148 research outputs found

    A Census of Outflow to Magnetic Field Orientations in Nearby Molecular Clouds

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    We define a sample of 200 protostellar outflows showing blue and redshifted CO emission in the nearby molecular clouds Ophiuchus, Taurus, Perseus and Orion to investigate the correlation between outflow orientations and local, but relatively large-scale, magnetic field directions traced by Planck 353 GHz dust polarization. At high significance (p~1e-4), we exclude a random distribution of relative orientations and find that there is a preference for alignment of projected plane of sky outflow axes with magnetic field directions. The distribution of relative position angles peaks at ~30deg and exhibits a broad dispersion of ~50deg. These results indicate that magnetic fields have dynamical influence in regulating the launching and/or propagation directions of outflows. However, the significant dispersion around perfect alignment orientation implies that there are large measurement uncertainties and/or a high degree of intrinsic variation caused by other physical processes, such as turbulence or strong stellar dynamical interactions. Outflow to magnetic field alignment is expected to lead to a correlation in the directions of nearby outflow pairs, depending on the degree of order of the field. Analyzing this effect we find limited correlation, except on relatively small scales < 0.5 pc. Furthermore, we train a convolutional neural network to infer the inclination angle of outflows with respect to the line of sight and apply it to our outflow sample to estimate their full 3D orientations. We find that the angles between outflow pairs in 3D space also show evidence of small-scale alignment.Comment: ApJ Accepte

    Co-Evolution of Stars and Gas: Using Analysis of Synthetic Observations to Investigate the Star-Gas Correlation in STARFORGE

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    We explore the relationship between stellar surface density and gas surface density (the star-gas or S-G correlation) in a 20,000 M⊙_{\odot} simulation from the STAR FORmation in Gaseous Environments (STARFORGE) Project. We create synthetic observations based on the Spitzer and Herschel telescopes by modeling active galactic nuclei contamination, smoothing based on angular resolution, cropping the field-of-view, and removing close neighbors and low-mass sources. We extract star-gas properties such as the dense gas mass fraction, the Class II:I ratio, and the S-G correlation (ΣYSO/Σgas\Sigma_{\rm YSO}/\Sigma_{\rm gas}) from the simulation and compare them to observations of giant molecular clouds, young clusters, and star-forming regions, as well as to analytical models. We find that the simulation reproduces trends in the counts of young stellar objects and the median slope of the S-G correlation. This implies that the S-G correlation is not simply the result of observational biases but is in fact a real effect. However, other statistics, such as the Class II:I ratio and dense gas mass fraction, do not always match observed equivalents in nearby clouds. This motivates further observations covering the full simulation age range and more realistic modeling of cloud formation.Comment: 25 pages, 16 figures. To be published in The Astrophysical Journa
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