1 research outputs found

    Pengaruh alkali terhadap pengeluaran kulit biji, mutu giling danwarna tepung biji sorgum=Effect of Alkali Debulling on Pearled Grain, Milling Quality,and Flour Colour Sorghum Grain

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    The effect of alkali dehulling on pearled grain, milling quality, and flour colour of sorghum grain was under study. Aqueous solutions of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) as dehulling agents hulled grain. Four soaking periods (51015and 20 minutes) and NaOH concentrations (2,557,51012,5and 15 w/w) were investigated. A randomized complete block design with 3 replications was used The treated grain was washed, neutralized with acetic acid, and washed again. After treated the grains were milled by Satake Polish Rice Machine and then analysed. Physical analysis included the hull removed, milling quality and flour colour. The experiment indicated that the optimum conditions of sodium hydroxide solutions to removed the hull grain was 8.3% at various concentrations to removed (15% 10% and 5%), and vorious times (5 min.10 min.and 15 min.). Under these conditions, the yield recovery of milled whole grains were not significantly affected by alkali dehulling. Colour of starch from dehulled grain appeared to be whiter than starch from whole grain, which were indicated by flour reflectance. Key Word: sorghum -- alkali dehulling -- milling -- quality -- flour reflectance