3,191 research outputs found
Cross-Device Tracking: Matching Devices and Cookies
The number of computers, tablets and smartphones is increasing rapidly, which
entails the ownership and use of multiple devices to perform online tasks. As
people move across devices to complete these tasks, their identities becomes
fragmented. Understanding the usage and transition between those devices is
essential to develop efficient applications in a multi-device world. In this
paper we present a solution to deal with the cross-device identification of
users based on semi-supervised machine learning methods to identify which
cookies belong to an individual using a device. The method proposed in this
paper scored third in the ICDM 2015 Drawbridge Cross-Device Connections
challenge proving its good performance
Anatomy of Higgs decays into and within the EChL in the gauges
In this work we study the Higgs boson decays into two photons and into one
photon and one gauge boson within the context of the non-linear Effective
Field Theory called the Electroweak Chiral Lagrangian. We present a detailed
computation of the corresponding amplitudes to one-loop level in the covariant
gauges. We assume that the fermionic loop contributions are as in the
Standard Model and focus here just in the computation of the bosonic loop
contributions. Our renormalization program and the anatomy of the various
contributions participating in the gauges are fully explored. With this
present computation we demonstrate the gauge invariance of the EChL result, not
only for the case of on-shell Higgs boson, but also for the most general and
interesting case of off-shell Higgs boson. We finally analyse and conclude on
the special relevance of the Goldstone boson loops, in good agreement with the
expected chiral loops behaviour in Chiral Lagrangians. We perform a systematic
comparison with the corresponding computation of the Standard Model in the
gauges and with the previous EChL results in the unitary gauge. This
work represents the first computation within the EChL of these Higgs
observables to one-loop in the most general gauges and with a full
renormalization program description, not yet fully explored in the previous
literature and which is different to the most frequently used in the linear
Effective Field Theory (SMEFT).Comment: 44 pages, 10 figures. Minor corrections to typos detected and added
new references respect to the version
Exotic Higgs decays in the golden channel
The Higgs boson may have decay channels that are not predicted by the
Standard Model. We discuss the prospects of probing exotic Higgs decays at the
LHC using the 4-lepton final state. We study two specific scenarios, with new
particles appearing in the intermediate state of the 4-lepton Higgs decay. In
one, Higgs decays to a Z boson and a new massive gauge boson, the so-called
hidden photon. In the other, Higgs decays to an electron or a muon and a new
vector-like fermion. We argue that the upcoming LHC run will be able to explore
a new parameter space of these models that is allowed by current precision
constraints. Employing matrix element methods, we use the full information
contained in the differential distribution of the 4-lepton final state to
extract the signal of exotic decays. We find that, in some cases, the LHC can
be sensitive to new physics even when the correction to the total 4-lepton
Higgs rate is of the order of a percent. In particular, for the simplest
realization of the hidden photon with the mass between 15 and 65 GeV, new
parameter space can be explored in the LHC run-II.Comment: 16 pages; v2: minor corrections, references adde
Directly Measuring the Tensor Structure of the Scalar Coupling to Gauge Bosons
Kinematic distributions in the decays of the newly discovered resonance to
four leptons can provide a direct measurement of the tensor structure of the
particle's couplings to gauge bosons. Even if the particle is shown to be a
parity even scalar, measuring this tensor structure is a necessary step in
determining if this particle is responsible for giving mass to the Z. We
consider a Standard Model like coupling as well as coupling via a dimension
five operator to either ZZ or Z\gamma. We show that using full kinematic
information from each event allows discrimination between renormalizable and
higher dimensional coupling to ZZ at the 95% confidence level with O(50) signal
events, and coupling to Z\gamma can be distinguished with as few as 20 signal
events. This shows that these measurements can be useful even with this year's
LHC data.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures; typos corrected, references adde
The Virtual Diphoton Excess
Interpreting the excesses around 750 GeV in the diphoton spectra to be the
signal of a new heavy scalar decaying to photons, we point out the possibility
of looking for correlated signals with virtual photons. In particular, we
emphasize that the effective operator that generates the diphoton decay will
also generate decays to two leptons and a photon, as well as to four leptons,
independently of the new resonance couplings to and . Depending
on the relative sizes of these effective couplings, we show that the virtual
diphoton component can make up a sizable, and sometimes dominant, contribution
to the total and partial widths. We also discuss
modifications to current experimental cuts in order to maximize the sensitivity
to these virtual photon effects. Finally, we briefly comment on prospects for
channels involving other Standard Model fermions as well as more exotic decay
possibilities of the putative resonance.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures; v2 figure 2 and references adde
A hermeneutic-phenomenological investigation of psychotherapist disillusionment
The purpose of this study was to discover a thematic description of the experience of disillusionment among psychotherapists. A hermeneutic-phenomenological method was utilized to analyze the interview transcripts of eight participants. Analysis of the data produced a group of themes that composed the meaning-structure of the participants\u27 experience of disillusionment. Disillusionment was found to be the experience of discrepancy between one\u27s expectations or ideals, and the reality one encounters. Thisdiscrepancy was experienced in relation to: 1) one\u27s search for meaning in the profession of psychotherapy; 2) one\u27s identity as a psychotherapist; and 3) one\u27s relationships with others. These themes emerged out of the grounds of Self, Other, and Social World.Results were discussed in relation to existing literature concerning disillusionment.Suggestions for future research concerning disillusionment were considered. Implications for therapist training, and therapist empowerment were also discussed
Golden Probe of the Top Yukuwa
We perform a preliminary study of the ability of the Higgs decay to four
leptons to shed light on the top quark Yukawa couplings. In particular we
examine whether the `golden channel' is sensitive to the
properties of the top quark couplings to the Higgs boson. We show that
kinematic distributions are sensitive to interference of the next-to-leading
order electroweak corrections with the tree level contribution. This
translates into a sensitivity to the top quark Yukawa couplings such that
meaningful constraints on their properties can begin to be obtained once
fb of data has been collected at TeV, with
significant improvements at higher luminosity or with a higher energy hadron
collider. This makes the channel a useful probe of the top quark
Yukawa couplings that is qualitatively different from already established
searches in two body decays, , and . We also
briefly discuss other potential possibilities for probing the top Yukawa
properties in and .Comment: references and footnote adde
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