding to the low and high entanglement routes. The theoretical predictions show excellent agreement with the experimental entangled qubit trajectory data.Comment: 11 pages and 4 figure

    Development of a Reference Wafer for On-Wafer Testing of Extreme Impedance Devices

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    This paper describes the design, fabrication, and testing of an on-wafer substrate that has been developed specifically for measuring extreme impedance devices using an on-wafer probe station. Such devices include carbon nano-tubes (CNTs) and structures based on graphene which possess impedances in the κ Ω range and are generally realised on the nano-scale rather than the micro-scale that is used for conventional on-wafer measurement. These impedances are far removed from the conventional 50- reference impedance of the test equipment. The on-wafer substrate includes methods for transforming from the micro-scale towards the nano-scale and reference standards to enable calibrations for extreme impedance devices. The paper includes typical results obtained from the designed wafer

    Generating Entangled Microwave Radiation Over Two Transmission Lines

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    Using a superconducting circuit, the Josephson mixer, we demonstrate the first experimental realization of spatially separated two-mode squeezed states of microwave light. Driven by a pump tone, a first Josephson mixer generates, out of quantum vacuum, a pair of entangled fields at different frequencies on separate transmission lines. A second mixer, driven by a π\pi-phase shifted copy of the first pump tone, recombines and disentangles the two fields. The resulting output noise level is measured to be lower than for vacuum state at the input of the second mixer, an unambiguous proof of entanglement. Moreover, the output noise level provides a direct, quantitative measure of entanglement, leading here to the demonstration of 6 Mebit.s−1^{-1} (Mega entangled bits per second) generated by the first mixer.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Supplementary Information can be found here as an ancillary fil

    A V-shape superconducting artificial atom based on two inductively coupled transmons

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    Circuit quantum electrodynamics systems are typically built from resonators and two-level artificial atoms, but the use of multi-level artificial atoms instead can enable promising applications in quantum technology. Here we present an implementation of a Josephson junction circuit dedicated to operate as a V-shape artificial atom. Based on a concept of two internal degrees of freedom, the device consists of two transmon qubits coupled by an inductance. The Josephson nonlinearity introduces a strong diagonal coupling between the two degrees of freedom that finds applications in quantum non-demolition readout schemes, and in the realization of microwave cross-Kerr media based on superconducting circuits.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    High resolution spectroscopy of single NV defects coupled with nearby 13^{13}C nuclear spins in diamond

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    We report a systematic study of the hyperfine interaction between the electron spin of a single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) defect in diamond and nearby 13^{13}C nuclear spins, by using pulsed electron spin resonance spectroscopy. We isolate a set of discrete values of the hyperfine coupling strength ranging from 14 MHz to 400 kHz and corresponding to 13^{13}C nuclear spins placed at different lattice sites of the diamond matrix. For each lattice site, the hyperfine interaction is further investigated through nuclear spin polarization measurements and by studying the magnetic field dependence of the hyperfine splitting. This work provides informations that are relevant for the development of nuclear-spin based quantum register in diamond.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Widely tunable, non-degenerate three-wave mixing microwave device operating near the quantum limit

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    We present the first experimental realization of a widely frequency tunable, non-degenerate three-wave mixing device for quantum signals at GHz frequency. It is based on a new superconducting building-block consisting of a ring of four Josephson junctions shunted by a cross of four linear inductances. The phase configuration of the ring remains unique over a wide range of magnetic fluxes threading the loop. It is thus possible to vary the inductance of the ring with flux while retaining a strong, dissipation-free, and noiseless non-linearity. The device has been operated in amplifier mode and its noise performance has been evaluated by using the noise spectrum emitted by a voltage biased tunnel junction at finite frequency as a test signal. The unprecedented accuracy with which the crossover between zero-point-fluctuations and shot noise has been measured provides an upper-bound for the noise and dissipation intrinsic to the device.Comment: Accepted for Physical Review Letters. Supplementary material can be found in the source packag
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