464 research outputs found

    The Political Economy of International Sales Law

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    The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, or CISG, has been adopted by more than 60 countries in an effort to harmonize the law that applies to international sales contracts. In this paper, we argue that the effort to create uniform international sales law (ISL) fails to supply contracting parties with the default terms they prefer, thus violating the normative criterion that justifies the law-making process for commercial actors in the first instance. Our argument rests on three claims. First, we contend that the process by which uniform ISL is drafted will dictate the form that many provisions take. Second, we contend that the legal form dictated by the drafting process has significant substantive consequences, particularly for the policy objectives of uniform ISL. That leads to our third claim. We predict that in order to achieve uniform ISL that is widely adopted, those involved in the drafting process will systematically promulgate many vague standards that contracting parties would not choose for themselves. These defaults cannot be justified as the inevitable cost of achieving an optimal level of uniformity. If the products of a uniform ISL are default terms that parties do not want, then the underlying justification for the law-making function – reduction of contracting costs – vanishes. We find significant correspondence between our predictions about the drafting of uniform international sales law and the CISG. The CISG was drafted by parties whose objectives did not necessarily coincide with those of the commercial actors whose conduct the treaty was intended to regulate. The result is a variety of vague standards and compromises that appear inconsistent with commercial interests. We also illustrate the ways in which the CISG avoided potential correctives to these problems. We conclude by suggesting that commercial actors involved in international sales would prefer to choose governing law from among legal regimes that compete to supply parties with more desirable substantive terms

    Single Neuron Analysis by Capillary Electrophoresis with Fluorescence Spectroscopy

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    AbstractA technique to identify and quantitate simultaneously more than 30 compounds in individual neurons is described. The method uses nanoliter volume sampling, capillary electrophoresis separation, and wavelength-resolved native fluorescence detection. Limits of detection (LODs) range from the low attomole to the femtomole range, with 5-hydroxytryptamine (or serotonin [5-HT]) LODs being ∼20 attomoles. Although the cellular sample matrix is chemically complex, the combination of electrophoretic migration time and fluorescence spectral information allows positive identification of aromatic monoamines, aromatic amino acids and peptides containing them, flavins, adenosine- and guanosine-nucleotide analogs, and other fluorescent compounds. Individual identified neurons from Aplysia californica and Pleurobranchaea californica are used to demonstrate the applicability and figures of merit of this technique

    Improving Pharmacy Student Communication Outcomes Using Standardized Patients

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    Objective. To examine whether standardized patient encounters led to an improvement in a student pharmacist-patient communication assessment compared to traditional active-learning activities within a classroom setting. Methods. A quasi-experimental study was conducted with second-year pharmacy students in a drug information and communication skills course. Student patient communication skills were assessed using high-stakes communication assessment. Results. Two hundred and twenty students’ data were included. Students were significantlymore likely to have higher scores on the communication assessment when they had higher undergraduate GPAs, were female, and taught using standardized patients. Similarly, students were significantly more likely to pass the assessment on the first attempt when they were female and when they were taught using standardized patients. Conclusion. Incorporating standardized patients within a communication course resulted in improved scores as well as first-time pass rates on a communication assessment than when using different methods of active learning

    Cost-Effectiveness of Using Standardized Patients to Assess Student-Pharmacist Communication Skills

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    Objective. To explore the cost-effectiveness of including standardized patients (SP) in the didactic curriculum for application and assessment of students’ pharmacist-patient communication skills. Methods. Five role play/case study (RP/CS) activities from a communication skills curriculum were replaced with five SP encounters. Communication was assessed using a rubric. This study developed an economic model to examine the costs and effectiveness of replacing RP/CS events with SP events in knowledge-application and communication assessment. Costs consisted of SP hourly wages for training and delivery of SP events. Outcomes examined were the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) per student. Results. The ICER comparing SP to RP/CS was 100.93higherperstudentonfirstattemptpassratesand100.93 higher per student on first-attempt pass rates and 9.04 per one-point increase in the mean score. Conclusion. SP was more effective and more costly than RP/CS. Further research into students’ willingness to pay needs to occur before determining if using SPs is cost-effective in teaching communication skills

