21 research outputs found

    Logistic traffic - a supply chain management factor in hospitality

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    The purpose – The purpose of this paper is based on the fact that managing supply chains as a separate area of business management opens up numerous possibilities for improving the competitive position of business systems. Supply chain management is increasingly often named as the key offensive factor to increasing the efficacy and effectiveness of economic systems. Design – The purpose of the paper is to point to the fact that hospitality logistics fulfils its basic mission only then when high quality products are delivered to the right place, at the right time, in the appropriate assortment, with the lowest internal and external costs, while doing their maximum to meet the wishes, needs and the demand of the customers. Methodology – The methodology is based on proving the proposed hypothesis: Modern logistics traffic represents a condition sine qua non of rational supply chain management in hospitality. Approach – The approach of the paper is based on the fact that supply chain management represents a broader, strategically significant concept which includes the entire supply chain and has the following goals: customer satisfaction, formulating and implementing appropriate strategies and effective supply chain management. Findings – Although each modality of the traffic logistic system has its own specific mission, they all have a common basic mission: to prepare material goods for manipulation, transport and distribution, the actual transport and distribution of material goods and conducting various logistic activities connected to preparing, manipulating, transporting and distributing material goods. The originality of this research – The originality of this research is revisiting the traffic logistics model as an exclusive factor of the competitive micro-hospitality industry in tourist destinations on a theoretical level, which can be set up via simple, complicated and multimodal traffic logistic models in micro-hospitality industries

    Contemporary Issues of Urban Mobility

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    Consequences of individual transport rapid development are a threat for modern cities and their population. Actually, transport problems in urban areas mostly derive from inadequate solutions of urban mobility by local transport systems. Majority of these problems are caused by extreme density of motor vehicles in urban areas. Increase of motor vehicles is a consequence of income increase and better standard of living. Accordingly, theoretical part of this study will investigate and elaborate on modern problems of urban transport, while the practical part of this work gives an overview of concrete solutions to some of the problems of urban transport on the example of the city of Rijeka in Croatia. Results of research also suggest guidelines for more efficient transport management in cities of similar size

    A Framework for the Selection of Projects at the County Level in Croatia

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    This paper presents a framework for regional self-government units for the selection of projects expected to have a substantial positive effect on the socio-economic characteristics of the broader community. The previous experience of administrative bodies at all levels (national, regional and local) indicates that the decision to implement certain project and programme activities was primarily based on political decision-making principles and a voluntarist approach. With the adoption of the acquis communautaire, the Republic of Croatia has provided legal prerequisites for the selection and implementation of projects based on established criteria, with the criterion of impact on the quality of life and development usually being the dominant one. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to describe the frame-work and procedure of the evaluation and selection of public projects at the regional level, which can easily be applied to decision-making at both the national and local levels

    Elasticity of Demand in Urban Traffic Case Study: City of Rijeka

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    The basic objective of this scientific paper is to explore in both theory and practice the elasticity of demand in urban traffic. We tried to answer whether the elasticity of demand in urban traffic shows a higher intensity of change in the demanded volume of transport services depending on price or income changes. Research results are based on the statistical and mathematical scientific methods. The applicability of the acquired knowledge is tested through a practical research of the elasticity of demand in urban traffic of the city of Rijeka

    The Effect of Subsidies on the Offer of Sea Transport

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    The main goal of this academic discussion is to study the effect of subsidies on the offer of sea transport. Research results are based on the method of microeconomic analysis. The knowledge obtained through this academic discussion may prove to be of assistance to managers in the area of sea transport in deliberating on more efficient and market-oriented business models. The results of this work reveal that subsidies in sea transport make sense if they contribute to the improvement of the quality of transport or are of help to those for whom they are intended


