33 research outputs found

    Carnivore impact on cave bear bones and the analysis of their dispersion. Case study: UrŞilor cave (NW Romania)

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    In taphonomy, the study of carnivore modification of fossil bones and the analysis of their dispersion represent the best approach to assessing the extent of bone modification and displacement for a given bone assemblage. Here we analyze the excavated bone deposit from Urşilor Cave, a well-documented and fossil-rich Upper Pleistocene cave bear site from the Romanian Carpathian Mountains. More than 1400 limb bones or bone remains were analyzed (NISPleft and right = 1424) and 69 measurable puncture marks were identified, measured and morphologically analyzed. Moreover, for assessing the degree of bone scattering, almost 540 cave bear limb bones and mandibles were refitted and the Index of Skeletal Disjunction (ISD) was calculated for the entire bone assemblage. More than 30 % of the analyzed cave bear limb bones were affected by carnivores: the ulnae were the most affected (39.3 %) while the humeri and femora were less modified (24.7 % and 25.5 %, respectively). The range of variation in size of the puncture marks, the morphological features of various tooth marks and the faunal composition of the studied bone assemblage indicate that at least two carnivore taxa are responsible for the bone modifications. The results obtained for the ISD index indicate higher displacement for femora when compared to other bones (e.g. tibiae, mandibles, humeri). Our analyses of bone modifications caused by carnivores indicate a low level of the scattering of intensely modified (by in situ consumption) bones, and notable carnivore impact on the configuration of the bone assemblage.Key words: Ursus spelaeus, taphonomy, ISD, tooth marks, Urşilor Cave, Romanian Carpathians.Vpliv zveri na kosti jamskih medvedov iz jame UrŞilor (SZ Romunija) in analiza njihove razkropljenostiProučevanje sledov zveri na fosilnih kosteh in razkropljenosti kosti v prostoru je najboljše tafonomsko orodje za pridobivanje podatkov o obsegu takšnih pojavov znotraj posameznega paleontološkega zbira. V raziskavi obravnavamo kosti jamskega medveda iz jame Urşilor, dobro raziskanega mlajšepleistocenskega najdišča v Romunskih Karpatih. Analizirali smo več kot 1424 dolgih cevastih kosti okončin ali njihovih odlomkov in pri tem prepoznali, izmerili in morfološko analizirali 69 odtiskov zob. Poleg tega smo izračunali indeks razkropljenosti okostja (Index of Skeletal Disjunction, ISD) za celotni paleontološki zbir, zaradi česar smo sestavili skoraj 540 dolgih cevastih kosti okončin in spodnjih čeljustnic jamskega medveda. Sledove zveri smo prepoznali na več kot 30 % kosti okončin, najpogosteje na komolčnicah (39.3 %), nekoliko redkeje pa na nadlahtnicah in stegnenicah (24.7 % oz. 25.5 %). Variabilnost v velikosti odtiskov zob, njihovih morfoloških značilnostih in favnistični sestavi proučevanega paleontološkega zbira pričajo o tem, da sta ugotovljene spremembe medvedjih kosti povzročili vsaj dve različni zveri. Vrednosti indeksa razkropljenosti okostja kažejo na izrazitejšo razkropljenost stegnenic v primerjavi z drugimi kostmi (npr. golenicami, nadlahtnicami, spodnjimi čeljustnicami). Naša analiza kaže na skromno razkropljenost intenzivno obgrizenih kosti (zaradi hranjenja v sami jami) in znaten vpliv zveri na konfiguracijo paleontološkega zbira.Ključne besede: Ursus spelaeus, tafonomija, ISD, ugrizi, jama Urşilor, Romunski Karpati

    Cave sediments and fossils as karst archives: the Urșilor and Muierilor caves, Romania

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    During the last eight years an ongoing interdisciplinary research is being carried out at the Urşilor and Muierilor caves, Romania. This sedimentological, geomorphological and geochronological study aims at better understanding of the taphonomy of the MIS 3 fossil accumulations and their palaeoclimate context. The two sites contain complex types of fossil thanatocoenosis - in situ, secondary or mixt.Numerous methods of investigation, typical for this type of multidisciplinary research were applied: AMS 14C direct dating on fossil bone (N = 42), U/Th dating of the relevant speleothems (N = 4), termoluminiscence for dating sediments (OSL; N=7), analysis of physical and chemical properties of cave sediments, rock magnetism, stable isotope analyses on the cave bear’s bone collagen (δ15N and δ13C; N=125), taphonomic methods for assessing the bone assemblage’s properties (MNI, NISP, ISD, long bone orientation etc.), high resolution osteometry, laser scanning of the cave bear’ bioglyphs etc.</p

    Research regarding the influence of some organic products on yield at potato in environmental conditions of Astra Trifesti srl, Iaşi

