2,387 research outputs found

    Linking Snake Behavior to Nest Predation in a Midwestern Bird Community

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    Nest predators can adversely affect the viability of songbird populations, and their impact is exacerbated in fragmented habitats. Despite substantial research on this predator-prey interaction, however, almost all of the focus has been on the birds rather than their nest predators, thereby limiting our understanding of the factors that bring predators and nests into contact. We used radiotelemetry to document the activity of two snake species (rat snakes, Elaphe obsoleta; racers, Coluber constrictor) known to prey on nests in Midwestern bird communities and simultaneously monitored 300 songbird nests and tested the hypothesis that predation risk should increase for nests when snakes were more active and in edge habitat preferred by both snake species. Predation risk increased when rat snakes were more active, for all nests combined and for two of the six bird species for which we had sufficient nests to allow separate analyses. This result is consistent with rat snakes being more important nest predators than racers. We found no evidence, however, that nests closer to forest edges were at greater risk. These results are generally consistent with the one previous study that investigated rat snakes and nest predation simultaneously. The seemingly paradoxical failure to find higher predation risk in the snakes\u27 preferred habitat (i.e., edge) might be explained by the snakes using edges at least in part for non-foraging activities. We propose that higher nest predation in fragmented habitats (at least that attributable to snakes) results indirectly from edges promoting larger snake populations, rather than from edges directly increasing the risk of nest predation by snakes. If so, the notion of edges per se functioning as ecological traps merits further study

    The Role of Dynamic Ligand Exchange in the Oxidation Chemistry of Cerium(III)

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    The CeIII/IV couple is useful for many applications in organic, inorganic, and materials chemistry. However, attaining a general method to access both oxidations states through reversible solution redox chemistry remains challenging. Herein we report the synthesis, characterization, and oxidation chemistry of the novel Ce/Li REMB heterochiral diastereomer, 1-Ce(het). The solution exchange processes of 1-RE(het) (RE ¼ Ce and Yb) were investigated to estimate rates of ligand and cation exchange relevant in homochiral and heterochiral frameworks. A detailed mechanistic investigation following the solution dynamics of 1-Ce(het) revealed reactivity controlled both by ligand reorganization and redistribution processes. Ligand reorganization was responsible for the kinetics associated with the chemical oxidation reaction, whereas ligand redistribution and exchange dictated the isolated product

    SpinSpotter: An Automated Algorithm for Identifying Stellar Rotation Periods With Autocorrelation Analysis

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    Spinspotter is a robust and automated algorithm designed to extract stellar rotation periods from large photometric datasets with minimal supervision. Our approach uses the autocorrelation function (ACF) to identify stellar rotation periods up to one-third the observational baseline of the data. Our algorithm also provides a suite of diagnostics that describe the features in the ACF, which allows the user to fine-tune the tolerance with which to accept a period detection. We apply it to approximately 130,000 main-sequence stars observed by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) at 2-minute cadence during Sectors 1-26, and identify rotation periods for 13,504 stars ranging from 0.4 to 14 days. We demonstrate good agreement between our sample and known values from the literature and note key differences between our population of rotators and those previously identified in the Kepler field, most notably a large population of fast-rotating M dwarfs. Our sample of rotating stars provides a data set with coverage of nearly the entire sky that can be used as a basis for future gyrochronological studies, and, when combined with proper motions and distances from Gaia, to search for regions with high densities of young stars, thus identifying areas of recent star formation and undiscovered moving group members. Our algorithm is publicly available for download and use on GitHub.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Robustness of the Bacterial Community in the Cabbage White Butterfly Larval Midgut

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    Microbial communities typically vary in composition and structure over space and time. Little is known about the inherent characteristics of communities that govern various drivers of these changes, such as random variation, changes in response to perturbation, or susceptibility to invasion. In this study, we use 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequences to describe variation among bacterial communities in the midguts of cabbage white butterfly (Pieris rapae) larvae and examine the influence of community structure on susceptibility to invasion. We compared communities in larvae experiencing the same conditions at different times (temporal variation) or fed different diets (perturbation). The most highly represented phylum was Proteobacteria, which was present in all midgut communities. The observed species richness ranged from six to 15, and the most abundant members affiliated with the genera Methylobacteria, Asaia, Acinetobacter, Enterobacter, and Pantoea. Individual larvae subjected to the same conditions at the same time harbored communities that were highly similar in structure and membership, whereas the communities observed within larval populations changed with diet and over time. In addition, structural changes due to perturbation coincided with enhanced susceptibility to invasion by Enterobacter sp. NAB3R and Pantoea stewartii CWB600, suggesting that resistance to invasion is in part governed by community structure. These findings along with the observed conservation of membership at the phylum level, variation in structure and membership at lower taxonomic levels, and its relative simplicity make the cabbage white butterfly larval community an attractive model for studying community dynamics and robustness

    Effect of lateral perturbations on psychophysical acceleration detection thresholds

