6 research outputs found

    Afrique : Archipel des Mascareignes : France : La Réunion : Arrondisement de Saint-Benoît : Piton de la Fournaise : Nord de l'enclos Fouqué, vue depuis le pas de Bellecombe

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    Commentaire de l'auteur en 2017 : ---- Contexte ---- : Mission effectuée dans le cadre de l’organisation des Journées de géographie tropicale avec accueil par l’université de la Réunion en 1983.Légende manuscrite sur le document original : ''Piton de la Fournaise. Enclos Fouqué- vers l'est. Topo 1:50 000 La Réunion feuille 4.'' DESCRIPTION COMPLÉMENTAIRE : En direction de l'Est, interruption des versants abrupts des remparts bordant le cratère; large ouverture en direction du littoral: à vol d'oiseau, par les Grandes Pentes, le littoral se trouve à peine à une dizaine de kilomètres. Sur une telle distance, le passage d'altitude de 2 000 mètres au niveau de la mer traduit la vigueur du relief sur l'île de la Réunion. -- Géolocalisation : hypothèse de géolocalisation exacte

    Behavioral states are arranged in a triangle.

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    <p>A. Each of the 832 states with probability greater than 10% is plotted in two dimensions as in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0059865#pone-0059865-g003" target="_blank">Figure 3</a>. The black line is the smallest polygon that contains all of them (the convex hull). The area of this polygon is 90.5% that of the smallest triangle containing them, significantly greater than that expected if they are not constrained to a triangle (<i>P</i><10<sup>−5</sup>). The corresponding figure for a test using all the states, not just those with probability greater than 10%, is 90.8% (<i>P</i><10<sup>−5</sup>). B. An interpretation of the triangular state space. We suggest that the locomotive behavioral patterns available to a worm can be any mixture of three archetypal patterns, represented as red, green, and blue circles. Like primary colors, these mix to form a triangle of possibilities.</p

    Behavior change during recovery from starvation.

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    <p>A. Each point is a mean of fit dissimilarity over 14 worms recovering from starvation. The dissimilarities are between two 15 min cuts recorded from the same worm, and they are plotted against the time difference between the cuts. For instance, one of the points at averages the dissimilarity between the 15–30 min and the 45–60 min cuts of worm 1, the dissimilarity between the 15–30 min and the 45–60 min cuts of worm 2, …, and the dissimilarity between the 15–30 min and the 45–60 min cuts of worm 14. Other points at average dissimilarities between 30–45 min and 60–75 min cuts, between 45–60 min and 75–90 min cuts, …, and between 195–210 and 225–240 min cuts. Dissimilarities involving 0–15 min cuts are highlighted in red, e.g. the red point at averages dissimilarities between the 0–15 min and the 30–45 min cuts. The 0–15 min behavior was very different from behavior at all later times. Aside from this exception, a given worm’s behavior changed only gradually with time, as shown by the gradual increase in dissimilarity with time interval. B. Like A, except that state dissimilarity is plotted instead of fit dissimilarity. C. Individual worms behave differently from each other. As in A, each point is an average of fit dissimilarities between cuts separated by in time, but here each worm is compared not to itself, but to other worms. D. This plot shows mean ± standard error of between-worm dissimilarities plotted against time. The points of the fit dissimilarity plot are the same as those at in C, but now plotted against the time at which they were recorded. Both fit and state dissimilarities start out high, but decrease with time as the worms settle into their new behavior.</p

    Hidden Markov model analysis, standard state fits.

