21 research outputs found

    Disposition of voriconazole during continuous veno-venous haemodiafiltration (CVVHDF) in a single patient

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    Objectives: To determine whether voriconazole dosage adjustment is required during continuous veno-venous haemodiafiltration (CVVHDF). Methods: Voriconazole pharmacokinetics were studied in a critically ill patient under CVVHDF. The analysis was carried out for 12 h following a 6 mg/kg dose. Voriconazole concentrations were measured by HPLC in blood inlet and outlet lines and in dialysate. Results: The total body clearance of voriconazole was 20.3 L/h, with a terminal half-life of 13.7 h and a distribution volume of 399 L. The estimated sieving coefficient was 0.53 and the filtration-dialysis clearance 1.2 L/h. Conclusions: CVVHDF does not significantly affect voriconazole disposition and requires no dosage adjustmen

    Disposition of voriconazole during continuous veno-venous haemodiafiltration (CVVHDF) in a single patient.

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    OBJECTIVES: To determine whether voriconazole dosage adjustment is required during continuous veno-venous haemodiafiltration (CVVHDF). METHODS: Voriconazole pharmacokinetics were studied in a critically ill patient under CVVHDF. The analysis was carried out for 12 h following a 6 mg/kg dose. Voriconazole concentrations were measured by HPLC in blood inlet and outlet lines and in dialysate. RESULTS: The total body clearance of voriconazole was 20.3 L/h, with a terminal half-life of 13.7 h and a distribution volume of 399 L. The estimated sieving coefficient was 0.53 and the filtration-dialysis clearance 1.2 L/h. CONCLUSIONS: CVVHDF does not significantly affect voriconazole disposition and requires no dosage adjustment

    Disposition of valganciclovir during continuous renal replacement therapy in two lung transplant recipients

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    Objectives To determine whether valganciclovir 450 mg every 48 h for cytomegalovirus (CMV) prophylaxis provides appropriate ganciclovir exposure in solid organ transplant recipients during continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT). Patients and methods Ganciclovir pharmacokinetics was intensively studied in two lung transplant recipients under valganciclovir 450 mg every 48 h over one dosing interval. In vitro experiments using blank whole blood spiked with ganciclovir further investigated exchanges between plasma and erythrocytes. Results Ganciclovir disposition was characterized by apparent total body clearance of 3.3 and 5.8 L/h, terminal half-life of 16.9 and 14.1 h, and apparent volume of distribution of 60.3 and 104.9 L in Patients 1 and 2, respectively. The observed sieving coefficient was 1.05 and 0.96, and the haemofiltration clearance was 3.3 and 3.1 L/h. In vitro experiments confirmed rapid efflux of ganciclovir from red blood cells into plasma, increasing the apparent efficacy of haemofiltration. Conclusions A valganciclovir dosage of 450 mg every 48 h appears adequate for patients under CRRT requiring prophylaxis for CMV infection, providing concentration levels in the range reported for 900 mg once daily dosing outside renal failur

    Accumulation of the solvent vehicle sulphobutylether beta cyclodextrin sodium in critically ill patients treated with intravenous voriconazole under renal replacement therapy

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    BACKGROUND: Voriconazole was introduced for the treatment of life-threatening fungal infections. The intravenous form includes the solvent vehicle sulphobutylether beta cyclodextrin sodium which shows an impaired clearance under intermittent dialysis therapy. This investigation aimed to determine first clinical data on sulphobutylether beta cyclodextrin sodium blood levels to verify the risk for accumulation. METHODS: In four patients suffering from renal insufficiency and intermittent dialysis therapy who needed a treatment with intravenous voriconazole as a reserve antifungal at the intensive care unit of the Mainz University Hospital the trough levels of voriconazole and sulphobutylether beta cyclodextrin sodium were measured. RESULTS: A 75-year-old woman showed a maximal sulphobutylether beta cyclodextrin sodium plasma level of 145 μg/ml in the initial phase. After a few days renal function recovered and the plasma levels came down to less than 20 μg/ml. In contrast to this patient with a recovery of renal function the remaining three patients showed renal failure during the complete period of intravenous treatment with voriconazole. In these patients an accumulation of sulphobutylether beta cyclodextrin sodium plasma levels was determined with a maximum of 523 μg/ml in a 18-year-old man, 409 μg/ml in a 57-year-old man, and 581 μg/ml in a 47-year-old man. CONCLUSION: The present data indicate an accumulation of sulphobutylether beta cyclodextrin sodium in patients treated with intravenous voriconazole and dialysis therapy. Fortunately, no toxic effects were observed, although the accumulated dose values were lower but comparable with those used in previous toxicity studies with animals

    Adaptation posologique du meropenème lors d'hémodiafiltration veno-veineuse continue (CVVHDF).

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    Determination of meropenem in plasma and filtrate-dialysate from patients under continuous veno-venous haemodiafiltration by SPE-LC.