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    The experience was located in 2011 in the Trifesti village, Bivolari microzone who are in an area with temperate climate and is characterized by cold winters and hot summers, with irregular winds, most common in north-west and north - winter and southeast and east - especially in spring, with sufficient rainfall - especially in early summer It was installed on trifactorial experiences in 3 repetitions of the type 4Ax3Bx2C, being studied five varieties of potato. In this paper we present partial results of three varieties Factors are studied, A Factor – Foliar fertilizing, with graduations, a1- not fertilized,a2 – NPK,a3- ECO 1,a4- ECO 2, B Factor– Foliar fertiliozing : b- Adora A, România, variety, b2 - Volumia E, Olanda, variety, b3- Red Scarlet A, Factorul C – vegetation treatment with organic herbicide: c1- treatment with Novodor ( 4l/ha),c2 treatment with NeemAzal (2l/ha). The analysis of data, it was found that the three varieties, Adora A, România –Volumia E, Olanda, Red Scarlet A, România, behaved positively registering positive differences from not fertilized variant

    Comments on the useful and harmful entomofauna according to some treatment seed corn and wheat lots of years, 2011-2012, Trifeşti SC Astra SRL, Iaşi

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    In this paper we propose to make some observations on the useful and harmful entomofauna semnicere two lots and two lots of wheat seed corn. Observations were made in 2012. The culture of wheat seedlings, observations were made in spring varieties and drop, and two varieties of corn produced by a multinational. The research was took place and during 2012, especially Phases of growth 0 – (Sprouting - East) Phases of growth 0,5 - (two leaves fully formed) Phases of growth 1 - (four leaves fully formed). The study was conducted in order to track and have followed the main pests of this crop, it was made regular observations directly on the farm. In addition to direct observations on the farm, also harvesting samples and evidence using the beeing method and traps soil type Barber. Specify that in the stationary from the SC Astra Trifesti, Iasi County, samples collected was made from different seed lots in terms of cultivation technology

    Research on the influence of organic products number of tubers/nest ecological conditions at SC Astra Trifesti SRL, Iaşi

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    In this paper we propose to determine the number of tubers / nest from three potato varieties grown in organic conditions Bivolari micro area, village Trifesti The experience was located within Agricole Society Trifesti Astra, company standard of agriculture in Romania. From a climate perspective, the area is characterized by cold winters and hot summers.It was installed on trifactorial experiences in 3 repetitions of the type 4Ax3Bx2C, being studied five varieties of potato. In this paper we present partial results of three varieties Factors are studied, A Factor – Foliar fertilizing, with graduations, a1- not fertilized,a2 – NPK,a3- ECO 1,a4- ECO 2, B Factor– Foliar fertiliozing : b- Adora A, România, variety, b2 - Adora E, Olanda, variety, b3- Velox A, Factorul C – vegetation treatment with organic herbicide: c1- treatment with Novodor ( 4l/ha),c2 treatment with NeemAzal (2l/ha). The analysis of data, it was found that the three varieties, Adora A, România, variety, b2 - Adora E, Olanda, variety, b3- Velox A,România, behaved positively registering positive differences from not fertilized var

    Observation on useful and harmful entomofauna according to some treatment applied to maize seeds lots for hybridation in environmental conditions of Astra Trifesti Srl Iaşi

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    The research is aimed at achieving a study on harmful and useful Entomofauna in some agricultural crops seed located in the territory of SC Astra Trifesti, Iasi County. The objectives fall within the current directions of biological research on biodiversity knowledge and different groups of insects in horticultural research on knowledge entomofauna useful and trophic relations established between parasites and their hosts represented by insect pests in agriculture. Mainly these issues will follow the corn seed lots produced in different Socet companies. The research was took place and during 2011, especially Phases of growth 0 – (Sprouting - East) Phases of growth 0,5 - (two leaves fully formed) Phases of growth 1 - (four leaves fully formed) Phases of growth 1,5 - (six leaves fully formed), Phases of growth 2 - eight fully formed leaves), Phases of growth 2,5 -(ten leaves fully formed). The main pests of this crop are: Tanymecus dilaticolli, Agriotes spp., Scotia segetum Schiff, Ostrinia nubilalis Hb, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Le Conte, Anoxia villosa L. The study was conducted in order to track and have followed the main pests of this crop, it was made regular observations directly on the farm. In addition to direct observations on the farm, also harvesting samples and evidence using the beeing method and traps soil type Barber. Specify that in the stationary from the SC Astra Trifesti, Iasi County, samples collected was made from different seed lots in terms of cultivation technology

    The effect of the compost used as fertilizer upon the production of some maize hybrids