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    BACKGROUND: In understanding how the human body perceives and responds to small slip-like motions, information on how one senses the slip is essential. The effect of aging and plantar sensory loss on detection of a slip can also be studied. Using psychophysical procedures, acceleration detection thresholds of small lateral whole-body perturbations were measured for healthy young adults (HYA), healthy older adults (HOA) and older adults with diabetic neuropathy (DOA). It was hypothesized that young adults would require smaller accelerations than HOA's and DOA's to detect perturbations at a given displacement. METHODS: Acceleration detection thresholds to whole-body lateral perturbations of 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 mm were measured for HYAs, HOAs, and DOAs using psychophysical procedures including a two-alternative forced choice protocol. Based on the subject's detection of the previous trial, the acceleration magnitude of the subsequent trial was increased or decreased according to the parameter estimation by sequential testing methodology. This stair-stepping procedure allowed acceleration thresholds to be measured for each displacement. RESULTS: Results indicate that for lateral displacements of 1 and 2 mm, HOAs and DOAs have significantly higher acceleration detection thresholds than young adults. At displacements of 8 and 16 mm, no differences in threshold were found among groups or between the two perturbation distances. The relationship between the acceleration threshold and perturbation displacement is of particular interest. Peak acceleration thresholds of approximately 10 mm/s(2 )were found at displacements of 2, 4, 8, and 16 mm for HYAs; at displacements of 4, 8, and 16 mm for HOAs; and at displacements of 8 and 16 mm for DOAs. Thus, 2, 4, and 8 mm appear to be critical breakpoints for HYAs, HOAs, and DOAs respectively, where the psychometric curve deviated from a negative power law relationship. These critical breakpoints likely indicate a change in the physiology of the system as it responds to the stimuli. CONCLUSION: As a function of age, the displacement at which the group deviates from a negative power law relationship increases from 2 mm to 4 mm. Additionally, the displacement at which subjects with peripheral sensory deficits deviate from the negative power law relations increases to 8 mm. These increases as a function of age and peripheral sensory loss may help explain the mechanism of falls in the elderly and diabetic populations

    Neuronal and psychological underpinnings of pathological gambling

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    Like in the case of drugs, gambling hijacks reward circuits in a brain which is not prepared to receive such intense stimulation. Dopamine is normally released in response to reward and uncertainty in order to allow animals to stay alive in their environment – where rewards are relatively unpredictable. In this case, behavior is regulated by environmental feedbacks, leading animals to persevere or to give up. In contrast, drugs provide a direct, intense pharmacological stimulation of the dopamine system that operates independently of environmental feedbacks, and hence causes “motivational runaways”. With respect to gambling, the confined environment experienced by gamblers favors the emergence of excitatory conditioned cues, so that positive feedbacks take over negative feedbacks. Although drugs and gambling may act differently, their abnormal activation of reward circuitry generates an underestimation of negative consequences and promotes the development of addictive/compulsive behavior. In Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease, dopamine-related therapies may disrupt these feedbacks on dopamine signalling, potentially leading to various addictions, including pathological gambling. The goal of this Research Topic is to further our understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms underlying the development of pathological gambling. This eBook contains a cross-disciplinary collection of research and review articles, ranging in scope from animal behavioral models to human imaging studies

    Effects of Tipranavir, Darunavir, and Ritonavir on Platelet Function, Coagulation, and Fibrinolysis in Healthy Volunteers

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    The use of HIV protease inhibitors (PIs) as part of antiretroviral therapy in the treatment of HIV-1 infection may be associated with an increased risk of bleeding. This prospective, randomized, open-label trial in healthy volunteers compared the effects of tipranavir/ritonavir (TPV/r), darunavir/ritonavir (DRV/r), and ritonavir (RTV) alone on platelet aggregation after a single dose and at steady-state concentrations. Subjects were selected on the basis of normal platelet aggregation and arachidonic acid (AA)-induced platelet aggregation inhibition after administration of a single 325-mg dose of aspirin. All 3 PI therapies were administered twice daily for 10 days

    Future Contingents and the Logic of Temporal Omniscience

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    At least since Aristotle’s famous 'sea-battle' passages in On Interpretation 9, some substantial minority of philosophers has been attracted to the doctrine of the open future--the doctrine that future contingent statements are not true. But, prima facie, such views seem inconsistent with the following intuition: if something has happened, then (looking back) it was the case that it would happen. How can it be that, looking forwards, it isn’t true that there will be a sea battle, while also being true that, looking backwards, it was the case that there would be a sea battle? This tension forms, in large part, what might be called the problem of future contingents. A dominant trend in temporal logic and semantic theorizing about future contingents seeks to validate both intuitions. Theorists in this tradition--including some interpretations of Aristotle, but paradigmatically, Thomason (1970), as well as more recent developments in Belnap, et. al (2001) and MacFarlane (2003, 2014)--have argued that the apparent tension between the intuitions is in fact merely apparent. In short, such theorists seek to maintain both of the following two theses: (i) the open future: Future contingents are not true, and (ii) retro-closure: From the fact that something is true, it follows that it was the case that it would be true. It is well-known that reflection on the problem of future contingents has in many ways been inspired by importantly parallel issues regarding divine foreknowledge and indeterminism. In this paper, we take up this perspective, and ask what accepting both the open future and retro-closure predicts about omniscience. When we theorize about a perfect knower, we are theorizing about what an ideal agent ought to believe. Our contention is that there isn’t an acceptable view of ideally rational belief given the assumptions of the open future and retro-closure, and thus this casts doubt on the conjunction of those assumptions