50 research outputs found
Penelitian pengaruh kebisingan terhadap aktivitas masyarakat di Terminal Mardika Ambon dilakukan pada bulan Oktober sampai November tahun 2016. Titik pengamatan dibagi menjadi tiga bagian yaitu di Terminal A meliputi dua titik pengamatan dan di Terminal B meliputi satu titik pengamatan. Data kebisingan diambil dengan menggunakan alat pengukur kebisingan (sound level meter) sedangkan data gangguan yang dirasakan masyarakat diambil dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada para pedagang di Terminal Mardika Ambon. Hasil perhitungan rerata kebisingan telah melebihi Nilai Ambang Batas yang dianjurkan untuk daerah perdagangan dan jasa yaitu 77,8 dB (hari Sabtu) ; 73,1 dB (Hari Minggu) dan 76,3dB (Hari Senin). Dari Hasil analisis terdapat perubahan yang signifikan antara kebisingan pada hari Sabtu dan Minggu diperoleh (p 1.65x10-18<0,05), kebisingan antara hari Sabtu dan Senin (p5.2x10-5< 0,05), dan kebisingan antara hari Minggu dan Senin (p 3.56x10-15< 0,05). Hasil Pengumpulan data gangguan tertinggi yang dirasakan masyarakat di Terminal Mardika Ambon adalah gangguan psikologis yaitu 8,6
Strategi Pemasaran Agribisnis Kopi PT. Sari Makmur Kota Medan Propinsi Sumatera Utara
Tanaman kopi merupakan salah satu komoditi andalan bagi beberapa daerah, khususnya dataran tinggi. Perkebunan kopi telah menjadi sumber kehidupan bagi petani, pedagang kopi, industri pengolahan kopi dan eksportir kopi di Propisnsi Sumatera Utara. PT. Sari Makmur Tungal Mandiri adalah salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang industri perkopian baik biji maupun kopi olahan yang pendapatan perusahaan diperoleh dari hasil penjualan kopi yang dipasarkan. Adapun pemasaran kopi perusahaan tersebut dalam luar negeri, pemasaran yang dilakukan perusahaan meliputi unsur-unsur pemasaran produk, harga, distribusi dan promosi bertujuan agar produk yang dihasilkan perusahaan dapat diterima oleh pasar sebagaimana yang diharapkan perusahaan. Keberhasilan pemasaran produk dipengaruhi oleh strategi pemasaran yang pada umumnya dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal dan eksternal, strategi pemasaran yang tepat dan dapat dilaksanakan selanjutnya akan mempengaruhi keunggulan bersaing produk yang dipasarkan
.Buruh angkat – angkut tradisional wanita bekerja setiap malam di Pasar Badung Denpasar, mulai dari pukul 19.00-03.30 WITA. Rentangan usia para buruh adalah 18-40 tahun dan beban 60-100 kg ditambah keranjang 1-2 kg, dengan cara menjunjung di atas kepala. Jarak tempuh tiap frekuensi angkut adalah100 meter. Dari konsep-konsep ergonomi, proses ini adalah berlebihan dan sering menyebabkan cedera. Untuk mengatasi kondisi kerja yang tidak ergomonis tersebut, dilakukan perbaikan kualitas kerja terhadap 11 orang sampel, meliputi: sikap kerja, metode kerja, beban angkat dan desain alat kerja guna mengatasi sikap kerja yang tidak alamiah serta memberikan kesempatan untuk melakukan istirahat aktif dan mengubah sistem kerja statis menjadi lebih dinamis. Secara umum tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbaikan kualitas kerja dengan menerapkan pendekatan ergonomi terhadap produktivitas buruh angkat-angkut. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) rerata gaya tekan L5/S1 sebelum perbaikan 7.637,15 ± 66,78 N dan sesudah perbaikan 2.983,26 ± 16,63 N; (2) rerata denyut nadi kerja sebelum perbaikan 150,61 ± 1,06 denyut/menit dan sesudah perbaikan 119,51 ± 1,39 denyut/menit; dan (3) rerata produktivitas sebelum perbaikan 1,78 x 10-2 ± 0,01 x 10 dan sesudah perbaikan 2,24 x 10-2± 0,03 x 10-2. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh bahwa perbaikan kualitas kerja dengan menerapkan pendekatan ergonomi dapat menurunkan gaya tekan L5/S1 sebesar 60,94 % (p<0,05),beban kerja sebesar 42,59 % (p<0,05) dan meningkatkan produktivitas sebesar 26,04 % (p<0,05).  
