185 research outputs found

    Situational effects of mathematics anxiety in pre-service teacher education

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    The new National Program Standards for Accreditation of Initial Teacher Education states that 'applicants' levels of personal literacy and numeracy should be broadly equivalent to those of the top 30 per cent of the population' (Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership [AITSL], 2011, p. 13) or, if pre-service teachers enrolled in the degree have not met this equivalence, institutions 'must establish satisfactory additional arrangements to ensure that all students are supported to achieve the required standard before graduation' (AITSL, 2011, p. 13). This places an emphasis on the numeracy and mathematical skills of the pre-service teachers completing the Early Childhood and Primary bachelor degrees. However, little consideration is given in their teaching qualification preparation to the anxiety these pre-service teachers may have towards mathematics. Pre-service teachers with mathematics anxiety may avoid mathematics (Isiksal, Curran, Koc, & Askum, 2009), may have lower teacher efficacy in mathematics (Gresham, 2008), may experience a negative impact on their teaching behaviours (Swars, Daane, & Giesen, 2007), may pass on their anxiety to their students (Malinsky, Ross, Pannells, & McJunkin, 2006), and may negatively influence the mathematics achievement of their students (Beilock, Gunderson, Ramirez, & Levine, 2009).The aim of this project was to determine whether a modified version of the self- report instrument developed by Cavanagh and Sparrow (2010a; 2010b) could measure mathematics anxiety in pre-service teachers. Specifically the project investigated different situations - in a university class, when completing a formal mathematics test, and when teaching. Data from 169 pre-service teachers were analysed using the Rasch Rating Scale model (Andrich, 1978a, 1978b &1978c). The results showed that data from the instrument complied with the requirements of the Rasch model. The results also enabled comparisons to be made of student scores in the three situations. The paper concludes by discussing the potential benefits of using the instrument in a diagnostic and formative way to inform pre-service teachers of the possible level of mathematics anxiety they might experience

    Analysis of Regolith Simulant Ejecta Distributions from Normal Incident Hypervelocity Impact

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has established the Constellation Program. The Constellation Program has defined one of its many goals as long-term lunar habitation. Critical to the design of a lunar habitat is an understanding of the lunar surface environment; of specific importance is the primary meteoroid and subsequent ejecta environment. The document, NASA SP-8013 'Meteoroid Environment Model Near Earth to Lunar Surface', was developed for the Apollo program in 1969 and contains the latest definition of the lunar ejecta environment. There is concern that NASA SP-8013 may over-estimate the lunar ejecta environment. NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office (MEO) has initiated several tasks to improve the accuracy of our understanding of the lunar surface ejecta environment. This paper reports the results of experiments on projectile impact into powdered pumice and unconsolidated JSC-1A Lunar Mare Regolith simulant targets. Projectiles were accelerated to velocities between 2.45 and 5.18 km/s at normal incidence using the Ames Vertical Gun Range (AVGR). The ejected particles were detected by thin aluminum foil targets strategically placed around the impact site and angular ejecta distributions were determined. Assumptions were made to support the analysis which include; assuming ejecta spherical symmetry resulting from normal impact and all ejecta particles were of mean target particle size. This analysis produces a hemispherical flux density distribution of ejecta with sufficient velocity to penetrate the aluminum foil detectors

    Comparison of Ejecta Distributions from Normal Incident Hypervelocity Impact on Lunar Regolith Simulant

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is progressing toward long-term lunar habitation. Critical to the design of a lunar habitat is an understanding of the lunar surface environment; of specific importance is the primary meteoroid and subsequent ejecta environment. The document, NASA SP-8013, was developed for the Apollo program and is the latest definition of the ejecta environment. There is concern that NASA SP-8013 may over-estimate the lunar ejecta environment. NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office (MEO) has initiated several tasks to improve the accuracy of our understanding of the lunar surface ejecta environment. This paper reports the results of experiments on projectile impact into powered pumice and unconsolidated JSC-1A Lunar Mare Regolith stimulant (JSC-1A) targets. The Ames Vertical Gun Range (AVGR) was used to accelerate projectiles to velocities in excess of 5 km/s and impact the targets at normal incidence. The ejected particles were detected by thin aluminum foil targets placed around the impact site and angular distributions were determined for ejecta. Comparison of ejecta angular distribution with previous works will be presented. A simplistic technique to characterize the ejected particles was formulated and improvements to this technique will be discussed for implementation in future tests

    Investigating Team Coordination in Baseball Using a Novel Joint Decision Making Paradigm

