8 research outputs found

    Named entities as privileged information for hierarchical text clustering

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    Text clustering is a text mining task which is often used to aid the organization, knowledge extraction, and exploratory search of text collections. Nowadays, the automatic text clustering becomes essential as the volume and variety of digital text documents increase, either in social networks and the Web or inside organizations. This paper explores the use of named entities as privileged information in a hierarchical clustering process, so as to improve clusters quality and interpretation. We carried out an experimental evaluation on three text collections (one written in Portuguese and two written in English) and the results show that named entities can be applied as privileged information to power clustering solution in dynamic text collection scenarios.FAPESP (grant #2010/20564-8, #2012/13830-9, #2013/14757-6 and #2013/16039-3

    An exploratory study to evaluate the practical application of PSS methods and tools based on text mining

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    Product Service System (PSS) is an approach in which the focus is on producing and delivering value in use instead of transferring physical goods ownership. In other to design PSS, some authors have been adapting methods and tools from traditional product design and others have been developing new specifically methods and tools. The description of those methods and tools is available in many sources of information, like thousands of publications in journals, and can only be analyzed based on Text Mining (TM) techniques. This paper reports an exploratory study whose purpose was to develop a procedure based on Text Mining techniques to support the identification of PSS design methods and tools which have been already applied in practical real cases. The research comprises the development of the first version of the procedure, employing TM techniques such as Named Entity Recognition, Association Rules and Bag of Expressions of the Domain. A Proof of Concept (PoC) was performed to verify whether the procedure is feasible and to identify future works possibilities. The PoC showed promising results and opened several possibilities to improve the procedure.Capes (Higher Education Personnel Training Coordination)São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) (grant #2014/08996-0 and #2013/14757-6

    Identification of interesting association rules through objective and subjective measures analysis

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    A associação é uma tarefa de mineração de dados que tem sido muito utilizada em problemas reais, porém o grande número de regras de associação que podem ser geradas dificulta a identificação de conhecimento interessante aos usuários. Para apoiar a identificação de regras interessantes podem ser utilizadas medidas de avaliação de conhecimento, que normalmente são classificadas como objetivas ou subjetivas. As medidas objetivas são mais gerais, mas podem não ser suficientes por não considerarem aspectos relacionados ao usuário ou ao domínio da aplicação. Por outro lado pode haver dificuldade em se obter a subjetividade do usuário necessária para o cálculo das medidas subjetivas. Diante desse contexto, neste trabalho é proposta uma metodologia para identificação de regras de associação interessantes que combina análises com medidas objetivas e subjetivas, visando aproveitar as vantagens de cada tipo e facilitar a participação do especialista. As medidas objetivas são utilizadas para selecionar algumas regras potencialmente interessantes para serem avaliadas por um especialista. As medidas subjetivas são calculadas utilizando essas regras com as avaliações do especialista. Essas medidas subjetivas então são utilizadas para auxiliar a identificação de regras interessantes de acordo com o conhecimento obtido durante a avaliação. Para viabilizar a aplicação dessa metodologia foi desenvolvido um módulo computacional de exploração de regras de associação com medidas subjetivas, denominado RulEE-SEAR. Utilizando esse módulo e outras ferramentas já existentes foi realizado um estudo de caso com uma base de dados real sobre qualidade de vida urbana. Nesse estudo de caso o processo de identificação de regras de associação interessantes foi realizado com especialista da área e verificou-se a viabilidade da metodologia proposta.Association is a data mining task which has been applied in several real problems. However, due to the huge number of association rules that can be generated, it is hard for users to identify interesting knowledge. To assist users in finding interesting rules, evaluation measures can be used. Those measures are usually divided into objective and subjective. Objective measures are more general, but they can be insufficient because they do not consider user's and domain's features. On the other hand, getting users's knowledge and interest needed to calculate subjective measures can be a difficult task. In this context, a methodology to identify interesting association rules is proposed in this work. This methodology combines analysis with objective and subjective measures, aiming to use the advantages of each kind of measure and to make user's participation easier. Objective measures are used to select some potentially interesting rules for the user's evaluation. These rules and the evaluation are used to calculate subjective measures. Then, the subjective measures are used to assist the user in identifying interesting rules according to the knowledge obtained during the evaluation. To make the methodology use practicable, a computational module, named RulEE-SEAR, was developed to explore the association rules with subjective measures. Using this module and other existing tools, a case study was done. A urban life quality database was used and a specialist in this area participated in the interesting association rules identification. That case study showed that the methodology proposed is feasible

