46 research outputs found

    More than a scientific journal for cardiac rehabilitation and prevention

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    In early 2002, a brave and far-sighted decision of the Executive Board of the Italian Working Group of Cardiac Rehabilitation and Prevention (GICR) gave birth to this journal which, with the new Cardiac Section of Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease, has become the official organ of the Group. We feel honoured by the recent decision of the current GICR Executive Board to entrust us with the Editorship of the Cardiac Series of the journal for the next three years. The excellent work done and important results achieved by Raffaele Griffo and the Editorial Board that collaborated with him in the first two years of the journal’s life, constitute a heritage that we will find difficult to match. At the same time we trust that our personal commitment and enthusiastic determination that we have shown from the outset, since 2001, as promoter of “Archives operation”, will enable us, together with the support of the Executive, of the new Editorial Board and of all those who give us the privilege of their active collaboration, to preserve and consolidate the legacy that we have inherited. The role of cardiac rehabilitation within the medical panorama is now recognised for its consistency in terms of facilities, hospital beds, specialized personnel, patients, clients, workflow. But over and above these figures, its importance also in terms of scientific production cannot be denied, as well as its vitality and integration, in concrete, organizational terms, within the cardiology network. At the same time the dynamics of complex systems – of which the health systems of developed countries constitute a typical example – inevitably pose for health professionals and the various players concerned a series of problems and issues specific to cardiac rehabilitation that need to be evaluated, debated, and subject to experimentation and innovation. It is our task to orient the editorial policy of the journal to take up these challenges facing cardiac rehabilitation today, e.g. the relationship with other domains of rehabilitation, with the field of cardiovascular prevention, the pressure to de-hospitalization and the need to develop and evaluate new effective and sustainable processes of care. In forming the new Editorial Board of the Cardiac Series of Monaldi Archives we have taken the above aspects into account. We hope they will serve as the basis for an organic development of the journal’s editorial policy

    Clinical Characteristics and Course of Patients Entering Cardiac Rehabilitation with Chronic Kidney Disease: Data from the Italian Survey on Cardiac Rehabilitation

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    This survey shows the clinical risk profile, resource utilization, pharmacologic treatment, and course of cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programs in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Data from 165 CR units in Italy were collected online from January 28 to February 10, 2008. The study cohort consisted of 2281 patients: 200 CKD patients and 2081 non-CKD patients. CKD patients were older and showed more comorbidity and complications during CR, a more complex clinical course and interventions with less functional evaluation, and a different pattern of drug therapy at hospital discharge. CKD patients had higher mortality during CR programs due to heart failure, respiratory insufficiency, and cognitive impairment. These findings suggest that patients with CKD should not be denied access to CR, provided careful attention to clinical status, possible complications, optimization of drug therapy, and close followup

    Clinical Characteristics and Course of Patients Entering Cardiac Rehabilitation with Chronic Kidney Disease: Data from the Italian Survey on Cardiac Rehabilitation

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    This survey shows the clinical risk profile, resource utilization, pharmacologic treatment, and course of cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programs in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Data from 165 CR units in Italy were collected online from January 28 to February 10, 2008. The study cohort consisted of 2281 patients: 200 CKD patients and 2081 non-CKD patients. CKD patients were older and showed more comorbidity and complications during CR, a more complex clinical course and interventions with less functional evaluation, and a different pattern of drug therapy at hospital discharge. CKD patients had higher mortality during CR programs due to heart failure, respiratory insufficiency, and cognitive impairment. These findings suggest that patients with CKD should not be denied access to CR, provided careful attention to clinical status, possible complications, optimization of drug therapy, and close followup

    Italian survey on CArdiac RehabilitatiOn and Secondary prevention after cardiac revascularization: ICAROS study. A survey from the italian cardiac rehabilitation network: rationale and design

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    In this paper, the Italian Association for Cardiac Prevention and Rehabilitation (GICR) presents the rationale and design of the "Italian survey on CArdiac RehabilitatiOn and Secondary prevention after cardiac revascularization (ICAROS)". The survey is a prospective, longitudinal, multicentric survey, with a on-line web-based data collection. Its design corresponds to the survey's goal, i.e. to describe accurately in the Italian cardiological setting, through a representative number of cardiac rehabilitation centers belonging to the GICR national network, the characteristics, content and effects in the medium term of cardiac rehabilitation (CRP) inpatient or outpatient programs offered to patients after coronary artery bypass (CABG) or percutaneous revascularization (PTCA). The primary aims of the study are: a) to define the principal clinical characteristics of patients who have undergone PTCA or CABG and have been admitted to a CRP program; b) to identify the components of the CRP programs in terms of diagnostic procedures and assessment tests performed, treatments administered, educational programs and physical exercise interventions employed; c) to identify and analyze drug treatments prescribed at discharge from the acute facility and those prescribed at the end of the CRP program; d) to verify the clinical outcome during the course of the CRP program and at 6 months and 1 year after the end of the post-acute CRP program, as well as patients' adherence to the prescribed pharmacological therapy and to the recommended life styles, and the achievement and maintenance of the targets in relation to the modifiable risk factors; e) to define the consumption of major healthcare resources (major cardiac events, hospital re-admission, emergency care access, specialist visits) during the first year following a CRP program. The survey population will consist of all patients consecutively discharged in the period November 3 - 30, 2008 at the end of an inpatient, day-hospital or outpatient CRP programme after CABG (isolated or associated to valve or ascending aorta surgery) or PTCA (rescue, primary or elective). There are no age, sex or other patient selection criteria. Based on ISYDE 2008 data analysis, we plan to recruit approximately 1300-1400 patients, 75% of whom with post CABG diagnosis and 25% with post PTCA diagnosis. Preliminary results of the survey are expected in the late winter 2009

