1,905 research outputs found

    Determination of Extrapolation Distance With Pressure Signatures Measured at Two to Twenty Span Lengths From Two Low-Boom Models

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    A study was performed to determine a limiting separation distance for the extrapolation of pressure signatures from cruise altitude to the ground. The study was performed at two wind-tunnel facilities with two research low-boom wind-tunnel models designed to generate ground pressure signatures with "flattop" shapes. Data acquired at the first wind-tunnel facility showed that pressure signatures had not achieved the desired low-boom features for extrapolation purposes at separation distances of 2 to 5 span lengths. However, data acquired at the second wind-tunnel facility at separation distances of 5 to 20 span lengths indicated the "limiting extrapolation distance" had been achieved so pressure signatures could be extrapolated with existing codes to obtain credible predictions of ground overpressures

    Mexican Cartel Tactical Note #20: RPG-29 Anti-Armor Munitions

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    Note—Up until recently, weapons that provide for armor and bunker defeat capability at the levels that the RPG-29 is capable of, have not been seen in the hands of the Mexican cartels. The fact that they have successfully obtained them—and the origin and mechanism by which they were obtained should be of extreme concern to everyone

    The KELT-South Telescope

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    The Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope (KELT) project is a survey for new transiting planets around bright stars. KELT-South is a small-aperture, wide-field automated telescope located at Sutherland, South Africa. The telescope surveys a set of 26 degree by 26 degree fields around the southern sky, and targets stars in the range of 8 < V < 10 mag, searching for transits by Hot Jupiters. This paper describes the KELT-South system hardware and software and discusses the quality of the observations. We show that KELT-South is able to achieve the necessary photometric precision to detect transits of Hot Jupiters around solar-type main-sequence stars.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figure

    Book Reviews

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    A Filtration System That Greatly Reduces Aluminum in Calcium Gluconate Injection, USP Used to Prepare Parenteral Nutrition Solutions

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    OBJECTIVE: The study objective was to reduce aluminum (Al) in Calcium Gluconate Injection, US Pharmacopeia (USP) used in the preparation of parenteral nutrition (PN) solutions. METHODS: A flow-through filter containing an immobilized chelator that complexes Al from Calcium Gluconate Injection, USP as it flows through the filter was designed, refined by design modifications, and extensively tested. When a small-volume parenteral vial containing 100 mL of Calcium Gluconate Injection, USP is connected on the inlet side of the filter, and the outlet side is connected to an evacuated receiving vial, the filtered solution is drawn into the receiving vial. This constitutes a complete system to remove Al from Calcium Gluconate Injection, USP. RESULTS: The extent of Al removal is flow rate dependent. At a flow rate of 1 mL/min approximately 85% of the Al was removed from calcium gluconate solution. PN solutions have been reported to deliver 15 to 23 mcg/kg/day Al to neonates. Given that Calcium Gluconate Injection, USP provides 85% of the Al in neonatal PN solutions, removal of 85% of the Al from this source was calculated to reduce Al delivered to most neonates to \u3c 5 mcg/kg/day. CONCLUSIONS: A point-of-use, self-contained, single-use, disposable, Al-complexing filter has been created. It was calculated to reduce Al delivered in PN solutions by 72%, resulting in daily Al delivery below the level that results in Al accumulation associated with central nervous system and bone toxicity to all but the smallest (\u3c 1 kg) infants
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