    Semantic aspects in the representation of texts for automatic classification

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    Dada a grande quantidade e diversidade de dados textuais sendo criados diariamente, as aplicações do processo de Mineração de Textos são inúmeras e variadas. Nesse processo, a qualidade da solução final depende, em parte, do modelo de representação de textos adotado. Por se tratar de textos em língua natural, relações sintáticas e semânticas influenciam o seu significado. No entanto, modelos tradicionais de representação de textos se limitam às palavras, não sendo possível diferenciar documentos que possuem o mesmo vocabulário, mas que apresentam visões diferentes sobre um mesmo assunto. Nesse contexto, este trabalho foi motivado pela diversidade das aplicações da tarefa de classificação automática de textos, pelo potencial das representações no modelo espaço-vetorial e pela lacuna referente ao tratamento da semântica inerente aos dados em língua natural. O seu desenvolvimento teve o propósito geral de avançar as pesquisas da área de Mineração de Textos em relação à incorporação de aspectos semânticos na representação de coleções de documentos. Um mapeamento sistemático da literatura da área foi realizado e os problemas de classificação foram categorizados em relação à complexidade semântica envolvida. Aspectos semânticos foram abordados com a proposta, bem como o desenvolvimento e a avaliação de sete modelos de representação de textos: (i) gBoED, modelo que incorpora a semântica obtida por meio de conhecimento do domínio; (ii) Uni-based, modelo que incorpora a semântica por meio da desambiguação lexical de sentidos e hiperônimos de conceitos; (iii) SR-based Terms e SR-based Sentences, modelos que incorporam a semântica por meio de anotações de papéis semânticos; (iv) NASARIdocs, Babel2Vec e NASARI+Babel2Vec, modelos que incorporam a semântica por meio de desambiguação lexical de sentidos e embeddings de palavras e conceitos. Representações de coleções de documentos geradas com os modelos propostos e outros da literatura foram analisadas e avaliadas na classificação automática de textos, considerando datasets de diferentes níveis de complexidade semântica. As propostas gBoED, Uni-based, SR-based Terms e SR-based Sentences apresentam atributos mais expressivos e possibilitam uma melhor interpretação da representação dos documentos. Já as propostas NASARIdocs, Babel2Vec e NASARI+Babel2Vec incorporam, de maneira latente, a semântica obtida de embeddings geradas a partir de uma grande quantidade de documentos externos. Essa propriedade tem um impacto positivo na performance de classificação.Text Mining applications are numerous and varied since a huge amount of textual data are created daily. The quality of the final solution of a Text Mining process depends, among other factors, on the adopted text representation model. Despite the fact that syntactic and semantic relations influence natural language meaning, traditional text representation models are limited to words. The use of such models does not allow the differentiation of documents that use the same vocabulary but present different ideas about the same subject. The motivation of this work relies on the diversity of text classification applications, the potential of vector space model representations and the challenge of dealing with text semantics. Having the general purpose of advance the field of semantic representation of documents, we first conducted a systematic mapping study of semantics-concerned Text Mining studies and we categorized classification problems according to their semantic complexity. Then, we approached semantic aspects of texts through the proposal, analysis, and evaluation of seven text representation models: (i) gBoED, which incorporates text semantics by the use of domain expressions; (ii) Uni-based, which takes advantage of word sense disambiguation and hypernym relations; (iii) SR-based Terms and SR-based Sentences, which make use of semantic role labels; (iv) NASARIdocs, Babel2Vec and NASARI+Babel2Vec, which take advantage of word sense disambiguation and embeddings of words and senses.We analyzed the expressiveness and interpretability of the proposed text representation models and evaluated their classification performance against different literature models. While the proposed models gBoED, Uni-based, SR-based Terms and SR-based Sentences have improved expressiveness, the proposals NASARIdocs, Babel2Vec and NASARI+Babel2Vec are latently enriched by the embeddings semantics, obtained from the large training corpus. This property has a positive impact on text classification performance

