295 research outputs found

    Primer izpeljave analize besedila v kvalitativni raziskavi

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    V članku na podlagi kvalitativne raziskave prikazujemo primer načina analize in razlage besedila. V prvem delu se osredotočimo na teoretično opredelitev analitičnega orodja ter značilnosti analize in interpretacije besedil znotraj kvalitativne raziskave. V nadaljevanju na podlagi izsledkov (polstrukturiranih intervjujev in osebnih zapisov, opazovanja delovanja dveh mrež) prikažemo možnost analize in interpretacije dobljenih podatkov z uporabo analitičnega orodja tematske mreže

    Predictors of positive reinforcement-based school refusal behavior

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    The present study empirically investigated child and family variables that differentiated attention-getting and positive tangible reinforcement dimensions of SRB. Age, gender, severity of SRB, level of generalized anxiety, type of diagnosis, level of fearfulness, level of somatic complaints, and type of familial environment were evaluated. Youngsters (n = 129) and their parents were administered various diagnostic, self-report, and family measures. Children who refused school for attention were younger and displayed more diagnoses of separation anxiety than children who refused school for positive tangible reinforcement. These differences were consistent across child-, parent-, and composite-derived functions. Children who refused school for attention did not differ significantly from children who refused school for positive tangible reinforcement with respect to gender, severity of SRB, and type of familial environment regardless of the source of the report. Results are discussed with respect to implications for classification, assessment, and treatment of children with SRB


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    Users complete payment transactions with various merchants using a wallet application or similar payment application maintained by an account management computing system. The account management computing system creates a predictive model or trains a machine learnt regression function or classifier model to predict the merchant review score based on the payment information received from the user device. A merchant is identified to derive a merchant review score and the account management computing system identifies the business type of the identified merchant. Payment data that corresponds to completed payment transaction between various users and the identified merchant are identified. Each part of the payment data that can be used by the predictive model to infer a merchant review score is a signal that is identified from the payment data. During its analysis of the first signal, the account management computing system determines the number of times the user has visited the identified merchant. The number of repeat visits to the identified merchant can be normalized based on a similar merchant type. During its analysis of the second signal, the account management computing system determines the difference between the preauthorized payment amount and the final payment amount for the user’s payment transaction with the identified merchant. This analysis will yield a calculated gratuity amount. The gratuity amount can be normalized based on a user’s typical gratuity amount for a similar merchant type or based on geographic locations. The predictive model is applied to the identified signals to infer a merchant review score. The account management computing system outputs the merchant review score for the identified merchant

    Seamless transfer of ambient media from environment to mobile device

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    Some mobile devices are capable of performing always-running, on-device music recognition. This feature enables users to obtain information about music or other audio playing in their environment. Typically, the detected ambient music is transient, e.g., once the song ends or the user leaves the current environment, the results disappear. However, a user may want to continue listening to the ambient music after leaving a location where it is being played. This disclosure enables seamless playback of identified ambient media on a user mobile device such that a user can continue listening or viewing such content after leaving the current environment

    A holistic approach to the management of human consumption towards an economics of well-being

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    The goal of this conceptual paper is to draw attention to the problems caused by the rapid growth of the global economy, coupled with high population growth and excessive exploitation of natural resources. It is necessary to be aware that the global economy will not be able to grow at the actual speed in the long term. A paradigm shift in production and consumption is therefore necessary to avoid the collapse of ecosystems and the concurrent reduction of stocks of natural resources. This is the reason why capitalism has to take a new direction towards a sustainable and naturally harmonized development model