48,674 research outputs found

    Charge distributions near metal-dielectric interfaces before and after dielectric surface flashover

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    A technique was developed for measuring surface charge distribution near interfaces without placing any measuring apparatus near the face of the samples. The results of measurements which were made on FEP Teflon and Kapton dielectrics, before and after are given flashover, with various types of interfaces. Also given are data showing mean time between flashovers for various configurations exposed to a variety of environmental conditions. Several charge transfer mechanisms are considered as a means by which stable charge distributions may be maintained near interfaces

    Microwave power transmission system wherein level of transmitted power is controlled by reflections from receiver

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    A microwave, wireless, power transmission system is described in which the transmitted power level is adjusted to correspond with power required at a remote receiving station. Deviations in power load produce an antenna impedance mismatch causing variations in energy reflected by the power receiving antenna employed by the receiving station. The variations in reflected energy are sensed by a receiving antenna at the transmitting station and used to control the output power of a power transmitter

    Measurements of plasma energy density and conductivity from 3 to 120 kilobars

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    Plasma energy density and conductivity measured at pressures from 3 to 120 kilobar

    The feasibility of wireless power transmission for an orbiting astronomical station

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    Microwave or laser energy for wireless transfer of power from manned earth orbiting station to unmanned astronomical substation

    Ground Truth Sampling and LANDSAT Accuracy Assessment

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    It is noted that the key factor in any accuracy assessment of remote sensing data is the method used for determining the ground truth, independent of the remote sensing data itself. The sampling and accuracy procedures developed for nuclear power plant siting study are described. The purpose of the sampling procedure was to provide data for developing supervised classifications for two study sites and for assessing the accuracy of that and the other procedures used. The purpose of the accuracy assessment was to allow the comparison of the cost and accuracy of various classification procedures as applied to various data types

    Partial regularity for a surface growth model

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    We prove two partial regularity results for the scalar equation ut+uxxxx+xxux2=0u_t+u_{xxxx}+\partial_{xx}u_x^2=0, a model of surface growth arising from the physical process of molecular epitaxy. We show that the set of space-time singularities has (upper) box-counting dimension no larger than 7/67/6 and 11-dimensional (parabolic) Hausdorff measure zero. These parallel the results available for the three-dimensional Navier--Stokes equations. In fact the mathematical theory of the surface growth model is known to share a number of striking similarities with the Navier--Stokes equations, and the partial regularity results are the next step towards understanding this remarkable similarity. As far as we know the surface growth model is the only lower-dimensional "mini-model" of the Navier--Stokes equations for which such an analogue of the partial regularity theory has been proved. In the course of our proof, which is inspired by the rescaling analysis of Lin (1998) and Ladyzhenskaya & Seregin (1999), we develop certain nonlinear parabolic Poincar\'e inequality, which is a concept of independent interest. We believe that similar inequalities could be applicable in other parabolic equations.Comment: 29 page

    Industry mix and lending environment variability: what does the average bank face

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    Diversification opportunities for banks may be greater today because of the lessening of geographic restrictions. In addition, regional economies have undergone vast transformations, with relatively volatile industries often assuming a diminished role. To assess whether these changes have resulted in a more stable lending environment, Jeff Gunther and Ken Robinson form industry portfolios for banks based on their presence in different states and the mix of economic activity found in those states. The authors find that the risk underlying banks' lending environments declined from 1985 to 1996 because of both a geographic restructuring of the banking system and increasing industrial diversification of state economies.Banks and banking ; Financial institutions

    Oblique-incidence secondary emission from charged dielectrics

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    Secondary electron emission coefficients were measured on FEP-Teflon for normal and oblique incidence in the presence of a normal electric field. Such measurements require knowledge of the electrostatic environment surrounding the specimen, and they require calculation of particle trajectories such that particle impact parameters can be known. A simulation using a conformal mapping, a Green's integral, and a trajectory generator provides the necessary mathematical support for the measurements, which were made with normal fields of 1.5 and 2.7 kV/mm. When incidence is normal and energy exceeds the critical energy, the coefficient is given by (V sub 0/V) to the .58 power, and for oblique incidence this expression may be divided by the cosine of the angle. The parameter V sub 0 is a function of normal field