1,069 research outputs found

    Analysis of parainfluenza virus-5 hemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein mutants that are blocked in internalization and degradation

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    AbstractThe PIV-5 hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) protein is a multifunctional protein with sialic acid binding, neuraminidase and fusion promotion activity. HN is internalized by clathrin-mediated endocytosis and degraded. HN lacks internalization signals in its cytoplasmic tail but a single glutamic acid present at residue 37 at the putative transmembrane/ectodomain boundary is critical. We rescued rPIV-5 with mutations E37D or E37K, which have been shown to impair or abolish HN internalization, respectively. These viruses exhibited growth properties similar to wild-type (wt) virus but are impaired for fitness in tissue culture. Biochemical analysis of HN activities showed differences between HN E37D and HN E37K in fusion promotion and incorporation of HN and F into virions. Furthermore, oligomeric analyses indicate that HN E37 mutants perturb the tetrameric organization of HN, probably by destabilizing the dimer-of-dimers interface

    Functional Interactions of Alcohol-sensitive Sites in the \u3cem\u3eN\u3c/em\u3e-Methyl-d-aspartate Receptor M3 and M4 Domains

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    The N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor is an important mediator of the behavioral effects of ethanol in the central nervous system. Previous studies have demonstrated sites in the third and fourth membrane-associated (M) domains of the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor NR2A subunit that influence alcohol sensitivity and ion channel gating. We investigated whether two of these sites, Phe-637 in M3 and Met-823 in M4, interactively regulate the ethanol sensitivity of the receptor by testing dual substitution mutants at these positions. A majority of the mutations decreased steady-state glutamate EC50 values and maximal steady-state to peak current ratios (Iss/Ip), whereas only two mutations altered peak glutamate EC50 values. Steady-state glutamate EC50 values were correlated with maximal glutamate Iss/Ip values, suggesting that changes in glutamate potency were attributable to changes in desensitization. In addition, there was a significant interaction between the substituents at positions 637 and 823 with respect to glutamate potency and desensitization. IC50 values for ethanol among the mutants varied over the approximate range 100–325 mm. The sites in M3 and M4 significantly interacted in regulating ethanol sensitivity, although this was apparently dependent upon the presence of methionine in position 823. Molecular dynamics simulations of the NR2A subunit revealed possible binding sites for ethanol near both positions in the M domains. Consistent with this finding, the sum of the molecular volumes of the substituents at the two positions was not correlated with ethanol IC50 values. Thus, there is a functional interaction between Phe-637 and Met-823 with respect to glutamate potency, desensitization, and ethanol sensitivity, but the two positions do not appear to form a unitary site of alcohol action

    Fusion Protein of the Paramyxovirus SV5: Destabilizing and Stabilizing Mutants of Fusion Activation

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    AbstractThe fusion (F) protein of the paramyxovirus SV5 strain W3A causes syncytium formation without coexpression of the SV5 hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) glycoprotein, whereas the F protein of the SV5 strain WR requires coexpression of HN for fusion activity. SV5 strains W3A and WR differ by three amino acid residues at positions 22, 443, and 516. The W3A F protein residues P22, S443, and V516 were changed to amino acids found in the WR F protein (L22, P443, and A516, respectively). Three single-mutants, three double-mutants, and the triple-mutant were constructed, expressed, and assayed for fusion using three different assays. Mutant P22L did not cause fusion under physiological conditions, but fusion was activated at elevated temperatures. Compared with the W3A F protein, mutant S443P enhanced the fusion kinetics with a faster rate and greater extent, and had a lower activation temperature. Mutant V516A had little effect on F protein-mediated fusion. The double-mutant P22L,S443P was capable of causing fusion, suggesting that the two mutations have opposing effects on fusion activation. The WR F protein requires coexpression of HN to cause fusion at 37°C, and does not cause fusion at 37°C when coexpressed with influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA); however, at elevated temperatures coexpression of WR F protein with HA resulted in fusion activation. In the crystal structure of the core trimer of the SV5 F protein (Baker, K. A., Dutch, R. E., Lamb, R.A., and Jardetzky, T. S. (1999). Mol. Cell 3, 309–319), S443 is the last residue (with interpretable electron density) in an extended chain region and the temperature factor for S443 is high, suggesting conformational flexibility at this point. Thus, the presence of prolines at residues 22 and 443 may destabilize the F protein and thereby decrease the energy required to trigger the presumptive conformational change to the fusion-active state

    Paramyxovirus membrane fusion: Lessons from the F and HN atomic structures

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    AbstractParamyxoviruses enter cells by fusion of their lipid envelope with the target cell plasma membrane. Fusion of the viral membrane with the plasma membrane allows entry of the viral genome into the cytoplasm. For paramyxoviruses, membrane fusion occurs at neutral pH, but the trigger mechanism that controls the viral entry machinery such that it occurs at the right time and in the right place remains to be elucidated. Two viral glycoproteins are key to the infection process—an attachment protein that varies among different paramyxoviruses and the fusion (F) protein, which is found in all paramyxoviruses. For many of the paramyxoviruses (parainfluenza viruses 1–5, mumps virus, Newcastle disease virus and others), the attachment protein is the hemagglutinin/neuraminidase (HN) protein. In the last 5 years, atomic structures of paramyxovirus F and HN proteins have been reported. The knowledge gained from these structures towards understanding the mechanism of viral membrane fusion is described

    Monomeric ephrinB2 binding induces allosteric changes in Nipah virus G that precede its full activation.

