292 research outputs found

    Pelaksanaan Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah Dan Implikasinya Terhadap Mutu Output Pendidikan (Studi Pada Gugus IV Sekolah Dasar Di Kec. Langke Rembong)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan: 1) pelaksanaan MBS pada gugus IV sekolah dasar di Kec. Langke Rembong; 2) kendala-kendala yang dihadapi pihak sekolah dalam pelaksanaan MBS dan alternatif pemecahan masalahnya; 3) implikasi pelaksanaan MBS terhadap mutu output pendidikan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan ialah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, 1) secara umum pelaksanaan MBS berjalan cukup baik. Ini terlihat dari skor penilaian kualitas pelaksanaan MBS; 2) kendala yang dihadapi sekolah dalam pelaksanaan MBS adalah keterbatasan fasilitas terutama ruang kelas dan alat peraga pembelajaran, masalah SDM Pendidik yang belum semua profesional, komitmen pendidik terhadap mutu pendidikan tidak sama, minimnya kemauan belajar serta merosotnya perilaku peserta didik, minimnya daya dukung orang tua terutama berkaitan dengan bimbingan sikap dan pengetahuan peserta didik. Adapun alternatif pemecahan masalahnya al: secara teoretis, pendidik menggunakan media pembelajaran, perekrutan tenaga pendidik melalui tes, sekolah perlu mengevaluasi kinerja mereka, sekolah mengembangkan mutu tenaga pendidiknya secara kontinu hingga mereka menjadi profesional, sekolah merangsang tenaga pendidik melalui sistem bonus, kepala sekolah mengunjungi rumah tenaga pendidik serta mendengarkan keluhan mereka; penerimaan peserta didik melalui tes, pengembangan hard skill dan soft skill peserta didik secara seimbang, pembelajaran berpusat pada siswa, gunakan pendekatan school-based dan home-based untuk mengajak orang tua berpartisipasi aktif dalam pendidikan; 3) pelaksanaan MBS berimplikasi pada peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Dari segi akademik, prestasi yang menonjol hanya persentase UN seratus persen dan rata-rata nilai UN di atas standar kelulusan. Sementara, prestasi lomba bidang studi, kemampuan berpikir kritis, inovatif, dll kurang menonjol. Dari segi non akademik, prestasi yang menonjol hanya kejuaraan lomba di bidang non akademik seperti olah raga, pramuka, keseniaan, dll. Sementara, lulusan yang menunjukkan karakter jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, santun, dll kurang menonjol. .Kata Kunci : Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah, Mutu Output Pendidikan This study was aimed at describing: 1) the implementation of school-based management (SBM) in Cluster IV primary schools in Langke Rembong district,2) the constraints encountered by the schools in implementing SBM and their solution alternatives and 3) the implication toward output quality of education. The data collection techniques used were observation, interview, and use of documents. The results showed that 1) in general the implementation of SBM ran quite well. This was seen from the score of the evaluation of the quality of SBM implementation; 2) The constraints encountered by the schools in the implementation of SBM were limitation of facilities especially classrooms and teaching aids, not all of the teachers were professionals, the teachers had different levels of commitment toward the quality of education and the students had a minimum willingness to learn and the students\u27 degrading behavior and minimal parental support at home, especially in relation to guidance in attitude and knowledge. The solution alternatives of the problems, among others, were theoretically, use of instructional media by the teachers, recruitment of educational personnel through testing, the need of the schools to evaluate their performances, the development of the quality of the personnel through reward system, visitation by the principals to their homes and listening to their complaints, admission of students through testing, proportional students\u27 hard skill and soft skill development, student centered learning, use of school-based and home-based approach to invite the parents to participate actively in education; 3) The implementation of SBM has an implication toward improvement of educational quality. In terms of academic achievement, the outstanding achievement in this cluster was only in national examination (100% of the students who took it passed) and the average score was above the passing standard. The achievement in study areas, critical thinking ability and innovation were not outstanding. In terms of nonacademic achievement, they were good at nonacademic championships such as in sports, scouting, arts, etc. On the other hand, graduates who showed characters such as honesty, discipline, responsibility, curiosity , politeness in communication, etc were not outstanding

