30 research outputs found

    Time course of <sup>59</sup>Fe distribution in the blood of Wt and PrP<sup>KO</sup> mice.

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    <p>(A): Equal volume Wt and PrP<sup>KO</sup> plasma collected at different time points of chase were separated on a non-denaturing gel followed by autoradiography. After 1 hour of chase, <sup>59</sup>Fe-Tf in the PrP<sup>KO</sup> sample is lower than matched Wt controls (lanes 1 and 2). However, the ratio reverses thereafter, and the level of <sup>59</sup>Fe-Tf in the PrP<sup>KO</sup> sample is higher than Wt controls after 4, 24, and 48 hours of chase (lanes 3–8). (B) RBCs of Wt mice show minimal levels of <sup>59</sup>Fe after 1 and 4 hours, and significant increase after 24 and 48 hours of chase. PrP<sup>KO</sup> mice, on the other hand, show iron counts at 4 hours, and minimal increase thereafter.</p

    Iron is retained within ferritin in the duodenal epithelium of PrP<sup>KO</sup> mice.

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    <p>(A) The 4 hour duodenum samples in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0006115#pone-0006115-g005" target="_blank">Figure 5</a> above were homogenized and separated on a non-denaturing gel followed by autoradiography (lanes 1 and 2). The level of <sup>59</sup>Fe labeled ferritin is significantly higher in the PrP<sup>KO</sup> sample compared to matched Wt control (lanes 1 and 2). Transblotting under native conditions followed by immunoblotting for ferritin confirms the identity of <sup>59</sup>Fe labeled bands as ferritin (lanes 3 and 4). Fractionation of the same samples by SDS-PAGE followed by immunoblotting shows relatively more ferritin in the PrP<sup>KO</sup> sample compared to matched Wt control (lanes 5 and 6). (B) Quantification by densitometry shows significantly more <sup>59</sup>Fe-ferritin and ferritin protein levels in the duodenum of PrP<sup>KO</sup> mice relative to matched Wt controls. Values are mean±SEM, n = 3. *<i>p</i><0.001 relative to Wt.</p

    Distribution of <sup>59</sup>Fe in PrP<sup>(+)</sup> and PrP<sup>KO</sup> litter-mates.

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    <p>Distribution of <sup>59</sup>Fe in the blood, liver, spleen, and femur after 4 hours of chase shows similar incorporation in Wt and PrP<sup>(+)</sup> mice in the organs tested, and significantly more <sup>59</sup>Fe in the spleen and femur of PrP<sup>KO</sup> mice as noted above. One way ANOVA shows a significant difference among Wt, PrP<sup>KO</sup>, and PrP<sup>(+)</sup> samples (p<0.0001). Post hoc Bonferroni tests show significant difference in <sup>59</sup>Fe in littermates PrP<sup>(+)</sup> and PrP<sup>KO</sup> organs relative to Wt controls (*p<0.01; **p<0.05). Littermate PrP<sup>(+)</sup> shows a significant difference compared to PrP<sup>KO</sup> counterpart (#p<0.01). Values are mean±SEM of three independent experiments.</p

    Brain homogenates of PrP<sup>KO</sup> mice show evidence of iron deficiency.

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    <p>(A) Immunoblot analysis of Wt and PrP<sup>KO</sup> brain homogenates with PrP specific antibody 8H4 shows the expected glycoforms of PrP in Wt samples migrating between 27–37 kDa, and no reaction with PrP<sup>KO</sup> samples as expected (lanes 1–6). Immunoreaction for ferritin, Tf, and TfR shows significantly less ferritin, and more Tf and TfR levels in PrP<sup>KO</sup> samples compared to Wt controls (lanes 1–6). Reaction for β-actin confirms similar loading of protein. (B) Quantitative estimation of proteins in (A) after normalization with β-actin shows a decrease in ferritin, and an increase in Tf and TfR levels in PrP<sup>KO</sup> samples compared to Wt controls. Values are mean±SEM. *<i>p</i><0.001, **<i>p</i><0.01 relative to Wt. n = 6.</p

    Hematological parameters in Wt and PrP<sup>KO</sup> mice.