    ISYDE-2008 Study presentation The Italian Survey on cardiac rehabilitation: a snapshot of current cardiac rehabilitation programmes and provides in Italy

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    The Italian Society of Cardiac Rehabilitation and Prevention (GICR) has developed the ISYDE-2008 survey with the purpose to take a detailed snapshot in terms of number, distribution, facilities, staffing levels, organization, and programme details of CR units in Italy and to compare actual provision with the recommendation of National GL for CR and secondary prevention.The study will be carried out with a web-based questionnaire running on the GICR website in 2 weeks from Jan. 28 to Feb. 10, 2008. The first part of the questionnaire is designed to collect information on the institutional organization of the CR unit, on its location and functional relationships within the hospital, on the number of beds for inpatient CR units and hours of activity for outpatient and home–based services, on the composition of the core and multidisciplinary teams, and finally on the components of CR programmes.In the second part of the survey, CR directors will be requested to report for each patient discharged during the 2 weeks of the study, indications for admission to CR, time of enrolment, comorbidity, complications, risk profile, diagnostic procedures, exercise and educational programme, discharge modalities, treatment at discharge and follow-up schedule.More than 2300 pts are expected to enter in the survey, whose results depicting the status of CR in Italy will be available within April 2008

    The Italian Survey on Cardiac Rehabilitation - 2008 (ISYDE-2008). Part 3. National availability and organization of cardiac rehabilitation facilities. Official report of the Italian Association for Cardiovascular Prevention, Rehabilitation and Epidemiolog

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    From January 28th to February 10th 2008, the Italian Association for Cardiovascular Prevention, Rehabilitation and Epidemiology (IACPR-GICR) conducted the ISYDE- 2008 study, the primary aim of which was to take a detailed snapshot of cardiac rehabilitation (CR) provision in Italy – in terms of number and distribution of facilities, staffing levels, organization and setting – and compare the actual CR provision with the recommendations of national guidelines for CR and secondary prevention. The secondary aim was to describe the patient population currently being referred to CR and the components of the programs offered. Out of 190 cardiac rehabilitation centers existing in Italy in 2008, 165 (87%) took part in the study. On a national basis, there is one CR unit every 299,977 inhabitants: in northern Italy there is one CR unit every 263,578 inhabitants, while in central and southern Italy there is one every 384,034 and 434,170 inhabitants, respectively. The majority of CR units are located in public hospitals (59%), the remainder in privately owned health care organizations (41%). Fifty-nine percent are located in hospitals providing both acute and rehabilitation care, 32% are in specifically dedicated rehabilitation structures, while 8% operate in the context of residential long term care for chronic conditions. Almost three-quarters of CR units currently operating are linked to dedicated cardiology divisions (74%), 5% are linked to physical medicine and rehabilitation divisions, 2% to internal medicine, and 19% to cardiac surgery and other divisions. Inhospital care is provided by 62.4% of the centers; outpatient care is provided on a day-hospital basis by 10.9% of facilities and on an ambulatory basis by 20%. The CR units are led in 86% of cases by a cardiologist and in only 14% of cases by specialists in internal medicine, geriatrics, physical medicine and rehabilitation, pneumology or other disciplines. In terms of staffing, each cardiac rehabilitation unit has 4.0±2.7 dedicated physicians (range 1-16, mode 2), 10.1±8.0 nurses, 3.3±2.5 physiotherapists (range 0 – 20; 16% of services have no physiotherapist in the rehabilitation team), 1.5±0.8 psychologists, and a dietitian (present in 62% of CR units). Phase II CR programs are available in 67.9% of cases in residential (inpatient) and in 30.9% of cases in outpatient (day-hospital and ambulatory) settings. Phase III programs are offered by 56.4% of the centers in ambulatory outpatient regime, and on an at home basis by 4.8% with telecare supervision, 7.3% without. Long term secondary prevention follow up programs are provided by 42.4% of CR services

