8,877 research outputs found

    Night-time accidents: a scoping study. Executive summary

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    Night-time accidents: a scoping study. Report to The AA Motoring Trust and Rees Jeffreys Road Fund

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    Context: Only a quarter of all travel by car drivers is undertaken between the hours of 19.00 and 08.00, but it is in this period that 40 percent of fatal and serious injuries are sustained by drivers. This indicates that car travel at night carries a greater risk of being killed or seriously injured than does travel during the day. The literature indicates that disproportionate numbers of young drivers, especially young men, are injured at night. But to be able to introduce measures targeted at this group more needs to be known about the purpose of their journeys, the types of roads they travel on, and how far they drive and at what times in the evening and at night. Older drivers tend to have fewer accidents at night, but little is currently known about how much can be accounted for by exposure related to their driving patterns. People over the age of 60 years form about 20 percent of the population, yet they make up over a quarter of traffic fatalities. These two groups of young and older drivers have been selected for study with the following aims: (a) to assess what information exists which relates to night-time exposure by activity and by group (young and older); (b) to assess what is known about exposure and risk to young and older drivers at night, in conjunction with an analysis of relevant accident data to provide a picture of the size of the potential problem areas, and gaps in current knowledge; (c) to identify people’s concerns, attitudes and beliefs with regard to the problems of night-time driving; and (d) to provide the basis for decision on what measures might be brought to bear on the problem, and what further research would be needed in order to point to focused action. This scoping study is in two parts and provides an assessment of the information available and hence the gaps in our knowledge on the nature and extent of night-time driving, and the risks involved at these times. The first part assesses the available data, and the second uses focus groups to gather the views of drivers themselves, together with their concerns, attitudes and beliefs with regard to the problems of night-time driving. The measurement of exposure, or amount of travel by car, of drivers of different age and gender is central to the assessment of the risk of being killed or injured in a road traffic accident. In this study, the measure of exposure used is distance travelled per person per year. This has been combined with casualty data to make preliminary assessments of risk to people of different ages and gender of driving at during the daytime and at night

    How to Reduce Market Penetration Cycle Times

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    Everyone is speeding products to market these days. But reducing product development time is only half of the equation; the other half is penetrating the market quickly. The author draws on published research and industry practice to develop five recommendations for reducing market penetration time. He also develops a tracking and diagnostic tool to help managers determine where their market penetration strategy is weak

    The Mean Ultraviolet Spectrum of a Representative Sample of Faint z~3 Lyman Alpha Emitters

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    We discuss the rest-frame ultraviolet emission line spectra of a large (~100) sample of low luminosity redshift z~3.1 Lyman alpha emitters (LAEs) drawn from a Subaru imaging survey in the SSA22 survey field. Our earlier work based on smaller samples indicated that such sources have high [OIII]/[OII] line ratios possibly arising from a hard ionising spectrum that may be typical of similar sources in the reionisation era. With optical spectra secured from VLT/VIMOS, we re-examine the nature of the ionising radiation in a larger sample using the strength of the high ionisation diagnostic emission lines of CIII]1909, CIV1549, HeII1640, and OIII]1661,1666 in various stacked subsets. Our analysis confirms earlier suggestions of a correlation between the strength of Ly-alpha and CIII] emission and we find similar trends with broad band UV luminosity and rest-frame UV colour. Using various diagnostic line ratios and our stellar photoionisation models, we determine both the gas phase metallicity and hardness of the ionisation spectrum characterised by xi_ion - the number of Lyman continuum photons per UV luminosity. We confirm our earlier suggestion that xi_ion is significantly larger for LAEs than for continuum-selected Lyman break galaxies, particularly for those LAEs with the faintest UV luminosities. We briefly discuss the implications for cosmic reionisation if the metal-poor intensely star-forming systems studied here are representative examples of those at much higher redshift.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Respon Tanaman Kacang-Kacangan yang Bersifat Determinate dan Indeterminate pada Berbagai Kondisi Ketersediaan Air

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    Growth and yield of soybean and blackgram, having determinate and indeterminate in flowering respectively, were compared under three water regimes. Under well-watered conditions, blackgram continuously produces flowers where under rainfed + irrigation and rainfed condition, two periods of flowering can be distinguished. While only one period of flowering was observed in soybean. The second flush of flowering of blackgram in rainfed and rainfed + irrigation areas occurred during high rain fall. Partial irrigation as much as 80 mm toward the end of pod filling in soybean did not give benefit to soybean, but irrigation stimulate flowering in blackgram and increase yield up to 25%. Thus indeterminate behavior might give higher yield under rainfed condition due to its flexibility of flowering

    Entry Strategy for Radical Product Innovations: A Conceptual Model and Propositional Inventory

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    “Takeoff” is a prerequisite for new product success. The central concern of this paper is how firms can reduce “takeoff time” for radical innovations. We propose a set of entry strategies and examine their effectiveness in stimulating initial demand and accelerating time-to-takeoff by considering the moderating impact of technological, competitive and firm-specific factors. The intended contributions are: (1) to enrich the literature on entry strategy by developing a propositional framework from a strategy perspective; (2) to provide managerial guidelines for achieving more rapid takeoff; and (3) to suggest an agenda for research on takeoff strategies

    Incumbent Defense Strategies Against New Product Entry

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    The objective of this study is to estimate the effectiveness of different defense strategies when faced with a new product introduction by a competitor. Using a sample of in cumbentsacross a wide range of industries, we find that faster reactions to the new entrant have a positive impact on the perceived success of the defense strategy. However, the greater the breadth of reaction (number of marketing mix instruments used), the less successful is the defense. The ability of an incumbent to maintain its market position is also significantly affected by industry characteristics and the degree of competitive threat posed by the new product entry

    The Lyman Continuum Escape Survey: Ionizing Radiation from [O III]-Strong Sources at a Redshift of 3.1

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    We present results from the LymAn Continuum Escape Survey (LACES), a Hubble Space Telescope (HST) program designed to characterize the ionizing radiation emerging from a sample of Lyman alpha emitting galaxies at redshift z3.1z\simeq 3.1. As many show intense [O III] emission characteristic of z>6.5z>6.5 star-forming galaxies, they may represent valuable low redshift analogs of galaxies in the reionization era. Using HST Wide Field Camera 3 / UVIS F336WF336W to image Lyman continuum emission, we investigate the escape fraction of ionizing photons in this sample. For 61 sources, of which 77% are spectroscopically confirmed and 53 have measures of [O III] emission, we detect Lyman continuum leakage in 20%, a rate significantly higher than is seen in individual continuum-selected Lyman break galaxies. We estimate there is a 98% probability that 2\leq 2 of our detections could be affected by foreground contamination. Fitting multi-band spectral energy distributions (SEDs) to take account of the varying stellar populations, dust extinctions and metallicities, we derive individual Lyman continuum escape fractions corrected for foreground intergalactic absorption. We find escape fractions of 15 to 60% for individual objects, and infer an average 20% escape fraction by fitting composite SEDs for our detected samples. Surprisingly however, even a deep stack of those sources with no individual F336WF336W detections provides a stringent upper limit on the average escape fraction of less than 0.5%. We examine various correlations with source properties and discuss the implications in the context of the popular picture that cosmic reionization is driven by such compact, low metallicity star-forming galaxies.Comment: 26 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in Ap