16 research outputs found

    Coarse woody debris spatial distributions by volume.

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    <p>Each panel displays the volume (m<sup>3</sup>) of downed deadwood (DDW; black circles) and standing deadwood (SDW; white stars) sampled at each plot location for relict, single-harvest, and double-harvests stands; size of symbol within each pane is standardized.</p

    Downed deadwood connectivity examples.

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    <p>Display of connected plots for downed deadwood (DDW) in relict, single-harvest, and double-harvests stands for pieces ≥30 cm (top row) and ≥60 cm (bottom row) based on large end diameter. Large dots indicate plots that sampled at least one DDW piece of the stated size, and small dots indicate plots with no DDW pieces of designated size sampled.</p

    Coarse woody debris connectivity and patch-level summaries.

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    <p>Percent of all plots connected based upon presence of CWD (top row), mean patch area ha<sup>−1</sup> (middle row), and number of patches ha<sup>−1</sup> (bottom row) by 10 cm diameter classes for relict, single-harvest, and double-harvests stands. Downed deadwood (left column) diameter was based on large end diameter, and we used diameter at 1.37 m (DBH) for standing deadwood (right column); each diameter class indicates pieces of indicated size and larger were included in the analysis.</p

    Coarse woody debris stand-level summaries.

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    <p>Total plots (n), and mean (± standard error) number of pieces ha<sup>−1</sup> and volume ha<sup>−1</sup> of a) downed deadwood (minimum diameter of 10 cm) and standing deadwood in relict, single-harvest, and double-harvest stands. To minimize correlation between plots, we used a subset of plots based on 30 m×30 m spacing in each stand. We tested for differences (p<0.05) of square root-transformed values using a generalized linear model and post-hoc multiple comparisons with Tukey’s honestly significant difference. Different letters indicate significant differences among stands.</p><p>Coarse woody debris stand-level summaries.</p

    Coarse woody debris size class summaries.

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    <p>Downed deadwood (DDW; top row) and standing deadwood (SDW; bottom row) number of pieces ha<sup>−1</sup> and volume ha<sup>−1</sup> by size class for relict, single-harvest, and double-harvests stands. Size classes were defined as diameters of ≤30 cm, >30 cm and ≤60 cm, and >60 cm; DDW diameter was based on large end diameter, and we used diameter at 1.37 m (DBH) for SDW.</p

    Coarse woody debris decay stage summaries.

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    <p>Downed deadwood (DDW; top row) and standing deadwood (SDW; bottom row) number of pieces ha<sup>−1</sup> and volume ha<sup>−1</sup> by decay stage for relict, single-harvest, and double-harvests stands. Decay stages were assigned as: sound, intermediate, or high; for SDW, sound and intermediate categories were used. For a more thorough description, see 2.2 Data Collection.</p

    Coarse woody debris piece summaries.

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    <p>Total number of pieces (n) and mean (± standard error) of individual piece sizes of sampled a) downed deadwood (minimum diameter of 10 cm) and b) standing deadwood in relict, single-harvest, and double-harvest stands. Large end diameter (LED), length, and volume of downed deadwood, and diameter at 1.37 m (DBH), total height, and volume of standing deadwood are presented. We tested for differences (p<0.05) of log-transformed values using a generalized linear model and post-hoc multiple comparisons with Tukey’s honestly significant difference. Different letters indicate significant differences among stands.</p><p>Coarse woody debris piece summaries.</p

    Bottles to trees: Plastic beverage bottles as an alternative nursery growing container for reforestation in developing countries - Fig 4

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    <p><b>Arizona walnut seedling field relative height (A) and root collar diameter (B) growth (Means ± SE) following the first year of outplanting.</b> Container types: Coca-Cola<sup>®</sup> bottles (Coke), Deepot<sup>TM</sup> D27 containers (D27), polyethylene polybags (Polybag), and Sam’s Club<sup>®</sup> bottles (Sams). Means (±SE) not accompanied by the same lowercase letters are significantly different (α = 0.05) according to Fisher’s LSD test.</p

    Plastic bottles used as alternative containers for seedling production–photo by R.Heyduck.

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    <p>Plastic bottles used as alternative containers for seedling production–photo by R.Heyduck.</p

    Mean estimates of shoot, root collar diameter (RCD), first-order lateral roots (FOLR), and overall root, and total tree morphological parameters for Afghan pine seedlings in August and November sampling periods.

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    <p>Mean estimates of shoot, root collar diameter (RCD), first-order lateral roots (FOLR), and overall root, and total tree morphological parameters for Afghan pine seedlings in August and November sampling periods.</p