6 research outputs found

    In-plane and out-of-plane elastodynamics of thin rings and seals

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    Thin curved rings used mostly as seals, including in internal combustion engines undergo complex elastodynamic behavior when subjected to a combination of normal radial loading and tangential shear with friction. In turn, their complex modal behavior often results in loss of sealing, increased friction, and power loss. This paper presents a new finite difference approach to determine the response of thin incomplete circular rings. Two interchangeable approaches are presented; one embedding mass and stiffness components in a unified frequency-dependent matrix, and the other making use of equivalent mass and stiffness matrices for the ring structure. The versatility of the developed finite difference formulation can also allow for efficient modification to account for multiple dynamically changing ring support locations around its structure. Very good agreement is observed between the numerical predictions and experimental measurements, particularly with new precision noncontact measurements using laser Doppler vibrometry. The influence of geometric parameters on the frequency response of a high performance motorsport engine’s piston compression ring demonstrates the degree of importance of various geometrical parameters on ring dynamic response

    Combined experimental and flexible multibody dynamic investigation of high energy impact-induced driveline vibration

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    Lightly damped non-linear dynamic driveline components are subjected to excitation with rapid application of clutch and/or throttle. Modern thin-walled driveshaft tubes respond with a plethora of structural-acoustic modes under such impulsive conditions, which are onomatopoeically referred to as clonk in the vehicle industry. The underlying mechanisms for the occurrence of this phenomenon are investigated, using combined experimentation and flexible multibody dynamics under impulsive impact conditions. The coincidence of high frequency structural modes, coupled with acoustic response is highlighted for the broad-band spectral response of the hollow driveshaft tubes. The cyclic relationship of clonk with the shuffle response of the driveline system is also established for transient decay of the clonk phenomenon. In particular, the multibody model is used to ascertain the effect of vehicle laden state on the propensity of driveline clonk, an approach no hitherto reported in literature

    Effect of cylinder de-activation on the tribological performance of compression ring conjunction

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    The paper presents transient thermal-mixed-hydrodynamics of piston compression ring-cylinder liner conjunction for a 4-cylinder 4-stroke gasoline engine during a part of the New European Drive Cycle (NEDC). Analyses are carried out with and without cylinder de-activation (CDA) technology in order to investigate its effect upon the generated tribological conditions. In particular, the effect of CDA upon frictional power loss is studied. The predictions show that overall power losses in the piston-ring cylinder system worsen by as much as 10% because of the increased combustion pressures and liner temperatures in the active cylinders of an engine operating under CDA. This finding shows the down-side of this progressively employed technology, which otherwise is effective in terms of combustion efficiency with additional benefits for operation of catalytic converters. The expounded approach has not hitherto been reported in literature

    The effect of triboelastodynamics of rings on energy efficiency with particular focus on internal combustion engines

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    High performance, fuel efficiency, and noise and vibration refinement are key customer desired attributes for vehicular powertrain systems, including engines. Energy efficiency and reduced emissions have become even more important with the drive for sustainability and environmental protection with increasingly stringent legislation. Powertrain systems, such as internal combustion engines and their sub-systems, such as bearings, are utilised in a large number of applications/systems. Therefore, improving energy efficiency in their use is particularly important. In the case of internal combustion engines, significant frictional and power losses occur from piston compression rings. These losses are disproportional to the sizes of these small components. Therefore, much attention has been devoted to the study of compression ring behaviour. Similarly, the ideal function of bearings is dictated by both thermal and elastic distortions of their raceways.This thesis presents multi-physics integrated models for thin and thick rings, representative of piston compression rings and bearing races respectively. [Continues.

    The effect of outer ring elastodynamics on vibration and power loss of radial ball bearings

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    Ball bearings are an integral part of many machines and mechanisms and often determine their performance limits. Vibration, friction and power loss are some of the key measures of bearing performance. Therefore, there have been many predictive analyses of bearing performance with emphasis on various aspects. The current study presents a mathematical model, incorporating bearing dynamics, mechanics of rolling element-to-races contacts as well as the elastodynamics of the bearing outer ring as a focus of the study. It is shown that the bearing power loss in cage cycles increases by as much as 4% when the flexibility of the outer ring is taken into account as a thick elastic ring, based on Timoshenko beam theory as opposed to the usual assumption of a rigid ring in other studies. Geometric optimisation has shown that the lifetime power consumption can be reduced by 1.25%, which is a significant source of energy saving when considering the abundance of machines using rolling element bearings. The elastodynamics of bearing rings significantly affects the radial bearing clearance through increased roller loads and generated contact pressures. The flexible ring dynamics is shown to generate surface waviness through global elastic wave propagation, not hitherto taken into account in contact dynamics of rollers-to-raceways which are generally considered to be subjected to only localised Hertzian deflection. The elastodynamic behaviour reduces the elastohydrodynamic film thickness, affecting contact friction, wear, fatigue, vibration, noise and inefficiency

    Supplementary Information Files for 'An assessment of gas power leakage and frictional losses from the top compression ring of internal combustion engines'

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    Supplementary Information Files for 'An assessment of gas power leakage and frictional losses from the top compression ring of internal combustion engines'Abstract:A multi-physics integrated analysis of piston top compression ring of a high-performance internal combustion engines is presented. The effects of transient ring elastodynamics, thermal gas flow through piston crevices upon chamber leakage pressure and parasitic frictional losses are investigated. The multi-physics analysis comprises integrated flexible ring dynamics, ring-liner thermo-mixed hydrodynamics and gas blow-by, an approach not hitherto reported in literature. The predictions show close conformance to frictional measurements under engine motored dynamometric conditions. It is shown that power losses due to gas leakage can be as much as 6 times larger than frictional losses, which are usually considered as the main sources of inefficiency.</div