7,589 research outputs found
One-loop quantization of rigid spinning strings in with mixed flux
We compute the one-loop correction to the classical dispersion relation of
rigid closed spinning strings with two equal angular momenta in the background supported with a mixture of R-R and NS-NS
three-form fluxes. This analysis is extended to the case of two arbitrary
angular momenta in the pure NS-NS limit. We perform this computation by means
of two different methods. The first method relies on the Euler-Lagrange
equations for the quadratic fluctuations around the classical solution, while
the second one exploits the underlying integrability of the problem through the
finite-gap equations. We find that the one-loop correction vanishes in the pure
NS-NS limit.Comment: 35 pages. v2: Minor changes and references updated. v3: Published
Minimal surfaces with mixed three-form flux
We study minimal area world sheets ending on two concentric circumferences on
the boundary of Euclidean with mixed R-R and NS-NS three-form fluxes.
We solve the problem by reducing the system to a one-dimensional integrable
model. We find that the NS-NS flux term either brings the surface near to the
boundary or separates the circumferences. In the limit of pure NS-NS flux the
solution adheres to the boundary in the former case and the outer radius
diverges in the latter. We further construct the underlying elliptic spectral
curve, which allows us to analyze the deformation of other related minimal
surfaces. We show that in the regime of pure NS-NS flux the elliptic curve
degenerates.Comment: 15 pages. Latex. v2: Title changed together with minor updates to
emphasize that minimal area surfaces in the presence of mixed fluxes are
found. v3: Published versio
Pulsating strings with mixed three-form flux
Circular strings pulsating in with mixed R-R
and NS-NS three-form fluxes can be described by an integrable deformation of
the one-dimensional Neumann-Rosochatius mechanical model. In this article we
find a general class of pulsating solutions to this integrable system that can
be expressed in terms of elliptic functions. In the limit of strings moving in
with pure NS-NS three-form flux, where the action reduces to the
WZW model, we find agreement with the analysis of the
classical solutions of the system performed using spectral flow by Maldacena
and Ooguri. We use our elliptic solutions in to extend the dispersion
relation beyond the limit of pure NS-NS flux.Comment: 10 pages. Late
The Wess-Zumino-Witten spin chain sigma model
Classical strings propagating in supported
with Neveu-Schwarz-Neveu-Schwarz flux are described by a Wess-Zumino-Witten
model. In this note, we study the emergence of their semiclassical
spectrally flowed sectors as the Landau-Lifshitz limit of the underlying
quantum spin chain. We consider the propagator in the coherent state picture,
and find that the time interval is discretized proportionally to the lattice
spacing. In the Landau-Lifshitz limit, where both time and space become
continuous, we derive a path integral representation of the propagator for each
spectrally flowed sector. We prove that the arbitrariness of the global phase
of coherent states is mapped to the gauge freedom of the -field in the
classical action. We show that higher order corrections in the Landau-Lifshitz
limit are suppressed by inverse powers of the 't Hooft coupling.Comment: 10 pages, Latex. v2: Published version. v3: Acknowledgement adde
Towards An Accurate Calculation of the Neutralino Relic Density
We compute the neutralino relic density in the minimal supersymmetric
standard model by using exact expressions for the neutralino annihilation cross
section into all tree-level final states, including all contributions and
interference terms. We find that several final states may give comparable
contributions to the relic density, which illustrates the importance of
performing a complete calculation. We compare the exact results with those of
the usual expansion method and demonstrate a sizeable discrepancy (of more than
10%) over a significant range of the neutralino mass of up to several tens of
GeV which is caused by the presence of resonances and new final-state
thresholds. We perform several related checks and comparisons. In particular,
we find that the often employed approximate iterative procedure of computing
the neutralino freeze-out temperature gives generally very accurate results,
except when the expansion method is used near resonances and thresholds.Comment: 23 pages, 4 eps figure
New Cosmological and Experimental Constraints on the CMSSM
We analyze the implications of several recent cosmological and experimental
measurements for the mass spectra of the Constrained MSSM (CMSSM). We compute
the relic abundance of the neutralino and compare the new cosmologically
expected and excluded mass ranges with those ruled out by the final LEP bounds
on the lightest chargino and Higgs masses, with those excluded by current
experimental values of \br(B\to X_s \gamma), and with those favored by the
recent measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. We find that
for tan\beta\lsim 45 there remains relatively little room for the mass
spectra to be consistent with the interplay of the several constraints. On the
other hand, at larger values of \tev$ range.Comment: LaTex, 21 pages, 4 PS figures. Version published in JHEP, for updates
see hep-ph/020617
Quantifying the tension between the Higgs mass and (g-2)_mu in the CMSSM
Supersymmetry has been often invoqued as the new physics that might reconcile
the experimental muon magnetic anomaly, a_mu, with the theoretical prediction
(basing the computation of the hadronic contribution on e^+ e^- data). However,
in the context of the CMSSM, the required supersymmetric contributions (which
grow with decreasing supersymmetric masses) are in potential tension with a
possibly large Higgs mass (which requires large stop masses). In the limit of
very large m_h supersymmetry gets decoupled, and the CMSSM must show the same
discrepancy as the SM with a_mu . But it is much less clear for which size of
m_h does the tension start to be unbearable. In this paper, we quantify this
tension with the help of Bayesian techniques. We find that for m_h > 125 GeV
the maximum level of discrepancy given current data (~ 3.3 sigma) is already
achieved. Requiring less than 3 sigma discrepancy, implies m_h < 120 GeV. For a
larger Higgs mass we should give up either the CMSSM model or the computation
of a_mu based on e^+ e^-; or accept living with such inconsistency
MSSM Forecast for the LHC
We perform a forecast of the MSSM with universal soft terms (CMSSM) for the
LHC, based on an improved Bayesian analysis. We do not incorporate ad hoc
measures of the fine-tuning to penalize unnatural possibilities: such
penalization arises from the Bayesian analysis itself when the experimental
value of is considered. This allows to scan the whole parameter space,
allowing arbitrarily large soft terms. Still the low-energy region is
statistically favoured (even before including dark matter or g-2 constraints).
Contrary to other studies, the results are almost unaffected by changing the
upper limits taken for the soft terms. The results are also remarkable stable
when using flat or logarithmic priors, a fact that arises from the larger
statistical weight of the low-energy region in both cases. Then we incorporate
all the important experimental constrains to the analysis, obtaining a map of
the probability density of the MSSM parameter space, i.e. the forecast of the
MSSM. Since not all the experimental information is equally robust, we perform
separate analyses depending on the group of observables used. When only the
most robust ones are used, the favoured region of the parameter space contains
a significant portion outside the LHC reach. This effect gets reinforced if the
Higgs mass is not close to its present experimental limit and persits when dark
matter constraints are included. Only when the g-2 constraint (based on
data) is considered, the preferred region (for ) is well inside
the LHC scope. We also perform a Bayesian comparison of the positive- and
negative- possibilities.Comment: 42 pages: added figures and reference
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