4,927 research outputs found

    Welcome to Havana, Mr Corleone: Issues of media ownership and control

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    In the United States the media system is set up to maximise profit for a relative handful of large companies. The system works well for them, but it is a disaster for the communication needs of a healthy and self-governing society. The problem is not with the poorly trained or unethical journalists; in fact, I suspect they may well be as talented and ethical as any generation of journalists in memory. It is the context journalists work in that is the problem.&nbsp

    Rectifiability of Optimal Transportation Plans

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    The purpose of this note is to show that the solution to the Kantorovich optimal transportation problem is supported on a Lipschitz manifold, provided the cost is C2C^{2} with non-singular mixed second derivative. We use this result to provide a simple proof that solutions to Monge's optimal transportation problem satisfy a change of variables equation almost everywhere

    IVOA Recommendation: An IVOA Standard for Unified Content Descriptors Version 1.1

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    This document describes the current understanding of the IVOA controlled vocabulary for describing astronomical data quantities, called Unified Content Descriptors (UCDs). The present document defines a new standard (named UCD1+) improving the first generation of UCDs (hereafter UCD1). The basic idea is to adopt a new syntax and vocabulary requiring little effort for people to adapt softwares already using UCD1. This document also addresses the questions of maintenance and evolution of the UCD1+. Examples of use cases within the VO, and tools for using UCD1+ are also described

    Power gain exhibited by motile mechanosensory neurons in Drosophila ears

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    In insects and vertebrates alike, hearing is assisted by the motility of mechanosensory cells. Much like pushing a swing augments its swing, this cellular motility is thought to actively augment vibrations inside the ear, thus amplifying the ear's mechanical input. Power gain is the hallmark of such active amplification, yet whether and how much energy motile mechanosensory cells contribute within intact auditory systems has remained uncertain. Here, we assess the mechanical energy provided by motile mechanosensory neurons in the antennal hearing organs of Drosophila melanogaster by analyzing the fluctuations of the sound receiver to which these neurons connect. By using dead WT flies and live mutants (tilB(2), btv(5P1), and nompA(2)) with defective neurons as a background, we show that the intact, motile neurons do exhibit power gain. In WT flies, the neurons lift the receiver's mean total energy by 19 zJ, which corresponds to 4.6 times the energy of the receiver's Brownian motion. Larger energy contributions (200 zJ) associate with self-sustained oscillations, suggesting that the neurons adjust their energy expenditure to optimize the receiver's sensitivity to sound. We conclude that motile mechanosensory cells provide active amplification; in Drosophila, mechanical energy contributed by these cells boosts the vibrations that enter the ear

    IVOA Recommendation: The UCD1+ controlled vocabulary Version 1.23

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    This document describes the list of controlled terms used to build the Unified Content Descriptors, Version 1+ (UCD1+). The document describing the UCD1+ can be found at the URL: http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/latest/UCD.html. This document reviews the structure of the UCD1+ and presents the current vocabulary

    Performance et cheminement scolaires des jeunes d’origine immigrée au Canada : apport actuel et utilisation des banques de données provinciales

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    La recherche présentée ici concerne la performance et le cheminement scolaires des jeunes Canadiens d’origine immigrée, aux niveaux primaire et secondaire, et porte sur les banques de données recueillies par les ministères de l’Éducation ou les conseils ou commissions scolaires du Québec, de l’Ontario et de la Colombie-Britannique. Son objectif est de réaliser un bilan critique de l’état des données, de contraster les conclusions d’études menées à partir d’elles et d’identifier les lacunes existantes en vue d’un projet pancanadien plus large. Diverses questions pourraient être éclairées par l’une ou l’autre des banques, tels les sous-groupes d’origine immigrée qui devraient recevoir un soutien prioritaire, les moments charnières où se joue leur scolarité, le lien entre la durée du soutien en langue seconde et la performance des élèves allophones, ainsi que la différence des défis vécus dans les écoles de langue française ou de langue anglaise, et dans les métropoles ou en région.The study presented here deals with the academic achievement and educational trajectories of young Canadians of immigrant origin, at the primary and secondary levels, in focusing on databases developed by education departments and school boards or commissions in Québec, Ontario and British Columbia. The aim of the study is to provide a critical assessment of the state of the data, compare the conclusions of studies conducted using these data, and pinpoint existing shortcomings in view of a larger Canada-wide project. These various databases could shed light on a wide range of questions, in helping to identify, for example, the subgroups of immigrant origin that should receive priority support, the crucial turning points in students’ lives, the relation between the duration of second-language support and the performance of allophone students, and the different challenges faced by French-language and English-language schools, in large population centres and in demographically smaller regions
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