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    A novel joint decision making paradigm for assessing team coordination was developed and tested using baseball infielders. Balls launched onto an infield at different trajectories were filmed using four video cameras that were each placed at one of the typical positions of the four infielders. Each participant viewed temporally occluded videos for one of the four positions and were asked to say either “ball” if they would attempt to field it or the name of the bag that they would cover. The evaluation of two experienced coaches was used to assign a group coordination score for each trajectory and group decision times were calculated. Thirty groups of 4 current college baseball players were: (i) teammates (players from same team/view from own position), (ii) non-teammates (players from different teams/view from own position), or (iii) scrambled teammates (players from same team/view not from own position). Teammates performed significantly better (i.e., faster and more coordinated decisions) than the other two groups, whereas scrambled teammates performed significantly better than non-teammates. These findings suggest that team coordination is achieved through both experience with one’s teammates’ responses to particular events (e.g., a ball hit up the middle) and one’s own general action capabilities (e.g., running speed). The sensitivity of our joint decision making paradigm to group makeup provides support for its use as a method for studying team coordination

    Lunar Meteoroid Impact Observations and the Flux of Kilogram-Size Meteoroids

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    Meteor showers dominate the environment in this size range and explain the evening/morning flux asymmetry of 1.5:1. With sufficient numbers of impacts, this technique can help determine the population index for some showers. Measured flux of meteoroids in the 100g to kilograms range is consistent with other observations. We have a fruitful observing program underway which has significantly increased the number of lunar impacts observed. Over 200 impacts have been recorded in about 4 years. This analysis reports on the 115 impacts taken under photometric conditions during the first 3 full years of operation. We plan to continue for the foreseeable future as follows: 1) Run detailed model to try explain the concentration near the trailing limb; 2) Build up statistics to better understand the meteor shower environment; 3) Provide support for robotic seismometers and dust missions; and 4) Deploy near-infrared and visible cameras with dichroic beamsplitter to 0.5m telescope in New Mexico

    Dynameta: a dynamic platform for ecological meta-analyses in R Shiny

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    Meta-analyses have brought a significant improvement in our understanding of global biodiversity change. However, in ecology the static nature of current approaches, both in terms of the data included and the predictions presented, make meta-analyses difficult for policymakers to fully interrogate and adopt. Here we introduce Dynameta, a living-review (i.e. continually updateable) R Shiny platform for interactive ecological meta-analyses, oriented around testing the effect of anthropogenic threats on biodiversity. This platform is written as an R package and can be applied in the context of any meta-analytic PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparator, and Outcome) question concerning the effect of any threat on any taxonomic group, for any biodiversity metric and with relevance to all geographic regions. Our hope is that, alongside other existing tools, Dynameta can help encourage the broader adoption of dynamic meta-analyses in ecology

    Invertebrate biodiversity continues to decline in cropland

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    Modern agriculture has drastically changed global landscapes and introduced pressures on wildlife populations. Policy and management of agricultural systems has changed over the last 30 years, a period characterized not only by intensive agricultural practices but also by an increasing push towards sustainability. It is crucial that we understand the long-term consequences of agriculture on beneficial invertebrates and assess if policy and management approaches recently introduced are supporting their recovery. In this study, we use large citizen science datasets to derive trends in invertebrate occupancy in Great Britain between 1990 and 2019. We compare these trends between regions of no- (0%), low- (greater than 0–50%) and high-cropland (greater than 50%) cover, which includes arable and horticultural crops. Although we detect general declines, invertebrate groups are declining most strongly in high-cropland cover regions. This suggests that even in the light of improved policy and management over the last 30 years, the way we are managing cropland is failing to conserve and restore invertebrate communities. New policy-based drivers and incentives are required to support the resilience and sustainability of agricultural ecosystems. Post-Brexit changes in UK agricultural policy and reforms under the Environment Act offer opportunities to improve agricultural landscapes for the benefit of biodiversity and society

    Anthropogenic disruptions to longstanding patterns of trophic-size structure in vertebrates

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    Diet and body mass are inextricably linked in vertebrates: while herbivores and carnivores have converged on much larger sizes, invertivores and omnivores are, on average, much smaller, leading to a roughly U-shaped relationship between body size and trophic guild. Although this U-shaped trophic-size structure is well documented in extant terrestrial mammals, whether this pattern manifests across diverse vertebrate clades and biomes is unknown. Moreover, emergence of the U-shape over geological time and future persistence are unknown. Here we compiled a comprehensive dataset of diet and body size spanning several vertebrate classes and show that the U-shaped pattern is taxonomically and biogeographically universal in modern vertebrate groups, except for marine mammals and seabirds. We further found that, for terrestrial mammals, this U-shape emerged by the Palaeocene and has thus persisted for at least 66 million years. Yet disruption of this fundamental trophic-size structure in mammals appears likely in the next century, based on projected extinctions. Actions to prevent declines in the largest animals will sustain the functioning of Earth's wild ecosystems and biomass energy distributions that have persisted through deep time
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