6 research outputs found

    A One-Phase Dual Converter for 2 Quadrant Power-Control of Superconducting Magnets

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    Microcomputer Control of a Current Source DC-DC Converter

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    Abstract The first test superconducting undulator (SCU0) was successfully installed and commissioned at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) and is delivering 80-to 100-keV photons for user science. The magnet cores are mounted on but thermally isolated from the beam vacuum chamber. Protecting the SCU0 from high beam-induced heat loads was an important requirement before operating the SCU0 in the storage ring. Precise alignment of the beam vacuum chamber with respect to both the electron beam orbit as well as the synchrotron radiation generated in the upstream dipole magnet was therefore extremely important. The beam vacuum chamber was instrumented with nine thermal sensors. Using the sensors, the chamber alignment was determined with 100-micron accuracy. This accuracy is 10 times higher than in a standard aperture scan. Other advantages of the thermal sensorbased alignment method include isolating the SCU0 alignment from other components in the orbit bump and providing good longitudinal spatial resolution. The chamber temperatures agreed well with the predicted heat load and dependence on steering. This novel beam-based alignment method and results will be presented