    Association between cerebral perfusion and paediatric postoperative cerebellar mutism syndrome after posterior fossa surgery—a systematic review

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    Background: Paediatric postoperative cerebellar mutism syndrome (ppCMS) is a common complication following the resection of a cerebellar tumour in children. It is hypothesized that loss of integrity of the cerebellar output tracts results in a cerebello-cerebral “diaschisis” and reduced function of supratentorial areas of the brain. Methods: We performed a systematic review of the literature according to the PRISMA guidelines, in order to evaluate the evidence for hypoperfusion or hypofunction in the cerebral hemispheres in patients with ppCMS. Articles were selected based on the predefined eligibility criteria and quality assessment. Results: Five studies were included, consisting of three prospective cohort studies, one retrospective cohort study and one retrospective case control study. Arterial spin labelling (ASL) perfusion MRI, dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) perfusion MRI and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) were used to measure the cerebral and cerebellar tissue perfusion or metabolic activity. Reduced cerebral perfusion was predominantly demonstrated in the frontal lobe. Conclusions: This systematic review shows that, after posterior fossa tumour resection, cerebral perfusion is reduced in ppCMS patients compared to patients without ppCMS. Well-powered prospective studies, including preoperative imaging, are needed to ascertain the cause and role of hypoperfusion in the pathophysiology of the syndrome

    Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma and Kaposi sarcoma: A fortuitous collision?

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    Follicular helper T-cell (TFH) lymphoma of the angioimmunoblastic-type (AITL), one of the most prevalent T-cell lymphomas, typically encompasses proliferation of high endothelial venules and Epstein-Barr virus-positive immunoblasts, but neither infection with HHV8 nor association with Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) have been described. The aims of this study are to characterise the association between AITL and HHV8 infection or KS. Three male patients aged 49-76 years, HIV-negative, with concurrent nodal involvement by AITL and KS, were identified from our files and carefully studied. Two patients originated from countries where endemic KS occurs, including one with cutaneous KS. The lymphomas featured abundant vessels, expanded follicular dendritic cells and neoplastic TFH cells [PD1+ (three of three), ICOS+ (three of three), CXCL13+ (three of three), CD10 <sup>+</sup> (two of three), BCL6 (two of three)] but lacked EBV+ immunoblasts. The foci of KS consisted of subcapsular proliferations of ERG+, CD31 <sup>+</sup> and/or CD34 <sup>+</sup> , HHV8+ spindle cells. High-throughput sequencing showed AITL-associated mutations in TET2 (three of three), RHOA (G17V) (three of three) and IDH2 (R172) (two of three), which were absent in the microdissected KS component in two cases. Relapses in two patients consisted of AITL, without evidence of KS. No evidence of HHV8 infection was found in a control group of 23 AITL cases. Concurrent nodal involvement by AITL and KS is rare and identification of both neoplastic components may pose diagnostic challenges. The question of whether the association between AITL and KS may be fortuitous or could reflect the underlying immune dysfunction in AITL remains open

    Early termination of ISRCTN45828668, a phase 1/2 prospective, randomized study of Sulfasalazine for the treatment of progressing malignant gliomas in adults

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    BACKGROUND: Sulfasalazine, a NF-kappaB and x(c)-cystine/glutamate antiport inhibitor, has demonstrated a strong antitumoral potential in preclinical models of malignant gliomas. As it presents an excellent safety profile, we initiated a phase 1/2 clinical study of this anti-inflammatory drug for the treatment of recurrent WHO grade 3 and 4 astrocytic gliomas in adults. METHODS: 10 patients with advanced recurrent anaplastic astrocytoma (n = 2) or glioblastoma (n = 8) aged 32-62 years were recruited prior to the planned interim analysis of the study. Subjects were randomly assigned to daily doses of 1.5, 3, 4.5, or 6 grams of oral sulfasalazine, and treated until clinical or radiological evidence of disease progression or the development of serious or unbearable side effects. Primary endpoints were the evaluation of toxicities according to the CTCAE v.3.0, and the observation of radiological tumor responses based on MacDonald criteria. RESULTS: No clinical response was observed. One tumor remained stable for 2 months with sulfasalazine treatment, at the lowest daily dose of the drug. The median progression-free survival was 32 days. Side effects were common, as all patients developed grade 1-3 adverse events (mean: 7.2/patient), four patients developed grade 4 toxicity. Two patients died while on treatment or shortly after its discontinuation. CONCLUSION: Although the proper influence of sulfasalazine treatment on patient outcome was difficult to ascertain in these debilitated patients with a large tumor burden (median KPS = 50), ISRCTN45828668 was terminated after its interim analysis. This study urges to exert cautiousness in future trials of Sulfasalazine for the treatment of malignant gliomas. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN45828668

