15 research outputs found

    Analysis of differences in GO Pathways between NSCLC and normal lung.

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    <p>Comparison of number of proteins assigned to each GO pathway category. Normal tissue sample categories are represented as fold-change in relation to this category. Statistical significance is tested using the binomial test. Only significant categories (p<0.05) are shown.</p

    Differentially expressed peptides.

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    <p>Differentially expressed peptides between NSCLC and normal lung samples identified using SIEVE 1.2 software. Peptides presenting different m/z values have been identified with various charge states.</p

    PTRF/cavin-1 and MIF label-free expression values by SIEVE.

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    <p>Boxplots represent mean and 25th–75th percentile; whiskers represent minimun and maximun. Measurements were obtained from five different samples in each condition. Kruskall-Wallis test p-values are shown. AC: Adenocarcinoma; SC: Squamous cell carcinoma; NL: Normal lung.</p

    Validation of PTRF/cavin-1 and MIF expression changes using IHC and western blot.

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    <p>a) Western blot of total protein extracted from indicated samples, using anti-MIF and anti-PTRF/cavin-1 primary antibodies. b) Densitometric analyses of western blot. ImageJ 1.38e software was employed to measure the intensity of bands. All values in arbitrary units. c) Immunohistochemistry of indicated samples, using anti-MIF and anti-PTRF/cavin-1 primary antibodies. AC: Adenocarcinoma; SC: Squamous cell carcinoma; NL: Normal lung.</p

    Validation of PTRF/cavin-1 and MIF expression changes by western blot using a new cohort.

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    <p>Box-Plot graphs showing PTRF and MIF western blot quantification using ImageJ 1.38e software. All values in arbitrary units. Each Box includes values from nine different samples. Differences between normal and tumoral samples were p<0.005 in both cases (Kruskall-Wallis test).</p

    MIF interactome network.

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    <p>A graph of MIF network built using STRING v9.0 is shown. Different line colours represent the types of evidence for the association: pink for experiments and blue for databases.</p