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    In the climatic conditions of 2005-2007 years, with higher temperatures than the multi-annual average (0.4 – 1.4 o C) and precipitations with higher values in 2005 (with 157.7 mm) and smaller in 2006 and 2007 (with 139.1 respective 220.3 mm) compared with the multi-annual average, on a gleic faeoziom soil from Caraclău, Bacău district, it was organized a experience with three factors regarding increasing dozes of compost, compared with chemical fertilization and without fertilization, at three maize hybrids (Dana, Elan and Turda SU 210) and two sowing density (48000 and 60000 germinal seeds/ha), in order to practice biological agriculture. After researches were accomplished it was observed that grain production (the average 2005-2007) had the higher value at the variant which was fertilized with 30 t/ ha compost, 6671 kg/ha, with a significant difference of 1883 kg/ha compared with the variant which was unfertilized and a difference of 939 kg/ha compared with the variant which was chemical fertilized (N160P80K80). Turda SU 210 hybrid realized the biggest production of 6671 kg/ha, with a very significant difference than the hybrids Dana and Elan, and density of 60000 germinal seeds/ha determined a significant difference of 317 kg/ha than the 48000 germinal seeds/ha. The interaction between compost 30t/ha X Turda SU 210 X 60000 germinal seeds/ha realized the higher grain production, with an average on the three years, of 6847 kg/ha

    The effect of the fertilization and cultivar on some quality traits at the winter wheat

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    In the environmental conditions of the agricultural years 2005/2006, 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 on a chernozem soil, it was studied the influence of fertilization on protein content, wet gluten, dry gluten, starch, the volume and the bread weight at 12 wheat varieties. Analyzing the influence factors investigated on the interaction of quality indicators, it appears that the highest percentage of crude protein was recorded at the N120P80K80 X Crina cultivar variant with a value of 15.73%; the highest dry and wet gluten content was recordet at the N120P80K80 X Boema variant with a value of 33.80 and 8.62% respectively; the maximum starch content was found at the N0P0K0 X Moldova 83, of 66.42%; the largest volume of the bread was recordet at N120P80K80 X Beti and N120P80K80 X Iaşi 2 of 501 cm3 and the highest bread weight of 146.0 g at N120P80K80 X Beti variant

    The influence of biostymulators sulfonamides concentration, applied in different biophases, on winter wheat production

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    An experience in farm Ezăreni-Iasi organized in 2008-2011, on cambic chernozem soil, we studied the effect of biostymulators concentration (BCO - 4 DMA, BCO - 2 K; BCO - 2 K + acetate Zn) in three concentrations applied (50 ppm, 25 ppm, 12.5 ppm) in three biophases (twinning, bellows, flowering) for winter wheat, variety Boema. Climatic conditions were favorable for winter wheat in terms of temperature and rainfall, crop year 2010-2011 the most favorable for wheat. Averaged over three years, comparing yields with version control treated with water, the highest yield was achieved with biostymulators BCO-2 K + zinc acetate, with 6322 kg / ha, 26.16% difference is very significant. Comparing yields with BCO - 4 DMA (control variant 2) production increase was 11.14%, distinct significantly in the variant BCO - 2 K + zinc acetate. In the three years average the concentrations of 12.5 ppm and 25 ppm were found higher comparated with the concentrations of 50 ppm. Between biophases application of growth regulators no registered statistically differences, which requires obtaining of similar production value. The interaction between factors showed that the best variant BCO - 2 K x 25 ppm x flowering, with an average of 6844 kg / ha, 11.77% higher than the production control variant (BCO - 4 DMA x 12.5 ppm x twinning). The biostymulators used were potassium salt of the acid-4-chloro-phenoxyacetic amidosulfonil (BCO - 4 K), without and with zinc acetate and dimethylamine salt of 4-chloro acid, 2-phenoxyacetic sulfonyl amide (BCO - 4 DMA) obtained of the Proff. C. Oniscu from the Technical University "Gh. Asachi" of Iasi

    Strategies and tools for disposal of social disequilibrium from the rural area through groups of local action

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    The paper tackles the concept of local development and establishes methods of strategy development through the LEADER program as main instrument for the GAL Rediu Prăjeni zone in order to eliminate the social disequilibrium of this area in comparison to the urban areas. The paper brings to foreground the way in which it is implemented a local strategy within LEADER axis, which involves great importance and is also effective, because the local development is community-led, which allows to the local partners (public, private, civil society) to achieve realistic local development strategies, based on the requirements and priorities of rural territory taken into study. The Romanian rural area has numerous shortcomings, these representing also the reason of disparities between urban and rural areas with all their components: rural economy, demographic potential, health, school, culture, etc. To reduce these disparities, one solution is the development and implementation of integrated development strategies by local communities, taking as a starting point the identified needs and endogenous potential of rural area