11 research outputs found

    Engineering Effort Needed to Design Spacecraft with Radiation Constraints

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    A roadmap is articulated that describes what is needed to allow designers, to include researchers, management, and engineers, to investigate, design, build, test, and fly spacecraft that meet the mission requirements yet, be as low cost as possible. This roadmap describes seven levels of tool fidelity and application: 1) Mission Speculation, 2) Management Overview, 3) Mission Design, 4) Detailed Design, 5) Simulation and Training, 6) Operations, and 7) Research. The interfaces and output are described in top-level detail along with the transport engines needed, and deficiencies are noted. This roadmap, if implemented, will allow Multidisciplinary Optimization (MDO) ideas to incorporate radiation concerns. Also, as NASA moves towards Simulation Based Acquisition (SBA), these tools will facilitate the appropriate spending of government money. Most of the tools needed to serve these levels do not exist or exist in pieces and need to be integrated to create the tool

    Simple Benchmark Specifications for Space Radiation Protection

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    This report defines space radiation benchmark specifications. This specification starts with simple, monoenergetic, mono-directional particles on slabs and progresses to human models in spacecraft. This report specifies the models and sources needed to what the team performing the benchmark needs to produce in a report. Also included are brief descriptions of how OLTARIS, the NASA Langley website for space radiation analysis, performs its analysis

    A Single Thread to Fortran Coarray Transition Process for the Control Algorithm in the Space Radiation Code HZETRN

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    Exa-scale computing is the direction by industry and government are going to generate solutions to problems they deem necessary. Computing hardware is being developed to achieve the transition from Peta-scale to Exa-scale with more CPUs (Central Processing Units) that have more cores per CPU and more accelerators (GPGPUs (General Purpose Graphics Processing Units) and MICs (Many Integrated Cores)) per node. To fully utilize the hardware available now and in the future, algorithms must become multi-threaded. There are a few methods to generate multi-threaded software such as MPI (Message Passing Interface) and OpenMP (Multi-Processing) / OpenACC (ACCelerator). This paper concentrates on using Coarray Fortran to convert the Fortran 95 based HZETRN (High Z and Energy TRaNsport) code's control algorithm from a single threaded code to a multithreaded code. The resultant Coarray code was 32.5 times faster (with a theoretical speed-up of 74.5 times) than the single threaded version on the hardware tested, as reliable as the Fortran 95 version, and, as it uses native Fortran, was as maintainable as the Fortran 95 version. The Coarray code can be maintained by the same project engineers and scientists who created the original single threaded code. This transition process can be utilized on a C language based code with a compiler that has the UPC (Universal Parallel C) extensions to C

    A Simple Engineering Analysis of Solar Particle Event High Energy Tails and Their Impact on Vehicle Design

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    The mathematical models for Solar Particle Event (SPE) high energy tails are constructed with several di erent algorithms. Since limited measured data exist above energies around 400 MeV, this paper arbitrarily de nes the high energy tail as any proton with an energy above 400 MeV. In order to better understand the importance of accurately modeling the high energy tail for SPE spectra, the contribution to astronaut whole body e ective dose equivalent of the high energy portions of three di erent SPE models has been evaluated. To ensure completeness of this analysis, simple and complex geometries were used. This analysis showed that the high energy tail of certain SPEs can be relevant to astronaut exposure and hence safety. Therefore, models of high energy tails for SPEs should be well analyzed and based on data if possible

    Benchmark Analysis of Pion Contribution from Galactic Cosmic Rays

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    Shielding strategies for extended stays in space must include a comprehensive resolution of the secondary radiation environment inside the spacecraft induced by the primary, external radiation. The distribution of absorbed dose and dose equivalent is a function of the type, energy and population of these secondary products. A systematic verification and validation effort is underway for HZETRN, which is a space radiation transport code currently used by NASA. It performs neutron, proton and heavy ion transport explicitly, but it does not take into account the production and transport of mesons, photons and leptons. The question naturally arises as to what is the contribution of these particles to space radiation. The pion has a production kinetic energy threshold of about 280 MeV. The Galactic cosmic ray (GCR) spectra, coincidentally, reaches flux maxima in the hundreds of MeV range, corresponding to the pion production threshold. We present results from the Monte Carlo code MCNPX, showing the effect of lepton and meson physics when produced and transported explicitly in a GCR environment

