254 research outputs found

    Realities, Challenges, Visions? Towards a New Foreign Cultural and Educational Policy (WIKA-Report ; 4)

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    Changing realities, global power shifts, and societal upheavals are resulting in new tasks and challenges for Foreign Cultural and Educational Policy. In an age of globalisation, digitisation, and growing nationalism, there is a particular need to inquire into the notion of responsibility and available spaces of action: How can strategies and networks for successful international and intercultural cooperation be drawn up, and what role do civil society actors play

    Introduction: Towards a New Foreign Cultural and Educational Policy

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    (Ohn)Macht der Politik. Karlsruher Gespräche 1998

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    Frauenrechte sind Menschenrechte! China und die 4. Weltfrauenkonferenz

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    Germany: Evolving Forms of Citizen Activism

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    Die Internationalisierungsdebatte. Ăśberlegungen zum aktuellen hochschulpolitischen Diskurs

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