28 research outputs found

    Sulla « rugosità » del paesaggio

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    La rugosité du paysage géographique est une métaphore de sa matérialité. Contrairement à l’approche dominante qui pose au centre la perception, la prise en charge de la rugosité permettra d’identifier de nouvelles sources et méthodes pour l’étude historique des paysages ruraux par les traces matérielles. Le centre de la discussion est la contribution de l’écologie historique selon sa formulation dans le contexte italien des années 1990, lorsque on a établi un dialogue avec la microhistoire (dans sa version finale : nouvelle histoire locale). Quelques exemples de microanalyse géographique et historique de paysages ruraux individuels ont été pris à partir du récent Catalogo Nazionale dei Paesaggi Rurali Storici, par des cas d’étude soulignant les processus historiques de biodiversification

    On the ecology of ancient and recent woodlands: the role of historical approach

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    This chapter presents several Italian case studies to interpret and discuss the concept of ancient forests by means of methods and sources used by historical ecology. The historical approach adopted by the Laboratory of Environmental Archaeology and History (LASA) of the University of Genoa involves the use of multiple sources (textual, geographic, archaeological, ethnologic, oral, environmental), a regressive method and strong spatial and social contextualization. In fact, the methods of British historical ecology have been developed by reworking and comparing contents of British local history with those proposed by the Italian microhistory. The sedimentary and observational sources generally related to woodland environmental archaeology are now more generally produced and analysed as part of an archaeology of environmental resources. The strengths and weaknesses of this approach is illustrated through two selected case studies concerning the history of Mediterranean multi-use systems of woodland resources (agrosilvopastoral). The first case study pertains to a mountain area (Upper Trebbia-Aveto Basin) while the second is on the coast of western Liguria (Merula Valley, north-west Italy

    Chapter Sulla geograficità della ecologia storica: contributi di Massimo Quaini

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    The paper identifies the main contributions of Massimo Quaini to the problems of historical ecology in its South-European developments and to the definition of geographic-historical microanalysis within geography. It is on this ground that the work of the naturalists/ecologists has most dialogued with his geographical epistemology, starting from the dissatisfaction with the macro-categories of the global scale, the decontextualization of geographic facts and the problems of the “second biologization of the environment”, and drawing new perspectives for geographical action starting from the interpretation of rural and historical-environmental heritage

    The Archeology of Woodland Ecology: Reconstructing Past Woodmanship Practices of Wooded Pasture Systems in Italy

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    Recently, the woodmanship practices and localized naturalistic knowledge have been acquired as indispensable for the European forest heritage conservation as well as for restoration of individual woodland landscapes. Minor importance has been given to the historical approach, both in the study of the local resources ecology and of the local societal context. Using the results of a series of case studies—applied to the knowledge and planning of sites that host present (or have hosted in past) wooded pasture systems and their environmental legacy—the chapter shows the interest of the environmental resource archeology (ERA): a “multisource approach” in reconstructing past management systems practices and underpinned lore. ERA is inspired by the method and sources of the English historical ecology and topographical history employing both archives and field evidences (palynology, anthracology, etc.)

    Fra utopie ed eterotopie: quale spazio per una ‘storia territorialista’ della montagna?

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    Il contributo propone l’approccio dell’ecologia storica quale necessario arricchimento della ‘scienza territorialista’, e in particolare della definizione di una storia territorialista delle risorse ambientali applicata al tema della possibile ricolonizzazione delle ‘terre alte’ abbandonate; questo anche al fine di rendere più sicura la popolazione urbana che, vivendo nelle ‘terre basse’, è sempre più spesso vittima dei dissesti causati dall’abbandono dei sistemi storici di controllo e gestione delle risorse ambientali, per lo più allocati in quota. A partire dal caso studio della montagna litoranea genovese, la cui crescente esposizione a rischi idrogeologici mostra quanto insufficienti siano gli strumenti analitici normalmente applicati allo studio dei processi storici di biodiversificazione degli ambienti montani, l’obiettivo è quindi quello di renderli più acuti anche al fine di individuare nuove politiche della montagna e di rafforzare la ‘resistenza’ delle società locali a quelle nazionali ed europee quando incompatibili con il ‘progetto locale’ di cui sono portatrici. Questi nessi sono evidenziabili solo alla scala micro-storica, che si è venuta ridefinendo nel fecondo contatto tra le ricerche di geografia storica e la micro-storia sociale; che, di passaggio, rimette in discussione l’eccessiva genericità di categorie correnti nella pianificazione territoriale e ambientale, quali ‘uso del suolo’, beni ambientali, patrimonio, naturalizzazione e ri-naturalizzazione.The paper presents the historical ecology approach as a necessary development of ‘territorial sciences’, in particular for the definition of a territorialist history of environmental resources applied to the possible re-colonisation of deserted ‘high lands’; this also in order to enhance the environmental safety of urban population living in the ‘low lands’, increasingly affected by instability due to the abandonment of past control and management systems of environmental resources, usually located at high altitude. Starting with the case study of the coastal mountains surrounding Genoa, where the increasing exposure to hydro-geological risks shows the poorness of the analytical instruments usually applied to study the biodiversification processes in mountain environments, the aim is to sharpen them, also in order to identify new policies for mountain areas and to strengthen the ‘resilience’ of local communities towards the national and European ones when in conflict with their ‘local project’. All such connexions are only identifiable at ht micro-historical scale, defined along the fruitful meeting of historical geography and social micro-history; which, by the way, calls into question the real consistency of categories currently employed in environmental and territorial planning, such as land use, environmental assets, local heritage, naturalisation and re-naturalisation

