1,179 research outputs found
Littoral sea clutter returns at 94GHz
This paper reports and discusses measurements made of the returns from sea clutter in the littoral at 94GHz using the SAFIRE demonstration radar. These measurements add significantly to the limited data which is available on sea clutter at 94GHz as well as showing how a radar developed to assist the public understanding of technology can also be used for research purposes. Littoral clutter measurements are proportionately more important at 94GHz than at lower frequencies because the short range of radars at these frequencies means that they are much more likely to be operating in this environment than in the open sea. The measurements show peak backscatter levels of about -22dB (sea state 3, 2° grazing angle), but this is concentrated around the breaking wave crests, and the mean value is close to the -30dB reported by other workers. At the high range resolutions used, the resultant distributions appear very longtailed. The data also shows a useful insight into the behaviour of sea clutter when viewed with circular polarisation, for which the peak values are similar to those observed with linear polarisations, but the mean values are much lower.Postprin
The Mandelstam-Leibbrandt Prescription in Light-Cone Quantized Gauge Theories
Quantization of gauge theories on characteristic surfaces and in the
light-cone gauge is discussed. Implementation of the Mandelstam-Leibbrandt
prescription for the spurious singularity is shown to require two distinct null
planes, with independent degrees of freedom initialized on each. The relation
of this theory to the usual light-cone formulation of gauge field theory, using
a single null plane, is described. A connection is established between this
formalism and a recently given operator solution to the Schwinger model in the
light-cone gauge.Comment: Revtex, 14 pages. One postscript figure (requires psfig). A brief
discussion of necessary restrictions on the light-cone current operators has
been added, and two references. Final version to appear in Z. Phys.
Typhoid and Paratyphoid Fever in Children
Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/67979/2/10.1177_000992286900800412.pd
Line-distortion, Bandwidth and Path-length of a graph
We investigate the minimum line-distortion and the minimum bandwidth problems
on unweighted graphs and their relations with the minimum length of a
Robertson-Seymour's path-decomposition. The length of a path-decomposition of a
graph is the largest diameter of a bag in the decomposition. The path-length of
a graph is the minimum length over all its path-decompositions. In particular,
we show:
- if a graph can be embedded into the line with distortion , then
admits a Robertson-Seymour's path-decomposition with bags of diameter at most
in ;
- for every class of graphs with path-length bounded by a constant, there
exist an efficient constant-factor approximation algorithm for the minimum
line-distortion problem and an efficient constant-factor approximation
algorithm for the minimum bandwidth problem;
- there is an efficient 2-approximation algorithm for computing the
path-length of an arbitrary graph;
- AT-free graphs and some intersection families of graphs have path-length at
most 2;
- for AT-free graphs, there exist a linear time 8-approximation algorithm for
the minimum line-distortion problem and a linear time 4-approximation algorithm
for the minimum bandwidth problem
Parity Invariance and Effective Light-Front Hamiltonians
In the light-front form of field theory, boost invariance is a manifest
symmetry. On the downside, parity and rotational invariance are not manifest,
leaving the possibility that approximations or incorrect renormalization might
lead to violations of these symmetries for physical observables. In this paper,
it is discussed how one can turn this deficiency into an advantage and utilize
parity violations (or the absence thereof) in practice for constraining
effective light-front Hamiltonians. More precisely, we will identify
observables that are both sensitive to parity violations and easily calculable
numerically in a non-perturbative framework and we will use these observables
to constrain the finite part of non-covariant counter-terms in effective
light-front Hamiltonians.Comment: REVTEX, 9 page
Wavelets and graph -algebras
Here we give an overview on the connection between wavelet theory and
representation theory for graph -algebras, including the higher-rank
graph -algebras of A. Kumjian and D. Pask. Many authors have studied
different aspects of this connection over the last 20 years, and we begin this
paper with a survey of the known results. We then discuss several new ways to
generalize these results and obtain wavelets associated to representations of