An Ergonomic Intervention to Redesign Fish Smoking Device of Home Industry
Smoke and heat become the contributors for increasing temperature and humidity in the production room, and workload of workers, and decreasing work productivity of a smoked fish home industry in Hative Kecil Village, Ambon City, Indonesia. This paper was aimed to redesign a fish smoking device with ergonomic consideration for solving the problem. An ergonomic intervention method applied to redesign the device. Redesign process describe result of ergonomic assessment in to the stages of rational method in order to produce new design. Despite the environmental variable (temperature and humidity), 10 male workers (age 40-50 year) were assessed their characteristics consisting of personal, anthropometric, workload and work productivity data. Final results presented a decreasing temperature (15.03%), humidity (8.06%), and workload of workers (75.89%) while work productivity increased 88.92%. It concluded that the device redesign can improve temperature, humidity, workload of workers and work productivity in the smoked fish home industry
Penyulingan minyak kayu putih adalah salah satu industri tradisional masyarakat di Maluku, khususnya pulau Ambon, Buru dan Seram. Kegiatan ini dilakukan lebih dari 8 jam/hari tanpa menggunakan konsep ergonomi, seperti: waktu istirahat, nutrisi, peralatan kerja dan ruang produksi. Faktor lain seperti: paparan panas, asap dan kondisi lingkungan kerja yang tidak ergonomis ikut memberikan beban tambahan. Untuk mengatasi kondisi tersebut, perlu dilakukan desain peralatan dan metode kerja guna memperbaiki sikap yang tidak alamiah serta memberikan kesempatan kepada para pekerja melakukan istirahat aktif dan mengubah sistem statis menjadi dinamis. Tujuan penelitian yang ingin dicapai adalah menurunkan keluhan muskuloskeletal, beban kerja serta meningkatkan produktivitas setelah desain peralatan dan metode kerja berbasis ergonomi. Luaran yang ditargetkan adalah peralatan dan metode kerja baru berbasis ergonomi yakni sistem kerja, ruang produksi, ketel penyulingan, tungku, lemari, tempat duduk/tidur, sistem pendingin, perpipaan dan corong asap, serta produktivitas meningkat 15%. Hasil penelitian sementara ini memberikan kesimpulan sebagai berikut: 1. Pengaruh keluhan musculoskeletal dan kelelahan yang tinggi sebagai kontribusi juga dari aspek lingkungan kerja yang kurang ergonomis memicu pekerja untuk bekerja pada kemampuan belum wajar untuk memberikan hasil yang maksimal; 2. Perbedaan material pipa pendingin (stanless steel, tembaga dan aluminium) untuk proses kondensasi uap minyak kayu putih, dapat berkontribusi pada karakteristik produk dan jumlah produksi; 3. Setelah intervensi ergonomi dalam desain metode dan peralatan kerja maka terjadi penurunan dari target penelitian (10%) sebesar 56,2% untuk tingkat keluhan musculoskeletal, 57,8% untuk keluhan kelelahan dan 19,3% untuk beban kerja, sedangkan untuk produktivitas kerja pengolah minyak kayu putih tradisional naik 24,3% dari target penelitian sebesar 15%
Ergonomic Assesment Keluhan Muskuloskeletal dan Sikap Tubuh Pekerja Ikan Asar di Desa Hative Kecil
Especially to man power task, musculoskeletal complaints related to work have caused by unfitting posturs of workers exposured during their daily tasks implemetation. Accordingly, research was conducted to assess the risk and determine the location of musculoskeletal complaints that pottentially occur in the body of ikan asar processing workers in Hative Kecil. The results, based on the comparation of RULA and NBM data analysis, show that detail investigations and changes hove to be done immediately to minimize the impacts since the complaints are taken place at level of 2 and 4. Neck, shoulders, back, arms (upper and low), wrists, elbows, waist, thighs, knees, calves, ankles and legs are founded as complaints locations
Female traditional porters work every evening at Badung market from 7 pm to3.30 am. Age interval of the porters is 18 – 40 years. The weight of goods carried by asingle porter is 60 – 100 kilograms plus 1-2 kilograms of the basket’s weight, carriedon the head. The distance of each porting activity is 100 meters. From ergonomicconcept, the burden is excessive and may cause injuries such as damage ofintervertebral discs, pain, excessive fatigue and head and neck muscles disorder. Thesymptoms are more obviously seen in those over 40 years old for most of them are notvery capable of working, even some of them need medical treatment. To overcome thisnon-ergonomic work condition, a work quality improvement was carried out to 11sampled porters, including work position, method, carrying weight and equipmentdesign in order to improve the unnatural work position and to give chance to them tohave an active rest as well as to alter the static work system to be more dynamic.Results of this study were: (1) average of pressure force on L5/S1 before improvementwas 7,967.65 ± 66.78 N and after improvement was 