42 research outputs found

    The survival of large dimensional threshold contact processes

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    We study the threshold θ\theta contact process on Zd\mathbb{Z}^d with infection parameter λ\lambda. We show that the critical point λc\lambda_{\mathrm{c}}, defined as the threshold for survival starting from every site occupied, vanishes as d→∞d\to\infty. This implies that the threshold θ\theta voter model on Zd\mathbb{Z}^d has a nondegenerate extremal invariant measure, when dd is large.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/08-AOP440 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Dobrushin-Kotecký-Shlosman theorem up to the critical temperature

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    We develop a non-perturbative version of the Dobrushin-Koteck'y-Shlosman theory of phase separation in the canonical 2D Ising ensemble. The results are valid for all temperatures below critical

    Metastable behavior for bootstrap percolation on regular trees

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    We examine bootstrap percolation on a regular (b+1)-ary tree with initial law given by Bernoulli(p). The sites are updated according to the usual rule: a vacant site becomes occupied if it has at least theta occupied neighbors, occupied sites remain occupied forever. It is known that, when b>theta>1, the limiting density q=q(p) of occupied sites exhibits a jump at some p_t=p_t(b,theta) in (0,1) from q_t:=q(p_t)<1 to q(p)=1 when p>p_t. We investigate the metastable behavior associated with this transition. Explicitly, we pick p=p_t+h with h>0 and show that, as h decreases to 0, the system lingers around the "critical" state for time order h^{-1/2} and then passes to fully occupied state in time O(1). The law of the entire configuration observed when the occupation density is q in (q_t,1) converges, as h tends to 0, to a well-defined measure.Comment: 10 pages, version to appear in J. Statist. Phy

    Facilitated oriented spin models:some non equilibrium results

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    We analyze the relaxation to equilibrium for kinetically constrained spin models (KCSM) when the initial distribution ν\nu is different from the reversible one, μ\mu. This setting has been intensively studied in the physics literature to analyze the slow dynamics which follows a sudden quench from the liquid to the glass phase. We concentrate on two basic oriented KCSM: the East model on \bbZ, for which the constraint requires that the East neighbor of the to-be-update vertex is vacant and the model on the binary tree introduced in \cite{Aldous:2002p1074}, for which the constraint requires the two children to be vacant. While the former model is ergodic at any p≠1p\neq 1, the latter displays an ergodicity breaking transition at pc=1/2p_c=1/2. For the East we prove exponential convergence to equilibrium with rate depending on the spectral gap if ν\nu is concentrated on any configuration which does not contain a forever blocked site or if ν\nu is a Bernoulli(p′p') product measure for any p′≠1p'\neq 1. For the model on the binary tree we prove similar results in the regime p,p′<pcp,p'<p_c and under the (plausible) assumption that the spectral gap is positive for p<pcp<p_c. By constructing a proper test function we also prove that if p′>pcp'>p_c and p≤pcp\leq p_c convergence to equilibrium cannot occur for all local functions. Finally we present a very simple argument (different from the one in \cite{Aldous:2002p1074}) based on a combination of combinatorial results and ``energy barrier'' considerations, which yields the sharp upper bound for the spectral gap of East when p↑1p\uparrow 1.Comment: 16 page