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    Meropenem, a carbapenem antibiotic displaying a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity, is administered in Medical Intensive Care Unit to critically ill patients undergoing continuous veno-venous haemodiafiltration (CVVHDF). However, there are limited data available to substantial rational dosing decisions in this condition. In an attempt to refine our knowledge and propose a rationally designed dosage regimen, we have developed a HPLC method to determine meropenem after solid-phase extraction (SPE) of plasma and dialysate fluids obtained from patients under CVVHDF. The assay comprises the simultaneous measurement of meropenem's open-ring metabolite UK-1a, whose fate has never been studied in CVVHDF patients. The clean-up procedure involved a SPE on C18 cartridge. Matrix components were eliminated with phosphate buffer pH 7.4 followed by 15:85 MeOH-phosphate buffer pH 7.4. Meropenem and UK-1a were subsequently desorbed with MeOH. The eluates were evaporated under nitrogen at room temperature (RT) and reconstituted in phosphate buffer pH 7.4. Separation was performed at RT on a Nucleosil 100-5 microm C18 AB cartridge column (125 x 4 mm I.D.) equipped with a guard column (8 x 4 mm I.D.) with UV-DAD detection set at 208 nm. The mobile phase was 1 ml min(-1), using a step-wise gradient elution program: %MeOH/0.005 M tetrabutylammonium chloride pH 7.4; 10/90-50/50 in 27 min. Over the range of 5-100 microg ml(-1), the regression coefficient of the calibration curves (plasma and dialysate) were >0.998. The absolute extraction recoveries of meropenem and UK-1a in plasma and filtrate-dialysate were stable and ranged from 88-93 to 72-77% for meropenem, and from 95-104 to 75-82% for UK-1a. In plasma and filtrate-dialysate, respectively, the mean intra-assay precision was 4.1 and 2.6% for meropenem and 4.2 and 3.7% for UK-1a. The inter-assay variability was 2.8 and 3.6% for meropenem and 2.3 and 2.8% for UK-1a. The accuracy was satisfactory for both meropenem and UK-1a with deviation never exceeding 9.0% of the nominal concentrations. The stability of meropenem, studied in biological samples left at RT and at +4 degrees C, was satisfactory with < 5% degradation after 1.5 h in blood but reached 22% in filtrate-dialysate samples stored at RT for 8 h, precluding accurate measurements of meropenem excreted unchanged in the filtrate-dialysate left at RT during the CVVHDF procedure. The method reported here enables accurate measurements of meropenem in critically ill patients under CVVHDF, making dosage individualisation possible in such patients. The levels of the metabolite UK-1a encountered in this population of patients were higher than those observed in healthy volunteers but was similar to those observed in patients with renal impairment under hemodialysis

    Effect of renal clearance and continuous renal replacement therapy on appropriateness of recommended meropenem dosing regimens in critically ill patients with susceptible life-threatening infections.

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    Meropenem plasma concentration above a pathogen's MIC over the whole dosing interval (100% ƒT>MIC) is a determinant of outcome in severe infections. Significant variability of meropenem pharmacokinetics is reported in ICU patients. To characterize meropenem pharmacokinetics in variable CLCR or renal replacement therapy and assess the appropriateness of recommended regimens for MIC coverage. A pharmacokinetic analysis (NONMEM) was conducted with external model validation. Patient characteristics were tested on meropenem clearance estimates, differentiated according to the presence/absence of continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT, CLCRRT or CLno-CRRT). Simulations evaluated the appropriateness of recommended dosing for achieving 100% fT>MIC in 90% of patients. A total of 101 patients were studied: median 63 years (range 49-70), 56% male, SAPS II 38 (27-48). 32% had a CLCR >60 mL/min, 49% underwent CRRT and 32% presented severe sepsis or septic shock. A total of 127 pathogens were documented: 76% Gram-negatives, 24% Gram-positives (meropenem MIC90 2 mg/L, corresponding to EUCAST susceptibility breakpoint). Three hundred and eighty plasma and 129 filtrate-dialysate meropenem concentrations were analysed: two-compartment modelling best described the data. Predicted meropenem CLno-CRRT was 59% lower in impaired (CLCR 30 mL/min) compared to normal (CLCR 100 mL/min) renal function. Simulations showed that recommended regimens appropriately cover MIC90 in patients with CLCR <60 mL/min. Patients with CLCR of 60 to <90 mL/min need 6 g/day to achieve appropriate coverage. In patients with CLCR ≥90 mL/min, appropriate exposure is achieved with increased dose, frequency of administration and infusion duration, or continuous infusion. Recommended meropenem regimens are suboptimal in ICU patients with normal or augmented renal clearance. Modified dosing or infusion modalities achieve appropriate MIC coverage for optimized antibacterial efficacy in meropenem-susceptible life-threatening infections