2,983.26 ± 16.63 N; (2) average ofmusculoskeletal complaints before improvement was 61.07 ± 0.72 and afterimprovement was 42.76 ± 1.21; (3) fatigue average before improvement was 77.44 ±3.93 and after improvement was 50.36 ± 2.21; (4) pulse rate average beforeimprovement was 150.61 ± 1.06 pulses/minute and after improvement was 119.51 ±1.39 pulses/minute; and (5) average productivity before improvement was 1.78 x 10-2 ±0.01 x 10-2 and after improvement was 2.24 x 10-2 ± 0.03 x 10-2. The results analysisshowed that improvement of work quality by applying ergonomic approach coulddecrease the pressure force on L5/S1 of 60.94 % (p<0.05), musculoskeletal complaintsof 29.99 % (p<0.05), level of fatigue by 34.97 % (p<0.05) and work load by 42.59 %(p<0.05), as well as could increase the work productivity to 26.04 % (p<0.05).Therefore, it is conclused that the improvement of work quality by applying ergonomicapproach increases performance of traditional porters
A randomized trial of artemether-lumefantrine versus mefloquine-artesunate for the treatment of uncomplicated multi-drug resistant Plasmodium falciparum on the western border of Thailand
BACKGROUND: The use of antimalarial drug combinations with artemisinin derivatives is recommended to overcome drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum. The fixed combination of oral artemether-lumefantrine, an artemisinin combination therapy (ACT) is highly effective and well tolerated. It is the only registered fixed combination containing an artemisinin. The trial presented here was conducted to monitor the efficacy of the six-dose regimen of artemether-lumefantrine (ALN) in an area of multi-drug resistance, along the Thai-Myanmar border. METHODS: The trial was an open-label, two-arm, randomized study comparing artemether-lumefantrine and mefloquine-artesunate for the treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria with 42 days of follow up. Parasite genotyping by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to distinguish recrudescent from newly acquired P. falciparum infections. The PCR adjusted cure rates were evaluated by survival analysis. RESULTS: In 2001–2002 a total of 490 patients with slide confirmed uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria were randomly assigned to receive artemether-lumefantrine (n = 245) or artesunate and mefloquine (n = 245) and were followed for 42 days. All patients had rapid initial clinical and parasitological responses. In both groups, the PCR adjusted cure rates by day 42 were high: 98.8% (95% CI 96.4, 99.6%) for artemether-lumefantrine and 96.3% (95% CI 93.1, 98.0%) for artesunate-mefloquine. Both regimens were very well tolerated with no serious adverse events observed attributable to either combination. CONCLUSION: Overall, this study confirms that these two artemisinin-based combinations remain highly effective and result in equivalent therapeutic responses in the treatment of highly drug-resistant falciparum malaria
Changes in the Treatment Responses to Artesunate-Mefloquine on the Northwestern Border of Thailand during 13 Years of Continuous Deployment
Background: Artemisinin combination treatments (ACT) are recommended as first line treatment for falciparum malaria throughout the malaria affected world. We reviewed the efficacy of a 3-day regimen of mefloquine and artesunate regimen (MAS ), over a 13 year period of continuous deployment as first-line treatment in camps for displaced persons and in clinics for migrant population along the Thai-Myanmar border. Methods and Findings: 3,264 patients were enrolled in prospective treatment trials between 1995 and 2007 and treated with MAS. The proportion of patients with parasitaemia persisting on day-2 increased significantly from 4.5% before 2001 to 21.9% since 2002 (p<0.001). Delayed parasite clearance was associated with increased risk of developing gametocytaemia (AOR = 2.29; 95% CI, 2.00-2.69, p = 0.002). Gametocytaemia on admission and carriage also increased over the years (p = 0.001, test for trend, for both). MAS efficacy has declined slightly but significantly (Hazards ratio 1.13; 95% CI, 1.07-1.19, p<0.001), although efficacy in 2007 remained well within acceptable limits: 96.5% (95% CI, 91.0-98.7). The in vitro susceptibility of P. falciparum to artesunate increased significantly until 2002, but thereafter declined to levels close to those of 13 years ago (geometric mean in 2007: 4.2 nM/l; 95% CI, 3.2-5.5). The proportion of infections caused by parasites with increased pfmdr1 copy number rose from 30% (12/ 40) in 1996 to 53% (24/45) in 2006 (p = 0.012, test for trend). Conclusion: Artesunate-mefloquine remains a highly efficacious antimalarial treatment in this area despite 13 years of widespread intense deployment, but there is evidence of a modest increase in resistance. Of particular concern is the slowing of parasitological response to artesunate and the associated increase in gametocyte carriage. © 2009 Carrara et al