    Identification of Highly Expressed, Soluble Proteins Using an Improved, High-Throughput Pooled ORF Expression Technology

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    This article describes an improved pooled open reading frame (ORF) expression technology (POET) that uses recombinational cloning and solution-based tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) to identify ORFs that yield high levels of soluble, purified protein when expressed in Escherichia coli. Using this method, three identical pools of 512 human ORFs were subcloned, purified, and transfected into three separate E. coli cultures. After bulk expression and purification, the proteins from the three separate pools were digested into tryptic peptides. Each of these samples was subsequently analyzed in triplicate using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (LC) coupled directly online with MS/MS. The abundance of each protein was determined by calculating the average exponentially modified protein abundance index (emPAI) of each protein across the three protein pools. Human proteins that consistently gave high emPAI values were subjected to small-scale expression and purification. These clones showed high levels of expression of soluble protein. Conversely, proteins that were not observed by LC-MS/MS did not show any detectable soluble expression in small-scale validation studies. Using this improved POET method allows the expression characteristics of hundreds of proteins to be quickly determined in a single experiment

    Developmental differences in myocyte contractile response after cardioplegic arrest

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    AbstractAlthough developmental differences in left ventricular function after cardioplegic arrest and rewarming have been postulated, whether differences exist at the level of the myocyte remains unexplored. This project tested the hypothesis that there is a differential effect of hypothermic hyperkalemic cardioplegic arrest with subsequent rewarming on contractile function of immature compared with adult ventricular myocytes. Myocytes were isolated from the left ventricular free wall of five immature and five adult rabbits and incubated for 2 hours in hyperkalemic modified Ringer's solution at 4° C (cardioplegia) or for 2 hours in cell culture medium at 37° C (normothermia). Myocytes were resuspended (“rewarmed”) in 37° C cell culture medium after the incubation protocol. Normothermic baseline contractile performance was lower in immature, compared with adult, myocytes. Specifically, myocyte shortening velocity was 62 ± 4 μm/sec in immature and 112 ± 6 μm/sec in adult myocytes (p < 0.01). After cardioplegia and rewarming, immature myocyte contractile function was unchanged, whereas adult myocyte contractile function was significantly diminished. For example, myocyte shortening velocity was 65 ± 4 μm/sec in immature and 58 ± 3 μm/sec in adult myocytes (p < 0.01 versus normothermic). Myocyte surface area, which reflects myocyte volume, was increased after cardioplegia and rewarming in adults (3582 ± 55 versus 3316 ± 46 μm2, p < 0.01), but remained unchanged in immature myocytes (2212 ± 27 versus 2285 ± 28 μm2, p = not significant). These unique findings demonstrate a preservation of myocyte contractile function and volume regulation in immature myocytes after cardioplegic arrest and rewarming. Thus this study directly demonstrates that developmental differences exist in myocyte responses to hypothermic hyperkalemic cardioplegic arrest with subsequent rewarming. (J THORAC CARDIOVASC SURG 1996;111:1257-66

    Comparison of Pharmaceutical Calculations Learning Outcomes Achieved Within a Traditional Lecture or Flipped Classroom Andragogy

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    Objective. To compare learning outcomes achieved from a pharmaceutical calculations course taught in a traditional lecture (lecture model) and a flipped classroom (flipped model). Methods. Students were randomly assigned to the lecture model and the flipped model. Course instructors, content, assessments, and instructional time for both models were equivalent. Overall group performance and pass rates on a standardized assessment (Pcalc OSCE) were compared at six weeks and at six months post-course completion. Results. Student mean exam scores in the flipped model were higher than those in the lecture model at six weeks and six months later. Significantly more students passed the OSCE the first time in the flipped model at six weeks; however, this effect was not maintained at six months. Conclusion. Within a 6 week course of study, use of a flipped classroom improves student pharmacy calculation skill achievement relative to a traditional lecture andragogy. Further study is needed to determine if the effect is maintained over time