9,635 research outputs found

    Studies on proper simulation during static testing of forward speed effects on fan noise

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    Significant differences exist in the noise generated by engines in flight and engines operating on the test stand. It was observed that these differences can be reduced by the use of an inflow control structure (ICS) in the static test configuration. The results of the third phase of a three phase program are described. The work performed in the first two phases which dealt with the development of a model for atmospheric turbulence, studies of fan noise generated by rotor turbulence interaction, and the development of an inflow control structure design system are summarized. The final phase of the program covers procedures for performing static testing with an ICS projecting the resulting static test data to actual flight test data. Included is a procedures report which covers the design system and techniques for static testing and projecting the static data to flight

    Executive function in first-episode schizophrenia

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    BACKGROUND: We tested the hypothesis that schizophrenia is primarily a frontostriatal disorder by examining executive function in first-episode patients. Previous studies have shown either equal decrements in many cognitive domains or specific deficits in memory. Such studies have grouped test results or have used few executive measures, thus, possibly losing information. We, therefore, measured a range of executive ability with tests known to be sensitive to frontal lobe function. METHODS: Thirty first-episode schizophrenic patients and 30 normal volunteers, matched for age and NART IQ, were tested on computerized test of planning, spatial working memory and attentional set shifting from the Cambridge Automated Neuropsychological Test Battery. Computerized and traditional tests of memory were also administered for comparison. RESULTS: Patients were worse on all tests but the profile was non-uniform. A componential analysis indicated that the patients were characterized by a poor ability to think ahead and organize responses but an intact ability to switch attention and inhibit prepotent responses. Patients also demonstrated poor memory, especially for free recall of a story and associate learning of unrelated word pairs. CONCLUSIONS: In contradistinction to previous studies, schizophrenic patients do have profound executive impairments at the beginning of the illness. However, these concern planning and strategy use rather than attentional set shifting, which is generally unimpaired. Previous findings in more chronic patients, of severe attentional set shifting impairment, suggest that executive cognitive deficits are progressive during the course of schizophrenia. The finding of severe mnemonic impairment at first episode suggests that cognitive deficits are not restricted to one cognitive domain

    A Barren Landscape?

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    We consider the generation of a non-perturbative superpotential in F-theory compactifications with flux. We derive a necessary condition for the generation of such a superpotential in F-theory. For models with a single volume modulus, we show that the volume modulus is never stabilized by either abelian instantons or gaugino condensation. We then comment on how our analysis extends to a larger class of compactifications. From our results, it appears that among large volume string compactifications, metastable de Sitter vacua (should any exist) are non-generic.Comment: 14 pages, comments adde

    Resolving singular forces in cavity flow: Multiscale modeling from atoms to millimeters

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    A multiscale approach for fluid flow is developed that retains an atomistic description in key regions. The method is applied to a classic problem where all scales contribute: The force on a moving wall bounding a fluid-filled cavity. Continuum equations predict an infinite force due to stress singularities. Following the stress over more than six decades in length in systems with characteristic scales of millimeters and milliseconds allows us to resolve the singularities and determine the force for the first time. The speedup over pure atomistic calculations is more than fourteen orders of magnitude. We find a universal dependence on the macroscopic Reynolds number, and large atomistic effects that depend on wall velocity and interactions.Comment: 4 pages,3 figure

    Cosmologies with Null Singularities and their Gauge Theory Duals

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    We investigate backgrounds of Type IIB string theory with null singularities and their duals proposed in hep-th/0602107. The dual theory is a deformed N=4 Yang-Mills theory in 3+1 dimensions with couplings dependent on a light-like direction. We concentrate on backgrounds which become AdS_5 x S^5 at early and late times and where the string coupling is bounded, vanishing at the singularity. Our main conclusion is that in these cases the dual gauge theory is nonsingular. We show this by arguing that there exists a complete set of gauge invariant observables in the dual gauge theory whose correlation functions are nonsingular at all times. The two-point correlator for some operators calculated in the gauge theory does not agree with the result from the bulk supergravity solution. However, the bulk calculation is invalid near the singularity where corrections to the supergravity approximation become important. We also obtain pp-waves which are suitable Penrose limits of this general class of solutions, and construct the Matrix Membrane theory which describes these pp-wave backgrounds.Comment: 43 pages REVTeX and AMSLaTeX. v2: references adde

    Improving Predictions for Helium Emission Lines

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    We have combined the detailed He I recombination model of Smits with the collisional transitions of Sawey & Berrington in order to produce new accurate helium emissivities that include the effects of collisional excitation from both the 2 (3)S and 2 (1) S levels. We present a grid of emissivities for a range of temperature and densities along with analytical fits and error estimates. Fits accurate to within 1% are given for the emissivities of the brightest lines over a restricted range for estimates of primordial helium abundance. We characterize the analysis uncertainties associated with uncertainties in temperature, density, fitting functions, and input atomic data. We estimate that atomic data uncertainties alone may limit abundance estimates to an accuracy of 1.5%; systematic errors may be greater than this. This analysis uncertainty must be incorporated when attempting to make high accuracy estimates of the helium abundance. For example, in recent determinations of the primordial helium abundance, uncertainties in the input atomic data have been neglected.Comment: ApJ, accepte

    Exact Relativistic Two-Body Motion in Lineal Gravity

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    We consider the N-body problem in (1+1) dimensional lineal gravity. For 2 point masses (N=2) we obtain an exact solution for the relativistic motion. In the equal mass case we obtain an explicit expression for their proper separation as a function of their mutual proper time. Our solution gives the exact Hamiltonian to infinite order in the gravitational coupling constant.Comment: latex, 11 pages, 2 figures, final version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Finite-element analysis of contact between elastic self-affine surfaces

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    Finite element methods are used to study non-adhesive, frictionless contact between elastic solids with self-affine surfaces. We find that the total contact area rises linearly with load at small loads. The mean pressure in the contact regions is independent of load and proportional to the rms slope of the surface. The constant of proportionality is nearly independent of Poisson ratio and roughness exponent and lies between previous analytic predictions. The contact morphology is also analyzed. Connected contact regions have a fractal area and perimeter. The probability of finding a cluster of area aca_c drops as acτa_c^{-\tau} where τ\tau increases with decreasing roughness exponent. The distribution of pressures shows an exponential tail that is also found in many jammed systems. These results are contrasted to simpler models and experiment.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figures. Replaced after changed in response to referee comments. Final two figures change