149 research outputs found

    Child Health and Theories of Right allocation

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    Child Health and Theories of Right allocation

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    The Conflict between Advance Directives and Organ Donation: A New Problem in End-of-Life Planning

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    Okosnicu cijelog članka čini autorova tvrdnja da nije samo bioetika dovela do pada moderne medicine već da će i nadomjestak te medicine, postmoderna medicina, isto tako dovesti do podjednako radikalnih promjena u bioetici. U prvom dijelu članka autor izlaže argumente u korist teze da je bioetika smanjila područje djelovanja moderne medicine. Pitanje pobačaja, eutanazije, transplantacije srca, odbijanje primanja krvi u Jehovinih svjedoka, manipulacija genima nužno traže etičke i druge procjene koje se nalaze izvan okvira usko medicinskih vrijednosti. U tim i sličnim slučajevima i problemima bioetika pokazuje da je procjenjivački sud nužan, jer čak i ako netko dobro zna medicinu, ne znači da zna i što treba učiniti u svakom posebnom medicinskom slučaju. Zato, zaključuje autor, modernu će medicinu zamijeniti postmoderna medicina koja će se zasnivati na pretpostavcl da je za svaku komunikaciju i za svako odlučivanje u medicini potreban skup vjerovanja i vrijednosti te da ta vjerovanja ivrijednosti moraju doći iz svijeta izvan medicine. To će izazvati i radikalne promjene unutar bioetike.The focal point of the whole article is the author\u27s statement that it was not only ethics that brought down the fall of modern medicine, but that its substitute, postmodern medicine, will be the cause of equally radical changes in bioethics. In the first part of the article, the author gives arguments supporting the thesis that bioethics has decreased the field of action of modern medicine. The issues of abortion, euthanasia, heart transplants, refusal to receive blood by Jehovia\u27s Witnesses, manipulation with genes, require ethical and other evaluations which remain outside the limits of narrow medical values. In such and similar cases, bioethics shows that evaluatory judgement is necessary, for even if one knows medicine well, one cannot claim to know what to do in each and every medical case. Therefore, concludes the author, modern medicine will be replaced by postmodern medicine which will be based on the presumption that for any communication and every decision-making act in medicine, one should draw upon a set of beliefs and values, and furthermore, that these beliefs and values should come from the world outside medicine. This will also be the cause of radica I changes within bioethics.Die Grundlage dieses Aufsatzes ist die These des Verfassers, daB nicht nur die Bioethik zum Niedergang der modernen Medizin gefahrt habe, sondem daB auch die sie ersetzende postmoderne Medizin ebenso radikale Veranderungen in der Bioethik herbeifUhren werde. Im ersten Teil seines Artikels fahrt der Verfasser Argumente an, die far die These sprechen, daB die Bioethik den Tatigkeitsbereich der modemen Medizin eingeschrankt habe. Die Fragen der Abtreibung, der Euthanasie, der Herztranspl antati on", der Ablehnung von Bluttransfusionen unter Anhangem der Zeugen Jehovas, der Genmanipulierung erfordern notwendig Beurteilungen ethischer, aber auch anderer Art, die auBerhalb streng medizinischer Wertvorstellungen liegen. In solchgearteten Fallen und Problemen zeigt die Bioethik, daB Urteil e notwendig sind, denn selbst wenn man ein guter Mediziner ist, heiBt das noch lange nicht, daB man in jedem einzelnen medizinischen Fall auch weiB, was zu tun ist. Daher werde, so die SchluBfolgerung des Autors, die moderne Medizin von der postmodernen abgelčst werden. Diese werde auf der Annahme beruhen, daB es far jegliche Kommunikation und fUr jeglichen EntschluB in der Medizin einer ganzen Anzahl von Oberzeugungen und Wertvorstellungen bedarfe und daB diese Oberzeugungen und Wertvorstellungen in der Welt auBerhalb der Medizin wurzeln maBten. Auch in der Bioethik selbst wird dies radikale Veranderungen zur Folge haben

    Does clinical equipoise apply to cluster randomized trials in health research?

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    This article is part of a series of papers examining ethical issues in cluster randomized trials (CRTs) in health research. In the introductory paper in this series, Weijer and colleagues set out six areas of inquiry that must be addressed if the cluster trial is to be set on a firm ethical foundation. This paper addresses the third of the questions posed, namely, does clinical equipoise apply to CRTs in health research? The ethical principle of beneficence is the moral obligation not to harm needlessly and, when possible, to promote the welfare of research subjects. Two related ethical problems have been discussed in the CRT literature. First, are control groups that receive only usual care unduly disadvantaged? Second, when accumulating data suggests the superiority of one intervention in a trial, is there an ethical obligation to act

    Inducing Ni Sensitivity in the Ni Hyperaccumulator Plant Alyssum inflatum Nyárády (Brassicaceae) by Transforming with CAX1, a Vacuolar Membrane Calcium Transporter

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    The importance of calcium in nickel tolerance was studied in the nickel hyperaccumulator plant Alyssum inflatum by gene transformation of CAX1, a vacuolar membrane transporter that reduces cytosolic calcium. CAX1 from Arabidopsis thaliana with a CaMV35S promoter accompanying a kanamycin resistance gene was transferred into A. inflatum using Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Transformed calli were subcultured three times on kanamycin-rich media and transformation was confirmed by PCR using a specific primer for CAX1. At least 10 callus lines were used as a pool of transformed material. Both transformed and untransformed calli were treated with varying concentrations of either calcium (1–15 mM) or nickel (0– 500 lM) to compare their responses to those ions. Increased external calcium generally led to increased callus biomass, however, the increase was greater for untransformed callus. Further, increased external calcium led to increased callus calcium concentrations. Transformed callus was less nickel tolerant than untransformed callus: under increasing nickel concentrations callus relative growth rate was significantly less for transformed callus. Transformed callus also contained significantly less nickel than untransformed callus when exposed to the highest external nickel concentration (200 lM). We suggest that transformation with CAX1 decreased cytosolic calcium and resulted in decreased nickel tolerance. This in turn suggests that, at low cytosolic calcium concentrations, other nickel tolerance mechanisms (e.g., complexation and vacuolar sequestration) are insufficient for nickel tolerance. We propose that high cytosolic calcium is an important mechanism that results in nickel tolerance by nickel hyperaccumulator plants