    IDEAL monitoring of musical skills during awake craniotomy: From step 1 to step 2

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    The aim of awake brain surgery is to perform a maximum resection on the one hand, and to preserve cognitive functions, quality of life and personal autonomy on the other hand. Historically, language and sensorimotor functions were most frequently monitored. Over the years other cognitive functions, including music, have entered the operation theatre. Cases about monitoring musical abilities during awake brain surgery are emerging, and a systematic method how to monitor music would be the next step. According to the IDEAL framework for surgical innovations our study aims to present future recommendation based on a systematic literature search (PRISMA) in combination with lessons learned from three case reports from our own clinical practice with professional musicians (n = 3). We plead for structured procedures including individual tailored tasks. By embracing these recommendations, we can both improve clinical care and unravel music functions in the brain

    Evaluation Metrics for Augmented Reality in Neurosurgical Preoperative Planning, Surgical Navigation, and Surgical Treatment Guidance: A Systematic Review

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Recent years have shown an advancement in the development of augmented reality (AR) technologies for preoperative visualization, surgical navigation, and intraoperative guidance for neurosurgery. However, proving added value for AR in clinical practice is challenging, partly because of a lack of standardized evaluation metrics. We performed a systematic review to provide an overview of the reported evaluation metrics for AR technologies in neurosurgical practice and to establish a foundation for assessment and comparison of such technologies. METHODS: PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane were searched systematically for publications on assessment of AR for cranial neurosurgery on September 22, 2022. The findings were reported according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. RESULTS: The systematic search yielded 830 publications; 114 were screened full text, and 80 were included for analysis. Among the included studies, 5% dealt with preoperative visualization using AR, with user perception as the most frequently reported metric. The majority (75%) researched AR technology for surgical navigation, with registration accuracy, clinical outcome, and time measurements as the most frequently reported metrics. In addition, 20% studied the use of AR for intraoperative guidance, with registration accuracy, task outcome, and user perception as the most frequently reported metrics. CONCLUSION: For quality benchmarking of AR technologies in neurosurgery, evaluation metrics should be specific to the risk profile and clinical objectives of the technology. A key focus should be on using validated questionnaires to assess user perception; ensuring clear and unambiguous reporting of registration accuracy, precision, robustness, and system stability; and accurately measuring task performance in clinical studies. We provided an overview suggesting which evaluation metrics to use per AR application and innovation phase, aiming to improve the assessment of added value of AR for neurosurgical practice and to facilitate the integration in the clinical workflow

    Awake craniotomy does not lead to increased psychological complaints

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with brain tumours are increasingly treated by using the awake craniotomy technique. Some patients may experience anxiety when subjected to brain surgery while being fully conscious. However, there has been only limited research into the extent to which such surgeries actually result in anxiety or other psychological complaints. Previous research suggests that undergoing awake craniotomy surgery does not lead to psychological complaints, and that post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) are uncommon following this type of surgery. It must be noted, however, that many of these studies used small random samples. METHOD: In the current study, 62 adult patients completed questionnaires to identify the degree to which they experienced anxiety, depressive and post-traumatic stress complaints following awake craniotomy using an awake-awake-awake procedure. All patients were cognitively monitored and received coaching by a clinical neuropsychologist during the surgery. RESULTS: In our sample, 21% of the patients reported pre-operative anxiety. Four weeks after surgery, 19% of the patients reported such complaints, and 24% of the patients reported anxiety complaints after 3 months. Depressive complaints were present in 17% (pre-operative), 15% (4 weeks post-operative) and 24% (3 months post-operative) of the patients. Although there were some intra-individual changes (improvement or deterioration) in the psychological complaints over time, on group-level postoperative levels of psychological complaints were not increased relative to the preoperative level of complaints. The severity of post-operative PTSD-related complaints were rarely suggestive of a PTSD. Moreover, these complaints were seldom attributed to the surgery itself, but appeared to be more related to the discovery of the tumour and the postoperative neuropathological diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the present study do not indicate that undergoing awake craniotomy is associated with increased psychological complaints. Nevertheless, psychological complaints may well exist as a result of other factors. Consequently, monitoring the patient's mental wellbeing and offering psychological support where necessary remain important