    Semantic aspects in the representation of texts for automatic classification

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    Dada a grande quantidade e diversidade de dados textuais sendo criados diariamente, as aplicações do processo de Mineração de Textos são inúmeras e variadas. Nesse processo, a qualidade da solução final depende, em parte, do modelo de representação de textos adotado. Por se tratar de textos em língua natural, relações sintáticas e semânticas influenciam o seu significado. No entanto, modelos tradicionais de representação de textos se limitam às palavras, não sendo possível diferenciar documentos que possuem o mesmo vocabulário, mas que apresentam visões diferentes sobre um mesmo assunto. Nesse contexto, este trabalho foi motivado pela diversidade das aplicações da tarefa de classificação automática de textos, pelo potencial das representações no modelo espaço-vetorial e pela lacuna referente ao tratamento da semântica inerente aos dados em língua natural. O seu desenvolvimento teve o propósito geral de avançar as pesquisas da área de Mineração de Textos em relação à incorporação de aspectos semânticos na representação de coleções de documentos. Um mapeamento sistemático da literatura da área foi realizado e os problemas de classificação foram categorizados em relação à complexidade semântica envolvida. Aspectos semânticos foram abordados com a proposta, bem como o desenvolvimento e a avaliação de sete modelos de representação de textos: (i) gBoED, modelo que incorpora a semântica obtida por meio de conhecimento do domínio; (ii) Uni-based, modelo que incorpora a semântica por meio da desambiguação lexical de sentidos e hiperônimos de conceitos; (iii) SR-based Terms e SR-based Sentences, modelos que incorporam a semântica por meio de anotações de papéis semânticos; (iv) NASARIdocs, Babel2Vec e NASARI+Babel2Vec, modelos que incorporam a semântica por meio de desambiguação lexical de sentidos e embeddings de palavras e conceitos. Representações de coleções de documentos geradas com os modelos propostos e outros da literatura foram analisadas e avaliadas na classificação automática de textos, considerando datasets de diferentes níveis de complexidade semântica. As propostas gBoED, Uni-based, SR-based Terms e SR-based Sentences apresentam atributos mais expressivos e possibilitam uma melhor interpretação da representação dos documentos. Já as propostas NASARIdocs, Babel2Vec e NASARI+Babel2Vec incorporam, de maneira latente, a semântica obtida de embeddings geradas a partir de uma grande quantidade de documentos externos. Essa propriedade tem um impacto positivo na performance de classificação.Text Mining applications are numerous and varied since a huge amount of textual data are created daily. The quality of the final solution of a Text Mining process depends, among other factors, on the adopted text representation model. Despite the fact that syntactic and semantic relations influence natural language meaning, traditional text representation models are limited to words. The use of such models does not allow the differentiation of documents that use the same vocabulary but present different ideas about the same subject. The motivation of this work relies on the diversity of text classification applications, the potential of vector space model representations and the challenge of dealing with text semantics. Having the general purpose of advance the field of semantic representation of documents, we first conducted a systematic mapping study of semantics-concerned Text Mining studies and we categorized classification problems according to their semantic complexity. Then, we approached semantic aspects of texts through the proposal, analysis, and evaluation of seven text representation models: (i) gBoED, which incorporates text semantics by the use of domain expressions; (ii) Uni-based, which takes advantage of word sense disambiguation and hypernym relations; (iii) SR-based Terms and SR-based Sentences, which make use of semantic role labels; (iv) NASARIdocs, Babel2Vec and NASARI+Babel2Vec, which take advantage of word sense disambiguation and embeddings of words and senses.We analyzed the expressiveness and interpretability of the proposed text representation models and evaluated their classification performance against different literature models. While the proposed models gBoED, Uni-based, SR-based Terms and SR-based Sentences have improved expressiveness, the proposals NASARIdocs, Babel2Vec and NASARI+Babel2Vec are latently enriched by the embeddings semantics, obtained from the large training corpus. This property has a positive impact on text classification performance

    Text mining and semantics: a systematic mapping study

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    Abstract As text semantics has an important role in text meaning, the term semantics has been seen in a vast sort of text mining studies. However, there is a lack of studies that integrate the different research branches and summarize the developed works. This paper reports a systematic mapping about semantics-concerned text mining studies. This systematic mapping study followed a well-defined protocol. Its results were based on 1693 studies, selected among 3984 studies identified in five digital libraries. The produced mapping gives a general summary of the subject, points some areas that lacks the development of primary or secondary studies, and can be a guide for researchers working with semantics-concerned text mining. It demonstrates that, although several studies have been developed, the processing of semantic aspects in text mining remains an open research problem

    Using Opinion Mining in Context-Aware Recommender Systems: A Systematic Review

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    Recommender systems help users by recommending items, such as products and services, that can be of interest to these users. Context-aware recommender systems have been widely investigated in both academia and industry because they can make recommendations based on a user’s current context (e.g., location and time). Moreover, the advent of Web 2.0 and the growing popularity of social and e-commerce media sites have encouraged users to naturally write texts describing their assessment of items. There are increasing efforts to incorporate the rich information embedded in user’s reviews/texts into the recommender systems. Given the importance of this type of texts and their usage along with opinion mining and contextual information extraction techniques for recommender systems, we present a systematic review on the recommender systems that explore both contextual information and opinion mining. This systematic review followed a well-defined protocol. Its results were based on 17 papers, selected among 195 papers identified in four digital libraries. The results of this review give a general summary of the current research on this subject and point out some areas that may be improved in future primary works