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    <p>Values are mean±SEM. <sup>*</sup><i>p</i><0.001, <sup>**</sup><i>p</i><0.01, <sup>***</sup><i>p</i><0.05 as compared to Wt. NS: not significant; N: number of animals in each group; RBCs: red blood cells; TIBC: total iron binding capacity; Tf: transferrin; ↓: decrease; ↑: increase.</p

    Iron deficiency in PrP<sup>KO</sup> mice is reversed by expressing Wt PrP.

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    <p>(A) Immunoblot analysis of Wt and littermate PrP<sup>KO</sup> and PrP<sup>(+)</sup> brain homogenates for PrP shows the expected glycoforms of PrP in Wt and PrP<sup>(+)</sup> samples (lanes 1 and 3), and no reaction in the PrP<sup>KO</sup> sample as expected (lane 2). (B) Autoradiogram of the upper gastrointestinal tract of Wt and littermate PrP<sup>(+)</sup> and PrP<sup>KO</sup> mice fed <sup>59</sup>FeCl<sub>3</sub> by gastric gavage as above and chased for 4 hours shows significantly more <sup>59</sup>Fe in the PrP<sup>KO</sup> sample relative to Wt control (lanes 2 and 4). Notably, the <sup>59</sup>Fe content of PrP<sup>(+)</sup> duodenum is similar to Wt, and significantly less than the littermate PrP<sup>KO</sup> sample (lanes 1, 3 and 4). (C) Quantification of <sup>59</sup>Fe in the first 10 cm of the duodenum shows significantly more <sup>59</sup>Fe in the PrP<sup>KO</sup> sample compared to matched Wt control. Similarly, more <sup>59</sup>Fe is detected in the PrP<sup>KO</sup> sample compared littermate PrP<sup>(+)</sup> control. One way ANOVA shows a significant difference in <sup>59</sup>Fe incorporation between Wt and PrP<sup>KO</sup>, Wt and littermate PrP<sup>KO</sup>, PrP<sup>(+)</sup> and littermate PrP<sup>KO</sup>, and PrP<sup>KO</sup> and PrP<sup>(+)</sup> (<i>p</i><0.0001). Post hoc Bonferroni tests show significant difference in <sup>59</sup>Fe in PrP<sup>KO</sup> as well as littermate PrP<sup>(+)</sup> and PrP<sup>KO</sup> duodenums compared to Wt control (*<i>p</i><0.01; #<i>p</i><0.05). PrP<sup>(+)</sup> exhibit significant difference compared to PrP<sup>KO</sup> ($<i>p</i><0.01), and littermate PrP<sup>(+)</sup> and PrP<sup>KO</sup> also differ significantly (@p<0.01). Values are mean±SEM, n = 3.</p

    Spleen of PrP<sup>KO</sup> mice displays a phenotype of iron deficiency.

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    <p>(A) Prussian blue staining of frozen sections shows a prominent reaction in the reticulo-endothelial cells of PrP<sup>KO</sup> and Wt samples. (B) In-gel reaction of homogenates with Ferene-S shows less iron content of PrP<sup>KO</sup> ferritin compared to Wt controls (lanes 1–6). (C) Immunoreaction of homogenates with L-chain specific anti-ferritin antibody shows significantly less expression in PrP<sup>KO</sup> samples compared to Wt controls (lanes 1–6). Re-probing for β-actin confirms that the difference is not an artifact of protein loading (lanes 1–6). (D) Quantification by densitometry after normalization with β-actin shows a significant reduction in the iron content and expression of ferritin in PrP<sup>KO</sup> samples compared to matched Wt controls. Values are mean±SEM, n = 3. *<i>p</i><0.01 relative to Wt.</p

    Distribution of <sup>59</sup>Fe in Wt and PrP<sup>KO</sup> mice.

