429 research outputs found

    Discriminating the Progenitor Type of Supernova Remnants with Iron K-Shell Emission

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    Supernova remnants (SNRs) retain crucial information about both their parent explosion and circumstellar material left behind by their progenitor. However, the complexity of the interaction between supernova ejecta and ambient medium often blurs this information, and it is not uncommon for the basic progenitor type (Ia or core-collapse) of well-studied remnants to remain uncertain. Here we present a powerful new observational diagnostic to discriminate between progenitor types and constrain the ambient medium density of SNRs solely using Fe K-shell X-ray emission. We analyze all extant Suzaku observations of SNRs and detect Fe K alpha emission from 23 young or middle-aged remnants, including five first detections (IC 443, G292.0+1.8, G337.2-0.7, N49, and N63A). The Fe K alpha centroids clearly separate progenitor types, with the Fe-rich ejecta in Type Ia remnants being significantly less ionized than in core-collapse SNRs. Within each progenitor group, the Fe K alpha luminosity and centroid are well correlated, with more luminous objects having more highly ionized Fe. Our results indicate that there is a strong connection between explosion type and ambient medium density, and suggest that Type Ia supernova progenitors do not substantially modify their surroundings at radii of up to several parsecs. We also detect a K-shell radiative recombination continuum of Fe in W49B and IC 443, implying a strong circumstellar interaction in the early evolutionary phases of these core-collapse remnants.Comment: Accepted by ApJL; 5 pages with just 1 table and 1 figur

    Optical Propagation and Communication

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    Contains summary of research and reports on four research projects.National Science Foundation (Grant ECS81-20637)U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-81-K-0662)Maryland Procurement Office (Contract MDA904-84-C-6037)U.S. Army Research Office - Durham (Contract DAAG29-80-K-0022)U.S. Army Research Office - Durham (Contract DAAG29-84-K-0095)U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-80-C-0941

    Optical Propagation and Communication

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    Contains research summary and reports on four research projects.National Science Foundation (Grant ECS81-20637)National Science Foundation (Grant ECS85-09143)Maryland Procurement Office (Contract MDA904-84-C-6037)National Science Foundation (Grant ECS84-15580)U.S. Army Research Office - Durham (Contract DAAG29-84-K-0095)U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research (Contract NO0014-80-C-0941

    Signature of Electron Capture in Iron-Rich Ejecta of SN 2003du

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    Late-time near-infrared and optical spectra are presented for the normal-bright SN2003du. At about 300 days after the explosion, the emission profiles of well isolated [FeII] lines (in particular that of the strong 1.644mu feature) trace out the global kinematic distribution of radioactive material in the expanding. In SN2003du, the 1.644 mu [FeII] line shows a flat-topped, profile, indicative of a thick but hollow-centered expanding shell, rather than a strongly-peaked profile that would be expected from a ``center-filled'' distribution.Based on detailed models for exploding Chandrasekhar mass white dwarfs, we show that the feature is consistent with spherical explosion models.Our model predicts central region of non-radioactive electron-capture elements up to 2500--3000km/s as a consequence of burning under high density, and an extended region of 56Ni up to 9,000--10,000km/s. Furthermore our analysis indicates that the 1.644mu [FeII] profile is not consistent with strong mixing between the regions of electron- capture isotopes and the 56Ni layers as is predicted by detailed 3D models for nuclear deflagration fronts. We discuss the possibility that the flat-topped profile could be produced as a result of an infrared catastrophe and conclude that such an explanation is unlikely. We put our results in context to other SNeIa and briefly discuss the implications of our result for the use of SNe Ia as cosmological standard candles.Comment: 12 pages + 8 figures, ApJ (in press, Dec. 20, 2004) For high resolution figures send E-mail to [email protected]

    Advection-Dominated Accretion Model of Sagittarius A*: Evidence for a Black Hole at the Galactic Center

