8 research outputs found

    Munyawana Conservancy.

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    <p>The dashed line indicates the position of the boundary fence between Phinda and the new sections of Zuka, and Mziki Pumalanga before the fences were removed during August 2004.</p

    Projected population size for the Munyawana elephant population under different immunocontraception scenarios for a 20-year time period.

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    <p>Results are shown for the current Munyawana immunocontraception plan, no application of immunocontraception on the population, and two contraception scenarios (Scenarios 6 and 7) that resulted in the most extreme projections. Scenario 6 was the prevention of the first calf and allowing the female to calf at 19 years of age, with a baseline contraception-induced calving interval of 8 years thereafter. Scenario 7 examined a shortened calving interval of 6 years.</p

    Modelled elephant population growth rate, population doubling time and population size for the contraception period 2006–2026.

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    i<p>Parameters for the age of sexual maturity were 8 years, 9 years (baseline) and 10 years.</p>ii<p>Parameters for the contraception implementation age were 8 years (prevent the first calf and only allow the first calf at 19 years after allowing an 8 year calving interval) or 10 years (baseline – allows the first natural birth, if the cow conceive at the baseline of 9 years age at sexual maturity).</p>iii<p>The length of time that a female was released from contraception to ensure conception, with the parameters of 1 year, 2 years (baseline) and 3 years.</p>iv<p>Parameters for the contraception induced calving intervals were 6 years, 8 years (baseline) and 10 years.</p>v<p>The growth rate was calculated for the 20-year time span (2006–2026) from the slope of regression on the natural log of population size against year.</p>vi<p>The time it takes for the population to double the starting numbers.</p>vii<p>The Munyawana elephant population total at the beginning of 2006, was calculated as if no females were on contraception for the past 3 years and would have conceived, accordingly a calving interval of 3 years was maintained from the age of the youngest calf.</p><p>The parameters for the eight individual modelled scenarios and the current implemented immunocontraception plans within the Munyawana population are presented within the table above.</p

    The projected Phinda elephant population divided into age classes represented as absolute numbers under different immunocontraception scenarios.

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    <p>The age classes are classified as 0–2 years: infant, 2–4 years: juvenile, 5–8 years: intermediate, 9–12 years: sub-adults, older than 13 years are classified as an adult. Adult bulls are presented by white bars (with only two age classes), while all the individuals in the breeding herds are represented by the black bars which include males <13 years. (a). The Phinda elephant population in 2006 before any effects of immunocontraception had taken affect. The projected Phinda elephant population in 2026, (b). without any application of immunocontraception. (c). with a 100% application of immunocontraception. (d). with a rotational application of immunocontraception, as the current Phinda implemented immunocontraception plan.</p

    Map of Pilanesberg National Park incorporating 20 m contours, tourist roads, management tracks, the site where elephants were injured in a fire on 21 September 2005 and the approximate extent of the fire.

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    <p>Map of Pilanesberg National Park incorporating 20 m contours, tourist roads, management tracks, the site where elephants were injured in a fire on 21 September 2005 and the approximate extent of the fire.</p

    Behavioural response to fire giving mean daily displacement (±95% CL) of each collared cow over: (A) 4 days, (B) 10 days and (C) 3 months, before and after the fire.

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    <p>Coefficients of variation (CV (%)) of daily displacement before or after the fire are given above or below the upper or lower limit of CL bars. Pre-fire CV's are located above if the value of pre-fire mean±95% CL is located above (i.e. is greater than) post-fire mean±95% CL. Where mean±95% CL pre- and post-fire are equal, pre-fire CV's are located below CL bar.</p