8 research outputs found

    Infection-related mortality in patient grouped according to the median dose of granulocyte received.

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    <p>A) Mortality rate according to the number of granulocyte transfusions received. B) Mortality rate according to the time elapsed from the first granulocyte transfusion. Yellow bars represent patients in the low-dose group (median PMN dose inferior to1.5x10<sup>8</sup>/Kg), blue bars represent patients in the standard-dose group (median PMN dose 1.5–3.0x10<sup>8</sup>/Kg) and grey bars represent patients in the high-dose group (median PMN dose greater than 3.0x10<sup>8</sup>/Kg). White asterisks refer to standard-dose versus non-standard dose groups. *p<0.05; **p<0.001.</p

    Cytokine plasma concentrations before and after transfusions.

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    <p>IL1β,IL6, TNF-α and INF-γ levels were measured in 4 patients receiving 8 GTs and in 6 patients receiving RBCs transfusions, as control. In all patients, samples were collected immediately before and 6–8 hours after transfusions. Results are expressed as mean values±SEM. The cytokine concentration observed in samples collected post-GTs were proportional to the PMN dose delivered. *p<0.05</p

    Survival curves according to the median doses of granulocytes received.

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    <p>The survival was determined as the interval between the first day with ANC<500/μL and death or neutropenia recovery. Differences were estimated using the log-rank test. <b>A)</b> Survival of neutropenic patients during overall 114 infectious episodes. <b>B)</b> Survival of neutropenic patients during bacterial infections <b>C)</b> Survival of neutropenic patients during disseminated fungal infections. Yellow curves represent patients in the low-dose group (median PMN dose inferior to1.5x10<sup>8</sup>/Kg), blue curves represent patients in the standard-dose group (median PMN dose 1.5–3.0x10<sup>8</sup>/Kg) and grey curves represent patients in the high-dose group (median PMN dose greater than 3.0x10<sup>8</sup>/Kg), dotted curves represent cumulated patients in low and high dose groups.</p