higher-rank graphs. In \cite{FGKP}, we introduced the "cubical wavelets"
associated to a higher-rank graph. Here, we generalize this construction to
build wavelets of arbitrary shapes. We also present a different but related
construction of wavelets associated to a higher-rank graph, which we anticipate
will have applications to traffic analysis on networks. Finally, we generalize
the spectral graph wavelets of \cite{hammond} to higher-rank graphs, giving a
third family of wavelets associated to higher-rank graphs
(Total) Vector Domination for Graphs with Bounded Branchwidth
Given a graph of order and an -dimensional non-negative
vector , called demand vector, the vector domination
(resp., total vector domination) is the problem of finding a minimum
such that every vertex in (resp., in ) has
at least neighbors in . The (total) vector domination is a
generalization of many dominating set type problems, e.g., the dominating set
problem, the -tuple dominating set problem (this is different from the
solution size), and so on, and its approximability and inapproximability have
been studied under this general framework. In this paper, we show that a
(total) vector domination of graphs with bounded branchwidth can be solved in
polynomial time. This implies that the problem is polynomially solvable also
for graphs with bounded treewidth. Consequently, the (total) vector domination
problem for a planar graph is subexponential fixed-parameter tractable with
respectto , where is the size of solution.Comment: 16 page
A Natural Generalization of Bounded Tree-Width and Bounded Clique-Width
We investigate a new width parameter, the fusion-width of a graph. It is a
natural generalization of the tree-width, yet strong enough that not only
graphs of bounded tree-width, but also graphs of bounded clique-width,
trivially have bounded fusion-width. In particular, there is no exponential
growth between tree-width and fusion-width, as is the case between tree-width
and clique-width. The new parameter gives a good intuition about the
relationship between tree-width and clique-width.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of Latin 2014. Springer LNCS 839
Numerical Study of Gluon Propagator and Confinement Scenario in Minimal Coulomb Gauge
We present numerical results in SU(2) lattice gauge theory for the
space-space and time-time components of the gluon propagator at equal time in
the minimal Coulomb gauge. It is found that the equal-time would-be physical
3-dimensionally transverse gluon propagator vanishes at
when extrapolated to infinite lattice volume, whereas the
instantaneous color-Coulomb potential is strongly enhanced at
. This has a natural interpretation in a confinement scenario in
which the would-be physical gluons leave the physical spectrum while the
long-range Coulomb force confines color. Gribov's formula provides an excellent fit to our data
for the 3-dimensionally transverse equal-time gluon propagator
for relevant values of .Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures, TeX file. Minor modifications, incorporating
referee's suggestion
Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking on the Light Front.II. The Nambu--Jona-Lasinio Model
An investigation of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking on the light front is
made in the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model with one flavor and N colors. Analysis of
the model suffers from extraordinary complexity due to the existence of a
"fermionic constraint," i.e., a constraint equation for the bad spinor
component. However, to solve this constraint is of special importance. In
classical theory, we can exactly solve it and then explicitly check the
property of ``light-front chiral transformation.'' In quantum theory, we
introduce a bilocal formulation to solve the fermionic constraint by the 1/N
expansion. Systematic 1/N expansion of the fermion bilocal operator is realized
by the boson expansion method. The leading (bilocal) fermionic constraint
becomes a gap equation for a chiral condensate and thus if we choose a
nontrivial solution of the gap equation, we are in the broken phase. As a
result of the nonzero chiral condensate, we find unusual chiral transformation
of fields and nonvanishing of the light-front chiral charge. A leading order
eigenvalue equation for a single bosonic state is equivalent to a leading order
fermion-antifermion bound-state equation. We analytically solve it for scalar
and pseudoscalar mesons and obtain their light-cone wavefunctions and masses.
All of the results are entirely consistent with those of our previous analysis
on the chiral Yukawa model.Comment: 23 pages, REVTEX, the version to be published in Phys.Rev.D; Some
clarifications in discussion of the LC wavefunctions adde
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