13 research outputs found

    Case registry systems for pandemic influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 in Europe: are there lessons for the future?

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    Countries across Europe developed a range of database systems to register pandemic influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 cases. Anecdotal reports indicate that some systems were not as useful as expected. This was a cross-sectional, semi-structured survey of health professionals who collected and reported pandemic influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 cases in 23 countries within the 27 European Union (EU) Member States plus Norway. We describe here the experiences of using pandemic case register systems developed before and during the pandemic, whether the systems were used as intended and, what problems, if any, were encountered. We conducted the survey to identify improvements that could be made to future pandemic case registers at national and EU level. Despite many inter-country differences, 17 respondents felt that a standardised case register template incorporating a limited number of simple standard variables specified in advance and agreed between the World Health Organization and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control could be useful. Intra- and inter-country working groups could facilitate information exchange, clearer system objectives and improved interoperability between systems

    High probability of avian influenza virus (H7N7) transmission from poultry to humans active in disease control on infected farms

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    An epizootic of avian influenza (H7N7) caused a large number of human infections in The Netherlands in 2003. We used data from this epizootic to estimate infection probabilities for persons involved in disease control on infected farms. Analyses were based on databases containing information on the infected farms, person-visits to these farms, and exposure variables (number of birds present, housing type, poultry type, depopulation method, period during epizootic). Case definition was based on self-reported conjunctivitis and positive response to hemagglutination inhibition assay. A high infection probability was associated with clinical inspection of poultry in the area surrounding infected flocks (7.6%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.4%-18.9%) and active culling during depopulation (6.2%; 95% CI, 3.7%-9.6%). Low probabilities were estimated for management of biosecurity (0.0%; 95% CI, 0.0%-1.0%) and cleaning assistance during depopulation (0.0%; 95% CI, 0.0%-9.2%). No significant association was observed between the probability of infection and the exposure variables

    Utility of the first few100 approach during the 2009 influenza A(H1N1) pandemic in the Netherlands.

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    Background: To guide policy and control measures, decent scientific data are needed for a comprehensive assessment of epidemiological, clinical and virological characteristics of the First Few hundred (FF100) cases. We discuss the feasibility of the FF100 approach during the 2009 pandemic and the added value compared with alternative data sources available. Methods: The pandemic preparedness plan enabled us to perform a case-control study, assessing patient characteristics and risk factors for experiencing symptomatic influenza A(H1N1)2009 infection and providing insight into transmission. We assessed to what extent timely and novel data were generated compared to other available data sources. Results: In May-December 2009, a total of 68 cases and 48 controls were included in the study. Underlying non-respiratory diseases were significantly more common among cases compared to controls, while a protective effect was found for frequent hand washing. Seroconversion was found for 7/30 controls (23%), and persisting high titers for 4/30 controls (13%). The labour-intensive study design resulted in slow and restricted recruitment. Conclusions: The findings of our case--control study gave new insights in transmission risks and possible interventions for improved control. Nevertheless, the FF100 approach lacked timeliness and power due to limited recruitment. For future pandemics we suggest pooling data from several countries, to enable collecting sufficient data in a relatively short period. (aut. ref.

