296 research outputs found

    left internal mammary artery dissection during percutaneous coronary intervention in hypertensive patients

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    Left Internal Mammary Artery (LIMA) dissection is a potential catastrophic complication of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) rarely observed in hypertensive patients. There are very few reports but the paucity of data regarding the incidence capture the imagination more than other coronary dissections. Additionally, for the management of this iatrogenic complication there are no evidence-based guidelines to assist the operator. We present a case of two diagnostic catheter-induced dissections of LIMA successfully resolved with long multiple stenting, and review the existing literature. In our opinion, these case reports describe a very rare condition in hypertensive patients with some practical tips on how to avoid them, whereas there are very few published data. Moreover, we have shown that stenting has been used to solve a potentially deadly procedural complication, in a basal extremely serious clinical situation

    Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging Microstructural Abnormalities in Multiple System Atrophy: A Comprehensive Review

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    Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by autonomic failure, ataxia, and/or parkinsonism. Its prominent pathological alterations can be investigated using diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI), a technique that exploits the characteristics of water random motion inside brain tissue. The aim of this report was to review currently available literature on the application of dMRI in MSA and to describe microstructural abnormalities, diagnostic applications, and pathophysiological correlates. Sixty-four published studies involving microstructural investigation using dMRI in MSA were included. Widespread microstructural abnormalities of white matter were described, especially in the middle cerebellar peduncle, corticospinal tract, and hemispheric fibers. Gray matter degeneration was identified as well, with diffuse involvement of subcortical structures, especially in the putamina. Diagnostic applications of dMRI were mostly explored for the differential diagnosis between MSA parkinsonism and Parkinson's disease. Recently, machine learning algorithms for image processing and disease classification have demonstrated high diagnostic accuracy, showing potential for translation into clinical practice. To a lesser extent, clinical correlates of microstructural abnormalities have also been investigated, and abnormalities related to motor, ocular, and cognitive impairments were described. dMRI in MSA has contributed to in vivo identification of known pathological abnormalities. Translation into clinical practice of the latest advancements for the differential diagnosis between MSA and other forms of parkinsonism seems feasible. Current limitations involve the possibility of correctly diagnosing MSA in the very early stages, when the clinical diagnosis is most uncertain. Furthermore, pathophysiological correlates of microstructural abnormalities remain understudied. (c) 2022 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society

    Fluid Candidate Biomarkers for Alzheimer's Disease: A Precision Medicine Approach

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    A plethora of dynamic pathophysiological mechanisms underpins highly heterogeneous phenotypes in the field of dementia, particularly in Alzheimer's disease (AD). In such a faceted scenario, a biomarker-guided approach, through the implementation of specific fluid biomarkers individually reflecting distinct molecular pathways in the brain, may help establish a proper clinical diagnosis, even in its preclinical stages. Recently, ultrasensitive assays may detect different neurodegenerative mechanisms in blood earlier. ß-amyloid (Aß) peptides, phosphorylated-tau (p-tau), and neurofilament light chain (NFL) measured in blood are gaining momentum as candidate biomarkers for AD. P-tau is currently the more convincing plasma biomarker for the diagnostic workup of AD. The clinical role of plasma AÎČ peptides should be better elucidated with further studies that also compare the accuracy of the different ultrasensitive techniques. Blood NFL is promising as a proxy of neurodegeneration process tout court. Protein misfolding amplification assays can accurately detect α-synuclein in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), thus representing advancement in the pathologic stratification of AD. In CSF, neurogranin and YKL-40 are further candidate biomarkers tracking synaptic disruption and neuroinflammation, which are additional key pathophysiological pathways related to AD genesis. Advanced statistical analysis using clinical scores and biomarker data to bring together individuals with AD from large heterogeneous cohorts into consistent clusters may promote the discovery of pathophysiological causes and detection of tailored treatments

    Increase in Mitochondrial D-Loop Region Methylation Levels in Mild Cognitive Impairment Individuals

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    Methylation levels of the mitochondrial displacement loop (D-loop) region have been reported to be altered in the brain and blood of Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients. Moreover, a dynamic D-loop methylation pattern was observed in the brain of transgenic AD mice along with disease progression. However, investigations on the blood cells of AD patients in the prodromal phases of the disease have not been performed so far. The aim of this study was to analyze D-loop methylation levels by means of the MS-HRM technique in the peripheral blood cells of 14 mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients, 18 early stage AD patients, 70 advanced stage AD patients, and 105 healthy control subjects. We found higher D-loop methylation levels in MCI patients than in control subjects and AD patients. Moreover, higher D-loop methylation levels were observed in control subjects than in AD patients in advanced stages of the disease, but not in those at early stages. The present pilot study shows that peripheral D-loop methylation levels differ in patients at different stages of AD pathology, suggesting that further studies deserve to be performed in order to validate the usefulness of D-loop methylation analysis as a peripheral biomarker for the early detection of AD

    Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) and Serotonin Transporter (SERT) in Platelets of Patients with Mild Huntington’s Disease: Relationships with Social Cognition Symptoms