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    Nipah virus is an emergent paramyxovirus that causes deadly encephalitis and respiratory infections in humans. Two glycoproteins coordinate the infection of host cells, an attachment protein (G), which binds to cell surface receptors, and a fusion (F) protein, which carries out the process of virus-cell membrane fusion. The G protein binds to ephrin B2/3 receptors, inducing G conformational changes that trigger F protein refolding. Using an optical approach based on second harmonic generation, we show that monomeric and dimeric receptors activate distinct conformational changes in G. The monomeric receptor-induced changes are not detected by conformation-sensitive monoclonal antibodies or through electron microscopy analysis of G:ephrinB2 complexes. However, hydrogen/deuterium exchange experiments confirm the second harmonic generation observations and reveal allosteric changes in the G receptor binding and F-activating stalk domains, providing insights into the pathway of receptor-activated virus entry.Nipah virus causes encephalitis in humans. Here the authors use a multidisciplinary approach to study the binding of the viral attachment protein G to its host receptor ephrinB2 and show that monomeric and dimeric receptors activate distinct conformational changes in G and discuss implications for receptor-activated virus entry

    The V Proteins of Simian Virus 5 and Other Paramyxoviruses Inhibit Induction of Interferon-β

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    AbstractIn this article we show that the paramyxovirus SV5 is a poor inducer of interferon-β (IFN-β). This inefficient induction is a consequence of the expression of an intact viral V protein. In the absence of the viral V protein cysteine-rich C-terminal domain, IFN-β mRNA is strongly induced and the transcription factors NF-κB and IRF-3 are activated significantly. The V protein can work in isolation from SV5 to block intracellular dsRNA signaling. The mechanism of block to dsRNA signaling is distinct from that previously observed for blocking IFN signaling in that proteolysis of candidate factors cannot be detected, and furthermore, the respective blocks require distinct protein domains. Blocking of the induction of IFN-β by dsRNA requires the C-terminal cysteine-rich domain, a feature that is highly conserved among paramyxoviruses. We demonstrate that the V proteins from other paramyxoviruses have equivalent functions and speculate that limiting the yield of IFN-β during infection may be a general property of paramyxoviruses

    Multispectral snapshot demosaicing via non-convex matrix completion

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    Snapshot mosaic multispectral imagery acquires an undersampled data cube by acquiring a single spectral measurement per spatial pixel. Sensors which acquire pp frequencies, therefore, suffer from severe 1/p1/p undersampling of the full data cube. We show that the missing entries can be accurately imputed using non-convex techniques from sparse approximation and matrix completion initialised with traditional demosaicing algorithms. In particular, we observe the peak signal-to-noise ratio can typically be improved by 2 to 5 dB over current state-of-the-art methods when simulating a p=16p=16 mosaic sensor measuring both high and low altitude urban and rural scenes as well as ground-based scenes.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Influenza B virus BM2 protein is an oligomeric integral membrane protein expressed at the cell surface

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    AbstractThe influenza B virus BM2 protein contains 109 amino acid residues and it is translated from a bicistronic mRNA in an open reading frame that is +2 nucleotides with respect to the matrix (M1) protein. The amino acid sequence of BM2 contains a hydrophobic region (residues 7–25) that could act as a transmembrane (TM) anchor. Analysis of properties of the BM2 protein, including detergent solubility, insolubility in alkali pH 11, flotation in membrane fractions, and epitope-tagging immunocytochemistry, indicates BM2 protein is the fourth integral membrane protein encoded by influenza B virus in addition to hemagglutinin (HA), neuraminidase (NA), and the NB glycoprotein. Biochemical analysis indicates that the BM2 protein adopts an NoutCin orientation in membranes and fluorescence microscopy indicates BM2 is expressed at the cell surface. As the BM2 protein possesses only a single hydrophobic domain and lacks a cleavable signal sequence, it is another example of a Type III integral membrane protein, in addition to M2, NB, and CM2 proteins of influenza A, B, and C viruses, respectively. Chemical cross-linking studies indicate that the BM2 protein is oligomeric, most likely a tetramer. Comparison of the amino acid sequence of the TM domain of the BM2 protein with the sequence of the TM domain of the proton-selective ion channel M2 protein of influenza A virus is intriguing as M2 protein residues critical for ion selectivity/activation and channel gating (H37 and W41, respectively) are found at the same relative position and spacing in the BM2 protein (H19 and W23)
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