    OLTARIS: On-Line Tool for the Assessment of Radiation in Space

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    The On-Line Tool for the Assessment of Radiation In Space (OLTARIS) is a World Wide Web based tool that assesses the effects of space radiation to humans in items such as spacecraft, habitats, rovers, and spacesuits. This document explains the basis behind the interface and framework used to input the data, perform the assessment, and output the results to the user as well as the physics, engineering, and computer science used to develop OLTARIS. The physics is based on the HZETRN2005 and NUCFRG2 research codes. The OLTARIS website is the successor to the SIREST website from the early 2000 s. Modifications have been made to the code to enable easy maintenance, additions, and configuration management along with a more modern web interface. Over all, the code has been verified, tested, and modified to enable faster and more accurate assessments. The next major areas of modification are more accurate transport algorithms, better uncertainty estimates, and electronic response functions. Improvements in the existing algorithms and data occur continuously and are logged in the change log section of the website

    Materials for Low-Energy Neutron Radiation Shielding

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    Various candidate aircraft and spacecraft materials were analyzed and compared in a low-energy neutron environment using the Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) transport code with an energy range up to 20 MeV. Some candidate materials have been tested in particle beams, and others seemed reasonable to analyze in this manner before deciding to test them. The two metal alloys analyzed are actual materials being designed into or used in aircraft and spacecraft today. This analysis shows that hydrogen-bearing materials have the best shielding characteristics over the metal alloys. It also shows that neutrons above 1 MeV are reflected out of the face of the slab better by larger quantities of carbon in the material. If a low-energy absorber is added to the material, fewer neutrons are transmitted through the material. Future analyses should focus on combinations of scatterers and absorbers to optimize these reaction channels and on the higher energy neutron component (above 50 MeV). 1. Introduct..

    Radiation Transport Properties of Potential In Situ-Developed Regolith-Epoxy Materials for Martian Habitats

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    Mission crews in space outside the Earth s magnetic field will be exposed to high energy heavy charged particles in the galactic cosmic radiation (GCR). These highly ionizing particles will be a source of radiation risk to crews on extended missions to the Moon and Mars, and the biological effects of and countermeasures to the GCR have to be investigated as part of the planning of exploration-class missions. While it is impractical to shield spacecraft and planetary habitats against the entire GCR spectrum, biological and physical studies indicate that relatively modest amounts of shielding are effective at reducing the radiation dose. However, nuclear fragmentation in the shielding materials produces highly penetrating secondary particles, which complicates the problem: in some cases, some shielding is worse than none at all. Therefore the radiation transport properties of potential shielding materials need to be carefully investigated. One intriguing option for a Mars mission is the use of material from the Martian surface, in combination with chemicals carried from Earth and/or fabricated from elements found in the Martian atmosphere, to construct crew habitats. We have measured the transmission properties of epoxy-Martian regolith composites with respect to heavy charged particles characteristic of the GCR ions which bombard the Martian surface. The composites were prepared at NASA Langley Research Center using simulated Martian regolith, in the process also evaluating fabrication methods which could lead to technologies for in situ fabrication on Mars. Initial evaluation of the radiation shielding properties is made using radiation transport models developed at NASA-LaRC, and the results of these calculations are used to select the composites with the most favorable radiation transmission properties. These candidates are then evaluated at particle accelerators which produce beams of heavy charged particles representative in energy and charge of the radiation at the surface of Mars. The ultimate objective is to develop the models into a design tool for use by mission planners, flight surgeons and radiation health specialists

    MESTRN: A Deterministic Meson-Muon Transport Code for Space Radiation

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    A safe and efficient exploration of space requires an understanding of space radiations, so that human life and sensitive equipment can be protected. On the way to these sensitive sites, the radiation fields are modified in both quality and quantity. Many of these modifications are thought to be due to the production of pions and muons in the interactions between the radiation and intervening matter. A method used to predict the effects of the presence of these particles on the transport of radiation through materials is developed. This method was then used to develop software, which was used to calculate the fluxes of pions and muons after the transport of a cosmic ray spectrum through aluminum and water. Software descriptions are given in the appendices