    A new test (VITTORIO Test) for functional fitness assessment in rehabilitation after cardiac surgery

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    Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) plays a central role in early detection of physical limitations. Traditionally exercise tolerance has been used as an indicator of overall PF. However exercise tolerance has been shown to poorly predict patients' ability to perform daily-life activities. The goal of the present study is to evaluate a new test, named VITTORIO TEST, for assessing various component of daily activities among patients in CR after cardiac surgery. VITTORIO test consists in 8 items that assess lower and upper extremity strength and flexibility, agility, dynamic balance, aerobic capacity. 500 patients (359 males; 141 females) admitted to CR programs following cardiac surgery (349 coronary artery bypass surgery; 151 valvular surgery) were enrolled in the study. They were evaluated with an initial test (T1) (10.7±6.3 days after cardiac surgery) and a final test (T2) after a inhospital intensive training program (mean length 16.8 ± 6.6 days) consisting in stretching, large muscle group and aerobic activity, resistance exercises. Statistical analysis showed a significant improvement of all items at the end of the rehabilitation program. Old patients (>70 years) and particularly females demonstrate exercise improvement comparable to that of younger subjects especially regards lower extremity strength and aerobic capacity. VITTORIO test is inexpensive, simple and easy to perform by the patient. Through the identification and the measurement of different aspects of physical disability, it allows a personalized rehabilitation exercise program. It could be used as an outcome measure of CR programs

    [Standards and outcome measures in cardiovascular rehabilitation. Position paper GICR/IACPR].

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    Despite major improvements in diagnostics and interventional therapies, cardiovascular diseases remain a major health care and socio-economic problem in Italy. Costs and resources required are increasing in close correlation to both the improved quality of care and to the population ageing. There is an overwhelming evidence of the efficacy of cardiac rehabilitation (CR) in terms of reduction in morbidity and mortality after acute cardiac events. CR services are by definition multi-factorial and comprehensive. Furthermore, systematic analysis and monitoring of the process of delivery and outcomes is of paramount importance. The aim of this position paper promoted by the Italian Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (GICR-IACPR) is to provide specific recommendations to assist CR staff in the design, evaluation and development of their care delivery organization. The position paper should also assist health care providers, insurers, policy makers and consumers in the recognition of the quality of care requirements, standards and outcome measure, quality and performance indicators, and professional competence involved in such organization and programs. The position paper i) include comprehensive CR definition and indications, ii) describes priority criteria based on the clinical risk for admission to both inpatient or outpatient CR, and iii) defines components and technological, structural and organizing requirements for inpatient or outpatient CR services, with specific indicators and standards, performance measures and required professional skills. A specific chapter is dedicated to the requirements for highly specialized CR services for patients with more advanced cardiovascular diseases

    organization of psychological activities in italian cardiac rehabilitation and prevention survey on the implementation of guidelines for psychological activities in cardiac rehabilitation and prevention

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    The present study was developed as part of a comprehensive evaluation of the state of the art of knowledge and implementation of the Italian Guidelines for psychological activities in Cardiac Rehabilitation, published in 2003 by the Working Group of Psychology of the Italian Society of Cardiac Rehabilitation (GICR). Methods. A questionnaire was designed to collect detailed information on facilities, organization, staffing level, professional background and activities carried out by psychologists working in Italian Cardiac Rehabilitation Units (CRU). Out of 144 Italian CRU (inventory 2004), 107 reported structured psychological programmes. The questionnaires were sent by conventional mail to the referring psychologist of these 107 CRU; they were invited to participate in the survey on a purely voluntary basis. Results. Responses were received from 70 (65.4%) of 107 CRU. 55 CRU (79.8%) report a good knowledge of the published GL; 10.1% declare that the psychologists did not know the current GL. 84.5% consider the GL to be fully applicable, while 15.5% believe that they are only partly applicable. Psychological assessment is performed through clinical interview (94.3%) and psychometric tests (81.4%). 92.8% of the CRU use screening instruments in order to evaluate psychosocial risk factors, in particular anxiety and depression (64.3%). Quality of life (22.8%) and cognitive impairment (17.1%) are not routinely assessed. Educational interventions are planned in 87.1% of the CR programme and are extended to the family members (51%) as well as counselling (57%). Psychological programme includes smoking (56%) and eating behaviour (55%) group interventions. Stress management is routinely planned in 69% of the CRU. Psychological intervention tailored to individual needs of the patients is performed in 62.9% CRU. Written final reports are available in 88.6% cases. The follow-up is carried out by 48.6% of the CRU, 15.7% in a structured way. Conclusions. The survey shows wide discrepancies in the provision of psychological activities in Italian CRU. Nevertheless psychological assessment and interventions seem acceptably coherent with current national GL on CR