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    Sgr A* at the Galactic Center is a puzzling source. It has a mass M=(2.5+/-0.4) x 10^6 solar masses which makes it an excellent black hole candidate. Observations of stellar winds and other gas flows in its vicinity suggest a mass accretion rate approximately few x 10^{-6} solar masses per year. However, such an accretion rate would imply a luminosity > 10^{40} erg/s if the radiative efficiency is the usual 10 percent, whereas observations indicate a bolometric luminosity <10^{37} erg/s. The spectrum of Sgr A* is unusual, with emission extending over many decades of wavelength. We present a model of Sgr A* which is based on a two-temperature optically-thin advection-dominated accretion flow. The model is consistent with the estimated mass and accretion rate, and fits the observed fluxes in the cm/mm and X-ray bands as well as upper limits in the sub-mm and infrared bands; the fit is less good in the radio below 86 GHz and in gamma-rays above 100 MeV. The very low luminosity of Sgr A* is explained naturally in the model by means of advection. Most of the viscously dissipated energy is advected into the central mass by the accreting gas, and therefore the radiative efficiency is extremely low, approximately 5 x 10^{-6}. A critical element of the model is the presence of an event horizon at the center which swallows the advected energy. The success of the model could thus be viewed as confirmation that Sgr A* is a black hole.Comment: 41 pages (Latex) including 6 Figures and 2 Tables. Final Revised Version changes to text, tables and figures. ApJ, 492, in pres

    Identification of a micropeptide and multiple secondary cell genes that modulate <i>Drosophila</i> male reproductive success

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    Even in well-characterized genomes, many transcripts are considered noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) simply due to the absence of large open reading frames (ORFs). However, it is now becoming clear that many small ORFs (smORFs) produce peptides with important biological functions. In the process of characterizing the ribosome-bound transcriptome of an important cell type of the seminal fluid-producing accessory gland of Drosophila melanogaster, we detected an RNA, previously thought to be noncoding, called male-specific abdominal (msa). Notably, msa is nested in the HOX gene cluster of the Bithorax complex and is known to contain a micro-RNA within one of its introns. We find that this RNA encodes a "micropeptide" (9 or 20 amino acids, MSAmiP) that is expressed exclusively in the secondary cells of the male accessory gland, where it seems to accumulate in nuclei. Importantly, loss of function of this micropeptide causes defects in sperm competition. In addition to bringing insights into the biology of a rare cell type, this work underlines the importance of small peptides, a class of molecules that is now emerging as important actors in complex biological processes

    Optical Propagation and Communication

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    Contains reports on four research projects.National Science Foundation (Grant ECS81-20637)U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-81-K-0662)U.S. Army Research Office - Durham (Contract DAAG29-80-K-0022)U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-80-C-0941

    Optical Propagation and Communication

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    Contains research objectives and reports on four research projects.National Science Foundation (Grant ECS 85-09143)Maryland Procurement Office (Contract MDA 904-84-C-6037)National Science Foundation (Grant ECS 84-15580)U.S. Army Research Office - Durham (Contract DAAG29-84-K-0095)U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-80-C-0941

    Initiator Elements Function to Determine the Activity State of BX-C Enhancers

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    A >300 kb cis-regulatory region is required for the proper expression of the three bithorax complex (BX-C) homeotic genes. Based on genetic and transgenic analysis, a model has been proposed in which the numerous BX-C cis-regulatory elements are spatially restricted through the activation or repression of parasegment-specific chromatin domains. Particular early embryonic enhancers, called initiators, have been proposed to control this complex process. Here, in order to better understand the process of domain activation, we have undertaken a systematic in situ dissection of the iab-6 cis-regulatory domain using a new method, called InSIRT. Using this method, we create and genetically characterize mutations affecting iab-6 function, including mutations specifically modifying the iab-6 initiator. Through our mutagenesis of the iab-6 initiator, we provide strong evidence that initiators function not to directly control homeotic gene expression but rather as domain control centers to determine the activity state of the enhancers and silencers within a cis-regulatory domain
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