322 research outputs found

    Spatial discretization of partial differential equations with integrals

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    We consider the problem of constructing spatial finite difference approximations on a fixed, arbitrary grid, which have analogues of any number of integrals of the partial differential equation and of some of its symmetries. A basis for the space of of such difference operators is constructed; most cases of interest involve a single such basis element. (The ``Arakawa'' Jacobian is such an element.) We show how the topology of the grid affects the complexity of the operators.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX sourc

    Hamiltonian boundary value problems, conformal symplectic symmetries, and conjugate loci

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    In this paper we continue our study of bifurcations of solutions of boundary-value problems for symplectic maps arising as Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms. These have been shown to be connected to catastrophe theory via generating functions and ordinary and reversal phase space symmetries have been considered. Here we present a convenient, coordinate free framework to analyse separated Lagrangian boundary value problems which include classical Dirichlet, Neumann and Robin boundary value problems. The framework is then used to {prove the existence of obstructions arising from} conformal symplectic symmetries on the bifurcation behaviour of solutions to Hamiltonian boundary value problems. Under non-degeneracy conditions, a group action by conformal symplectic symmetries has the effect that the flow map cannot degenerate in a direction which is tangential to the action. This imposes restrictions on which singularities can occur in boundary value problems. Our results generalise classical results about conjugate loci on Riemannian manifolds to a large class of Hamiltonian boundary value problems with, for example, scaling symmetries

    A note on the motion of surfaces

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    We study the motion of surfaces in an intrinsic formulation in which the surface is described by its metric and curvature tensors. The evolution equations for the six quantities contained in these tensors are reduced in number in two cases: (i) for arbitrary surfaces, we use principal coordinates to obtain two equations for the two principal curvatures, highlighting the similarity with the equations of motion of a plane curve; and (ii) for surfaces with spatially constant negative curvature, we use parameterization by Tchebyshev nets to reduce to a single evolution equation. We also obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for a surface to maintain spatially constant negative curvature as it moves. One choice for the surface's normal motion leads to the modified-Korteweg de Vries equation,the appearance of which is explained by connections to the AKNS hierarchy and the motion of space curves.Comment: 10 pages, compile with AMSTEX. Two figures available from the author

    A minimal-variable symplectic integrator on spheres

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    We construct a symplectic, globally defined, minimal-coordinate, equivariant integrator on products of 2-spheres. Examples of corresponding Hamiltonian systems, called spin systems, include the reduced free rigid body, the motion of point vortices on a sphere, and the classical Heisenberg spin chain, a spatial discretisation of the Landau-Lifschitz equation. The existence of such an integrator is remarkable, as the sphere is neither a vector space, nor a cotangent bundle, has no global coordinate chart, and its symplectic form is not even exact. Moreover, the formulation of the integrator is very simple, and resembles the geodesic midpoint method, although the latter is not symplectic

    Integrable four-dimensional symplectic maps of standard type

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    We search for rational, four-dimensional maps of standard type (x_{n+1} - 2x_n + x_{n-1} = eps f(x,eps)) possessing one or two polynomial integrals. There are no non-trivial maps corresponding to cubic oscillators, but we find a four-parameter family of such maps corresponding to quartic oscillators. This seems to be the only such example.Comment: 5 pages, compile with plain TEX. No figures. To appear in Physics Letters

    Symplectic integrators for spin systems

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    We present a symplectic integrator, based on the canonical midpoint rule, for classical spin systems in which each spin is a unit vector in R3\mathbb{R}^3. Unlike splitting methods, it is defined for all Hamiltonians, and is O(3)O(3)-equivariant. It is a rare example of a generating function for symplectic maps of a noncanonical phase space. It yields an integrable discretization of the reduced motion of a free rigid body

    On the nonlinear stability of symplectic integrators

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    The modified Hamiltonian is used to study the nonlinear stability of symplectic integrators, especially for nonlinear oscillators. We give conditions under which an initial condition on a compact energy surface will remain bounded for exponentially long times for sufficiently small time steps. For example, the implicit midpoint rule achieves this for the critical energy surface of the H´enon- Heiles system, while the leapfrog method does not. We construct explicit methods which are nonlinearly stable for all simple mechanical systems for exponentially long times. We also address questions of topological stability, finding conditions under which the original and modified energy surfaces are topologically equivalent
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