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    <p>A, B. A simplified explanation of how HMM analysis uses both time and behavior to determine state. The plots show a hypothetical record of speed vs time. The bell-shaped green and blue curves at the right of each plot show the probability for a dwelling or a quiescent worm to move at a given speed. The distributions overlap, because while dwelling worms usually move faster than quiescent worms, at some time points they move as little as a quiescent worm. (Although a quiescent worm doesn’t move at all, its measured speed will usually be positive because of small errors in the measurement of its position.) The problem is to determine what state the worm was in at the central time point, where it did not move. Looking at this point alone, one would conclude that the worm was probably quiescent, because the probability for a quiescent worm to move so slowly (; panel B) is much higher than the probability that a dwelling worm will do so (; panel A). However, the behavior of the worm immediately before and immediately after is inconsistent with quiescence. Therefore, if the worm is quiescent at the central time point, it must have switched from dwelling to quiescence immediately before and must switch back immediately after. The probability that the worm is quiescent is therefore . If the time between points is small, the probability of a switch, , is a small number, and . The worm is thus correctly inferred to be dwelling. The actual analysis is more complicated, since other motion characteristics than speed are used, and a probability is assigned to each state at each time point. C. The results of a standard state fit to a wild-type track. The lower plot shows speed; red, green, and blue lines in the upper plot show probability of the roaming, dwelling, and quiescence state at each point in time. The color bar at the top summarizes the probabilities. (The small gap is a brief period of missing data.) The change in behavior with time is most easily seen by looking at the frequency of very low speed (<20 µm/s). Such time points are a majority in quiescence, a substantial minority in dwelling, and almost absent in roaming. Most time points are assigned to a single state with near 100% probability, and the worm spent a substantial amount of time in each of the three. This is reflected in the high excess entropy, 0.857 bits. D. The results of a similar fit to the same data as in C, but scrambled into random order. The three-state fit did not have substantially more information than a single behavioral state, as shown by the very low entropy (<i>S</i>). E. Rate graphs summarizing state probabilities and transition rates between states based on analysis of well-fed wild-type worms on either good food (<i>E coli</i> HB101), poor food (HB101 treated with aztreonam) or a mixture of good and bad. The area of each circle is proportional to the amount of time worms spend in that state (red = roaming, green = dwelling, blue = quiescence). Thicker arrows represent faster switching from one state to another. Darker arrows are more accurately measured, lighter grays represent less accurate measurements, based on variability from one worm to another. *<i>P</i><0.05, **<i>P</i><0.01, ***<i>P</i><0.001, different from good food, Mann-Whitney <i>U</i>-test. Thus, for instance, worms switch from dwelling to roaming more rapidly (<i>P</i><0.01) on poor food than on good and spend more time roaming (<i>P</i><0.001). Number of worms for each graph as in F. Dataset S1 contains the raw data on which these rate graphs are based for all experiments in this work. F. Mean speed of roaming worms. These data are based on the same tracks as E. Number of worms in each experiment is shown above the bar. *<i>P</i><0.05, ***<i>P</i><0.001, Mann-Whitney <i>U</i>-test.</p

    Geometry of behavioral states.

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    <p>This figure shows the two-dimensional arrangement of behavioral states discovered by unbiased open-loop fits. Each circle (except the black one near the bottom of each panel, which represents complete immobility) represents a single state from a single worm. The area of the circle is proportional to the amount of time the worm spent in that state. The gray background in A–F and H, representing all states discovered in all experiments, is shown for context. States are colored by experiment; the same colors are used in panels A–E and G–H and in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0059865#pone.0059865.s005" target="_blank">Figure S5</a>. Arrows show the directions in which three of the seven state parameters increase. is the probability of reversal, is mean deskewed speed, and is the covariance of deskewed speed and acceleration. A–D: States discovered in four experiments. Lines join states discovered in the same worm. A. 14 wild-type worms, fasted for 12 hours, refed on good food (<i>E coli</i> HB101) for 3 hours, then recorded on good food. B. 12 wild-type worms, grown on good food and recorded on poor food. (Poor food is HB101 treated with aztreonam, which prevents cell division <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0059865#pone.0059865-BenArous1" target="_blank">[7]</a>.) C. 12 mutant worms lacking cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG, encoded in <i>C elegans</i> by <i>egl-4 </i><a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0059865#pone.0059865-Fujiwara1" target="_blank">[6]</a>), grown and recorded on good food. D. 12 transgenic worms that express constitutively active PKG in ASI neurons, grown and recorded on good food. E. States from the four previous experiments plotted together. F. Regions of the triangle can be identified as roughly corresponding to roaming, dwelling, and quiescence, as described in the text. G. All behavioral states discovered in 49 experiments on 363 worms. H. States from all experiments on wild-type worms (80 worms total). These experiments differ only in whether the worms were well-fed or starved and refed, and in the quality of food on which they were recorded.</p