14 research outputs found

    Hedgerows use more water, but increase efficiency, profit in young walnuts

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    Total water use was 18.8% greater for hedgerow plantings of walnut trees than for conventionally spaced trees during years 2 through 7 of this study. Cumulative yield-and revenue-water use efficiencies were much greater with the hedgerows through year 5, but differences narrowed there-after. The hedgerows had greater total yield, but lower crop value due to smaller nuts. Although individual nut weight was strongly correlated with nut load, the relationship between nut weight and nut density was independent of tree spacing. Total gross and net hedgerow revenues were greater

    Large bugs damage pistachio nuts most severely during midseason

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    “Large bug” damage to pistachio nuts varies by season, as well as among insect species and development stages, with larger bugs typically causing more damage than smaller bugs. We investigated pistachio damage by three large bug species (leaffooted bug, redshouldered stink bug and flat green stink bug) at different development stages and throughout the season, using field surveys and cage studies. Before fruit set occurs in June, most damaged nuts are dropped from the cluster without reducing fruit load. The midseason period (June to July) is the most critical because the damaged nuts remain in the cluster. After shell hardening, the kernel is largely protected from bug feeding