    Jaarrapportage respiratoire infectieziekten 2007/2008

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    Alleen digitaal verschenenLuchtweginfecties hebben in de periode mei 2007 tot en met april 2008 opnieuw tot aanzienlijke ziektelast geleid. Net als voorgaande jaren werd longontsteking bij circa 10% van alle sterfte als doodsoorzaak geregistreerd. Dit wijst wederom op een groot effect van luchtweginfecties op de volksgezondheid. Het meest opvallende in 2007 was de uitbraak van Q koorts, een ziekte die door dieren (met name geiten en schapen) wordt overgebracht. Ook in 2008 heeft Q-koorts tot een groot aantal ziektegevallen geleid. Een eenduidige bron is nog niet aangetoond. Een andere opvallende ontwikkeling was een grote uitbraak van papegaaienziekte gerelateerd aan een vogelshow in Weurt (nabij Nijmegen). Daarnaast was opmerkelijk dat in 2007/2008 bij ruim een kwart van de griepvirussen van het subtype A(H1N1) resistentie tegen het antivirale middel oseltamivir werd gevonden. Het aantal meldingen van legionella was in 2007/2008 in lijn met de licht stijgende trend sinds 2003. Het aantal tuberculose-patiknten daalde in 2007 naar 960, het laagste aantal dat ooit in Nederland werd geregistreerd. De rol die specifieke virussen en bacterien bij luchtweginfecties spelen is slechts voor een deel bekend. Ook is nog weinig bekend over de andere factoren die mogelijk een rol spelen bij het ontstaan van luchtweginfecties. Daarom blijft het noodzakelijk verder onderzoek te doen naar oorzaken van ziekte en sterfte door luchtweginfecties en naar preventiemaatregelen en behandelingen.VW

    Utility of the first few100 approach during the 2009 influenza A(H1N1) pandemic in the Netherlands

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    Abstract Background To guide policy and control measures, decent scientific data are needed for a comprehensive assessment of epidemiological, clinical and virological characteristics of the First Few hundred (FF100) cases. We discuss the feasibility of the FF100 approach during the 2009 pandemic and the added value compared with alternative data sources available. Methods The pandemic preparedness plan enabled us to perform a case–control study, assessing patient characteristics and risk factors for experiencing symptomatic influenza A(H1N1)2009 infection and providing insight into transmission. We assessed to what extent timely and novel data were generated compared to other available data sources. Results In May-December 2009, a total of 68 cases and 48 controls were included in the study. Underlying non-respiratory diseases were significantly more common among cases compared to controls, while a protective effect was found for frequent hand washing. Seroconversion was found for 7/30 controls (23%), and persisting high titers for 4/30 controls (13%). The labour-intensive study design resulted in slow and restricted recruitment. Conclusions The findings of our case–control study gave new insights in transmission risks and possible interventions for improved control. Nevertheless, the FF100 approach lacked timeliness and power due to limited recruitment. For future pandemics we suggest pooling data from several countries, to enable collecting sufficient data in a relatively short period.</p

    Multiple Sources of the Outbreak of Legionnaires' Disease in Genesee County, Michigan, in 2014 and 2015

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    BACKGROUND: A community-wide outbreak of Legionnaires' disease (LD) occurred in Genesee County, Michigan, in 2014 and 2015. Previous reports about the outbreak are conflicting and have associated the outbreak with a change of water source in the city of Flint and, alternatively, to a Flint hospital. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this investigation was to independently identify relevant sources of Legionella pneumophila that likely resulted in the outbreak. METHODS: An independent, retrospective investigation of the outbreak was conducted, making use of public health, health care, and environmental data and whole-genome multilocus sequence typing (wgMLST) of clinical and environmental isolates. RESULTS: Strong evidence was found for a hospital-associated outbreak in both 2014 and 2015: a) 49% of cases had prior exposure to Flint hospital A, significantly higher than expected from Medicare admissions; b) hospital plumbing contained high levels of L. pneumophila; c) Legionella control measures in hospital plumbing aligned with subsidence of hospital A-associated cases; and d) wgMLST showed Legionella isolates from cases exposed to hospital A and from hospital plumbing to be highly similar. Multivariate analysis showed an increased risk of LD in 2014 for people residing in a home that received Flint water or was located in proximity to several Flint cooling towers. DISCUSSION: This is the first LD outbreak in the United States with evidence for three sources (in 2014): a) exposure to hospital A, b) receiving Flint water at home, and c) residential proximity to cooling towers; however, for 2015, evidence points to hospital A only. Each source could be associated with only a proportion of cases. A focus on a single source may have delayed recognition and remediation of other significant sources of L. pneumophila. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP5663