    Awake craniotomy does not lead to increased psychological complaints

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with brain tumours are increasingly treated by using the awake craniotomy technique. Some patients may experience anxiety when subjected to brain surgery while being fully conscious. However, there has been only limited research into the extent to which such surgeries actually result in anxiety or other psychological complaints. Previous research suggests that undergoing awake craniotomy surgery does not lead to psychological complaints, and that post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) are uncommon following this type of surgery. It must be noted, however, that many of these studies used small random samples. METHOD: In the current study, 62 adult patients completed questionnaires to identify the degree to which they experienced anxiety, depressive and post-traumatic stress complaints following awake craniotomy using an awake-awake-awake procedure. All patients were cognitively monitored and received coaching by a clinical neuropsychologist during the surgery. RESULTS: In our sample, 21% of the patients reported pre-operative anxiety. Four weeks after surgery, 19% of the patients reported such complaints, and 24% of the patients reported anxiety complaints after 3 months. Depressive complaints were present in 17% (pre-operative), 15% (4 weeks post-operative) and 24% (3 months post-operative) of the patients. Although there were some intra-individual changes (improvement or deterioration) in the psychological complaints over time, on group-level postoperative levels of psychological complaints were not increased relative to the preoperative level of complaints. The severity of post-operative PTSD-related complaints were rarely suggestive of a PTSD. Moreover, these complaints were seldom attributed to the surgery itself, but appeared to be more related to the discovery of the tumour and the postoperative neuropathological diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the present study do not indicate that undergoing awake craniotomy is associated with increased psychological complaints. Nevertheless, psychological complaints may well exist as a result of other factors. Consequently, monitoring the patient's mental wellbeing and offering psychological support where necessary remain important

    IDEAL monitoring of musical skills during awake craniotomy: From step 1 to step 2

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    The aim of awake brain surgery is to perform a maximum resection on the one hand, and to preserve cognitive functions, quality of life and personal autonomy on the other hand. Historically, language and sensorimotor functions were most frequently monitored. Over the years other cognitive functions, including music, have entered the operation theatre. Cases about monitoring musical abilities during awake brain surgery are emerging, and a systematic method how to monitor music would be the next step. According to the IDEAL framework for surgical innovations our study aims to present future recommendation based on a systematic literature search (PRISMA) in combination with lessons learned from three case reports from our own clinical practice with professional musicians (n = 3). We plead for structured procedures including individual tailored tasks. By embracing these recommendations, we can both improve clinical care and unravel music functions in the brain

    Equilibrium configurations of fluids and their stability in higher dimensions

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    We study equilibrium shapes, stability and possible bifurcation diagrams of fluids in higher dimensions, held together by either surface tension or self-gravity. We consider the equilibrium shape and stability problem of self-gravitating spheroids, establishing the formalism to generalize the MacLaurin sequence to higher dimensions. We show that such simple models, of interest on their own, also provide accurate descriptions of their general relativistic relatives with event horizons. The examples worked out here hint at some model-independent dynamics, and thus at some universality: smooth objects seem always to be well described by both ``replicas'' (either self-gravity or surface tension). As an example, we exhibit an instability afflicting self-gravitating (Newtonian) fluid cylinders. This instability is the exact analogue, within Newtonian gravity, of the Gregory-Laflamme instability in general relativity. Another example considered is a self-gravitating Newtonian torus made of a homogeneous incompressible fluid. We recover the features of the black ring in general relativity.Comment: 42 pages, 11 Figures, RevTeX4. Accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravity. v2: Minor corrections and references adde