    L'Alpe, l'arbre et le lait. Pour une valorisation environnementale et culturelle des produits de terroir de la montagne ligure (Italie)

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    Alpe, trees and milk. for an environmental and cultural valorization of local products from the ligurian mountains (Italy). Local products that still exist in the Ligurian Apenines can be considered as the living components of European rural and environmental patrimony. We present here the first results of ecological historical research that have linked local production and practices with the history of environmental resources. The history of a cow cheese (San Sté) and a mixed sheep-cow cheese (mullan-na) production has made it possible to individualize several sites and areas of historical and environmental interest : « old meadows » and « old woods » in the upper valley of Aveto and Scrivia.Les produits locaux encore existants dans l'Appenin ligure peuvent être considérés comme des composantes vivantes du patrimoine rural et environnemental européen. On présente ici les premiers résultats de recherches d'écologie historique qui ont mis en relation les productions et les pratiques locales avec l'histoire des ressources environnementales. L'histoire de la production d'un fromage de vache (San Sté) et d'un fromage mixte brebis-vache (mullan-na) a permis d'individualiser plusieurs sites et aires d'intérêt historico-enviwnnemental (« prairies anciennes ») et des « bois anciens » dans les hautes vallées d'Aveto et de Scrivia.El Alpe, el árbol y la leche. para una revalorización medioambiental y cultural de los productos locales de la montaña lig urina (Italia). Las producciones locales que subsisten todavía en los Apeninos ligurinos pueden ser considerados como componentes vivos del patrimonio rural y medioambiental europeo. Los primeros resultados de las investigaciones de ecología histórica relacionaron las producciones y prácticas locales con la historia de los recursos ambientales. La historia de la producción de un queso de vaca (San Sté) y de otro mixto oveja-vaca (mullan-na) permitió aislar varios sitios y espacios de interés históricoambiental (« pastos antiguos ») y (« montes antiguos » en los altos valles de Aveto y de Scrivia.Cevasco Roberta, Poggi Giuseppina. L'Alpe, l'arbre et le lait. Pour une valorisation environnementale et culturelle des produits de terroir de la montagne ligure (Italie). In: Sud-Ouest européen, tome 7, 2000. L'environnement entre nature et paysage. pp. 35-48

    L'Alpe, l'arbre et le lait. Pour une valorisation environnementale et culturelle des produits de terroir de la montagne ligure (Italie)

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    Alpe, trees and milk. for an environmental and cultural valorization of local products from the ligurian mountains (Italy). Local products that still exist in the Ligurian Apenines can be considered as the living components of European rural and environmental patrimony. We present here the first results of ecological historical research that have linked local production and practices with the history of environmental resources. The history of a cow cheese (San Sté) and a mixed sheep-cow cheese (mullan-na) production has made it possible to individualize several sites and areas of historical and environmental interest : « old meadows » and « old woods » in the upper valley of Aveto and Scrivia.Les produits locaux encore existants dans l'Appenin ligure peuvent être considérés comme des composantes vivantes du patrimoine rural et environnemental européen. On présente ici les premiers résultats de recherches d'écologie historique qui ont mis en relation les productions et les pratiques locales avec l'histoire des ressources environnementales. L'histoire de la production d'un fromage de vache (San Sté) et d'un fromage mixte brebis-vache (mullan-na) a permis d'individualiser plusieurs sites et aires d'intérêt historico-enviwnnemental (« prairies anciennes ») et des « bois anciens » dans les hautes vallées d'Aveto et de Scrivia.El Alpe, el árbol y la leche. para una revalorización medioambiental y cultural de los productos locales de la montaña lig urina (Italia). Las producciones locales que subsisten todavía en los Apeninos ligurinos pueden ser considerados como componentes vivos del patrimonio rural y medioambiental europeo. Los primeros resultados de las investigaciones de ecología histórica relacionaron las producciones y prácticas locales con la historia de los recursos ambientales. La historia de la producción de un queso de vaca (San Sté) y de otro mixto oveja-vaca (mullan-na) permitió aislar varios sitios y espacios de interés históricoambiental (« pastos antiguos ») y (« montes antiguos » en los altos valles de Aveto y de Scrivia.Cevasco Roberta, Poggi Giuseppina. L'Alpe, l'arbre et le lait. Pour une valorisation environnementale et culturelle des produits de terroir de la montagne ligure (Italie). In: Sud-Ouest européen, tome 7, 2000. L'environnement entre nature et paysage. pp. 35-48

    Chapter Sulla geograficità della ecologia storica: contributi di Massimo Quaini

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    The paper identifies the main contributions of Massimo Quaini to the problems of historical ecology in its South-European developments and to the definition of geographic-historical microanalysis within geography. It is on this ground that the work of the naturalists/ecologists has most dialogued with his geographical epistemology, starting from the dissatisfaction with the macro-categories of the global scale, the decontextualization of geographic facts and the problems of the “second biologization of the environment”, and drawing new perspectives for geographical action starting from the interpretation of rural and historical-environmental heritage