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    <p>Plasma: <sup>59</sup>Fe in PrP<sup>KO</sup> samples is lower after 1 hour, increases by 48 hours, and falls to values below Wt after 11 days of chase. RBCs: Wt RBCs show <sup>59</sup>Fe incorporation after 24 hours, and the amount increases steadily till 11 days of chase. PrP<sup>KO</sup> RBCs, on the other hand, incorporate <sup>59</sup>Fe relatively sooner after 4 hours, and show only a modest increase till 11 days of chase. Except for the 4 hour chase time, the amount of <sup>59</sup>Fe in PrP<sup>KO</sup> RBCs is significantly lower than Wt controls, especially after 11 days of chase. Spleen: Wt samples show a slight increase in <sup>59</sup>Fe after 24 hours, and minimal change thereafter. PrP<sup>KO</sup> spleens, on the other hand, show a significant increase after 4 hours, followed by a precipitous fall after 24 hours. Femur: Kinetics of <sup>59</sup>Fe uptake mirrors that of the spleen. PrP<sup>KO</sup> samples show a spike at 4 hours that is maintained till 24 hours, followed by a fall. Wt samples show a delayed peak at 24 hours, and a fall to similar levels as the PrP<sup>KO</sup> sample after 11 days. Liver: Wt samples show a steady increase in <sup>59</sup>Fe till 11 days of chase. PrP<sup>KO</sup> samples, on the other hand, show a peak at 24 hours, and the counts fall thereafter to values significantly lower than Wt controls. Brain: Wt and PrP<sup>KO</sup> samples do not show much difference at early time points of chase, but <sup>59</sup>Fe incorporation in the PrP<sup>KO</sup> sample is significantly lower than Wt controls after 11 days of chase. Values are mean±SEM of three independent experiments. *<i>p</i><0.01, **<i>p</i><0.001 relative to Wt.</p

    Brain sections of PrP<sup>KO</sup> mice show up regulation of TfR and increased transport of iron from the blood stream.

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    <p>(A) Incubation of unfixed brain sections with FITC-Tf shows significantly more binding to the Purkinje cell neurons of PrP<sup>KO</sup> sample compared to Wt controls (panels 1 and 2) <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0006115#pone.0006115-Moos2" target="_blank">[16]</a>. Pre-incubation of brain sections with unlabeled apo-Tf decreases the signal significantly in both samples (panels 3 and 4), demonstrating the specificity of binding. The assay was performed on three sections each from three different sets of mice. A representative section is shown. (B) Autoradiograph of brain sections prepared from Wt and PrP<sup>KO</sup> mice injected with <sup>59</sup>FeCl<sub>3</sub> intravenously shows significantly more <sup>59</sup>Fe in PrP<sup>KO</sup> sections compared to Wt controls (panels 1–4). A scan of brain sections exposed to the film in panels 2 and 4 respectively is shown (panels 5 and 6). (Two consecutive 700 µM sections from each brain sample are shown. <sup>59</sup>Fe is visible as radio-opaque black dots.</p

    Liver of PrP<sup>KO</sup> mice displays a phenotype of iron deficiency.

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    <p>(A) Prussian blue staining of frozen sections shows minimal reaction for iron in the PrP<sup>KO</sup> sample compared to Wt controls. (B) In-gel reaction of homogenates with Ferene-S shows significantly less iron content of PrP<sup>KO</sup> ferritin compared to Wt controls (lanes 1–4). (C) Immunoreaction of homogenates with anti-ferritin antibody specific for H and L chains shows significantly less ferritin expression in PrP<sup>KO</sup> samples compared to Wt controls (lanes 1–6). Re-probing for Tf shows an increase in Tf expression in PrP<sup>KO</sup> samples relative to Wt controls (lanes 1–6). Levels of β-actin are similar in all samples, confirming that the observed differences are not an artifact of protein loading (lanes 1–6). (D) Quantification by densitometry shows a significant reduction in the iron content and expression of ferritin, and an increase in Tf expression in PrP<sup>KO</sup> samples compared to matched Wt controls. Values are mean±SEM, n = 3. *<i>p</i><0.001 relative to Wt.</p