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    Peripheral biological correlates of early-stage Huntington’s disease (HD) are currently attracting much interest given their possible use as prognostic predictors of later neurodegeneration. Since deficits in social-cognition processing are present among the initial disease symptoms, aim of this work was to appraise, in blood platelets, Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) and serotonin (5-HT) transporter (SERT), two proteins involved in human adaptive behavior as potential biochemical correlates of such disabilities in mild-HD. Thirteen gene positive and symptomatic patients (9M/4W, HD-stage II, age> 40y) together 11 gender/age matched controls without a concurrent diagnosis of psychiatric disorders, underwent a blood test to determine BDNF storage and membrane-bound SERT in platelets by ELISA immune-enzyme and [3H]-paroxetine ([3H]-PAR) binding assays, respectively. Concomitantly, all subjects were examined through a battery of socio-cognitive and emotion recognition questionnaires. Results showed moderately increased intra-platelet BDNF amounts (+20-22%) in patients versus controls, whereas [3H]-PAR binding parameters, maximum density (Bmax) and dissociation constant (KD), did not appreciably vary between the two groups. While patients displaying significantly reduced cognitive/emotion abilities, biochemical parameters and clinical features or psychosocial scores did not correlate each other, except for platelet BDNF and the illness duration, positively correlated, or for SERT KDs and angry voice recognition ability, negatively correlated in both controls and patients. Therefore, in this pilot investigation, platelet BDNF and SERT did not specifically underlie psychosocial deficits in stage II-HD. Higher platelet BDNF storage in patients showing lasting-mild symptoms would derive from compensatory mechanisms. Thus, supplementary investigations are warranted by also comparing patients in other illness’s phases

    Pisa syndrome in Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus.

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    Abstract Introduction Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (iNPH) is a complex syndrome of ventriculomegaly that can include parkinsonian-like features besides the classical triad of cognitive decline, urinary incontinence, and gait/balance disturbances. Pisa syndrome (PS) is a postural abnormality often associated with parkinsonism and defined as lateral trunk flexion greater than 10° while standing that resolves in the supine position. We reported a case series of classical "fixed" PS and one case of "Metronome" recurrent side-alternating PS in iNPH, displaying opposite electromyographic patterns of paraspinal muscles. Methods Eighty-five iNPH patients were followed longitudinally for at least one year through scheduled clinical and neuropsychological visits. Results Five (5.9%) subjects revealed PS. None of them had nigrostriatal dopaminergic involvement detected by [123I]FP-CIT SPECT. Among these patients, four had "fixed" PS, whereas one showed a recurrent side-alternating PS which repeatedly improved after ventriculo-peritoneal shunt and following adjustments of the valve-opening pressure of the shunt system. Discussion This is the first case series of PS in iNPH and the first report of "Metronome" PS in iNPH. The prompt response of the abnormal trunk postures through cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunt surgery suggests a causative role of an altered CSF dynamics. PS and gait disorders in iNPH could be explained by a direct involvement of cortico-subcortical pathways and subsequent secondary brainstem involvement, with also a possible direct functional damage of the basal ganglia at the postsynaptic level, due to enlargement of the ventricular system and impaired CSF dynamics. The early detection of these cases supports a proper surgical management

    α-Synuclein Heterocomplexes with ÎČ-Amyloid Are Increased in Red Blood Cells of Parkinson's Disease Patients and Correlate with Disease Severity

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    Neurodegenerative disorders (NDs) are characterized by abnormal accumulation/misfolding of specific proteins, primarily α-synuclein (α-syn), ÎČ-amyloid1-42(AÎČ1-42) and tau, in both brain and peripheral tissues. In addition to oligomers, the role of the interactions of α-syn with AÎČ or tau has gradually emerged. Nevertheless, despite intensive research, NDs have no accepted peripheral markers for biochemical diagnosis. In this respect, Red Blood Cells (RBCs) are emerging as a valid peripheral model for the study of aging-related pathologies. Herein, a small cohort (N= 28) of patients affected by Parkinson's disease (PD) and age-matched controls were enrolled to detect the content of α-syn (total and oligomeric), AÎČ1-42and tau (total and phosphorylated) in RBCs. Moreover, the presence of α-syn association with tau and AÎČ1-42was explored by co-immunoprecipitation/western blotting in the same cells, and quantitatively confirmed by immunoenzymatic assays. For the first time, PD patients were demonstrated to exhibit α-syn heterocomplexes with AÎČ1-42and tau in peripheral tissues; interestingly, α-syn-AÎČ1-42concentrations were increased in PD subjects with respect to healthy controls (HC), and directly correlated with disease severity and motor deficits. Moreover, total-α-syn levels were decreased in PD subjects and inversely related to their motor deficits. Finally, an increase of oligomeric-α-syn and phosphorylated-tau was observed in RBCs of the enrolled patients. The combination of three parameters (total-α-syn, phosphorylated-tau and α-syn-AÎČ1-42concentrations) provided the best fitting predictive index for discriminating PD patients from controls. Nevertheless further investigations should be required, overall, these data suggest α-syn hetero-aggregates in RBCs as a putative tool for the diagnosis of PD

    Alexithymia may modulate decision making in patients with de novo Parkinson’s disease

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    The aim of this study was to investigate whether and how alexithymia may influence decision making under conditions of uncertainty, assessed using the Iowa Gambling Task, in patients with newly diagnosed, untreated (de novo) Parkinson’s disease, as previously reported for healthy subjects. Twenty-four patients with de novo Parkinson’s disease underwent a neuropsychological and neuropsychiatric assessment, including the Toronto Alexithymia Scale, the Geriatric Depression Scale Short Form, and the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). The assessment showed that 12 patients were alexithymic and 12 were non-alexithymic; seven patients were found to be mildly depressed and 17 non-depressed. Alexithymic and non-alexithymic patients did not differ in the IGT total score; however, significant differences emerged across the third block of the IGT, in which the alexithymic patients outperformed the nonalexithymic patients. Depression did not influence IGT performance. Alexithymia may modulate decision making, as assessed with the IGT; alexithymia could be associated with faster learning to avoid risky choices and negative feedback, as previously reported in some studies conducted in anxious or depressed patients