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    The principal objective of this scientific paper is to learn how to efficiently organise traffic areas and especially the size of parking capacities and hence how to ensure a quality parking service to local population and tourists as a component of the overall offer in urban and tourist destinations and how to ensure a return of investments in a reasonable period to parties investing in the parking capacity. What is the optimal capacity and how to calculate it in the best possible way by connecting parking supply and demand? This paper presents the application of the queuing theory to the planning of the optimal number of servers (ramps) in closed parking systems, since parking area can be defined as a queuing system. The illustrated model has been tested on the example of the "Delta" parking area in the City of Rijeka and the particular value of the model is its universal application. This approach has shown that by using the queuing theory, the optimal number of servers (ramps) in closed parking systems can be determined.Temeljni cilj ove znanstvene rasprave je kako učinkovito organizirati prometne prostore i napose veličinu parkirališnih kapaciteta čime se domicilnom stanovništvu, ali i turistima omogućava kvalitetna parkirališna usluga kao sastavnica cjelokupne ponude gradskih i turističkih destinacija, a investitoru u parkirališni kapacitet povrat investicije u primjerenom roku. Koji je to optimalan kapacitet i kako ga izračunati na najbolji mogući način povezujući parkirališnu ponudu i potražnju ? U ovom je radu prikazana primjena teorije redova čekanja u planiranju optimalnog broja uslužnih mjesta (rampi) na zatvorenim parkirališnim sustavima, budući da se parkiralište može definirati kao sustav opsluživanja. Prikazani je model testiran na primjeru parkirališta „Delta“ u Gradu Rijeci, a posebna je vrijednost modela univerzalna primjenjivost. Takvim pristupom dokazano je da se primjenom teorije redova čekanja može utvrditi optimalan broj uslužnih mjesta (rampi) na zatvorenim parkirališnim sustavima


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    For tourism as one of the most propellant and yet at the same time one of the most sensitive and most flexible industries, slowly but surely, the time of counting tourist arrivals and their overnight stays is coming to an end. Tourist experiences are becoming a part of the economic offer, together with the goods and services, i.e. they are the response of the service provider to the demand of the contemporary user (tourist) who wants to be treated in a personalised and memorable manner. In this way the need for a balanced coordination is created, i.e. preparation, implementation, monitoring and correction in management of life and of activities in every single tourist destination – from the urban planning, the utility infrastructure, the offer of original tourist products all the way to ensuring sufficient parking lots. Location of the parking capacities, their arrangement in space, the number of parking lots and the distance from tourist attractions are the fundamental determinants in providing the quality stationary service for tourists\u27 cars which, integrated with the remaining tourist services, represents also the determinant of the destination’s quality tourist product

    Optimization of COVID-19-Free Supply Chains

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    The basic aim of this paper is to research the importance of supply chain optimization in the circumstances of the COVID-19 crisis. The research object is the optimum selection of active participants before and after the COVID-19 crisis. The initial hypothesis of this paper is that optimal COVID-19-free supply chains can be formed with a dynamic programming method, the costs of which will be higher than those when this restriction would not exist, but significantly lower than those formed if the optimization principle in the selection of supply chain stakeholders would be neglected. Research results in this scientific discussion paper are based on the analysis and synthesis method, comparative method, and dynamic programming method. The main findings of this paper point to the conclusion that the COVID-19 crisis affected the reduction of goods flow within supply chains, reduction of potential participants in supply chains, reduction of supply chains business safety, and increase in business costs


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    Optimizacija parkirališnih kapaciteta osobito je važna za gradove u kojima su u gradskome središtu najviše koncentrirani javni, poslovni, turistički i trgovački sadržaji, a slična je situacija i u drugim dijelovima grada u kojima postoji izražen nedostatak parkirališnih mjesta. U skladu s time u ovoj se raspravi koncizno razrađuju specifičnosti ponude i potražnje za parkirališnim kapacitetima, prikazaju postojeći teorijski modeli za usklađivanje ponude i potražnje za parkirališnim kapacitetima i prikazuju matematički primjeri za analizu učinkovitosti i djelotvornosti korištenja parkirališnih kapaciteta. Spoznaje navedene u ovoj raspravi osnovne su postavke za učinkovitije upravljanje parkirališnim sustavom i za optimalno dimenzioniranje parkirališnih kapaciteta u gradskim središtima.Optimization of parking capacity is particularly important for the cities where the public, business, tourist and shopping facilities are concentrated mostly in the city center. However, a similar situation exists in other parts of the city where there is a pronounced lack of parking spaces. Accordingly, the article elaborates specific supply and demand for parking facilities, reviews the existing theoretical models for the match between supply and demand for parking facilities, and presents a mathematical analysis of patterns of efficiency and effectiveness of use of parking facilities. The obtained results are the basic settings for the efficient management of the parking system and the optimal design of parking facilities in urban centers