9 research outputs found

    Devet ciklusa masovne selekcije na povećani sadržaj ulja u dve sintetičke populacije kukuruza (Zea mays L.)

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    The objectives of this study were to estimate changes in oil content and grain yield in the maize populations DS7u and YuSSSu. As estimations were performed at CO and C9 for both populations, it was possible to observe changes occurring following long-term mass selection for high oil content. The synthetic population DS7u was developed by recombination of 29 inbreeds of Yugoslav, Canadian and US origin. The synthetic population YuSSSu is an Iowa Stiff Stalk Synthetic - BSS(R)C5. The following statistical and genetic parameters were analyzed: means, frequency distribution, components of genetic variance and heritability. Progenies were derived according to the North Carolina Design II. Results were indicated that nine cycles of selection led to statistically significant increase in oil content and statistically significant decrease for grain yield in both populations. Estimates of additive and dominance variances for grain oil content were highly significant in C0 and C9 of the population DS7u. Dominance variance showed significance in the initial cycle of the population YuSSSu, but it disappeared in the course of nine cycles of mass selection. Additive and dominance variances for grain yield were highly significant in both initial populations. Loss of significance did not result from selection, while the proportion of dominance vs. additive variance became greater. High narrow-sense heritability was detected for grain yield and oil content in the initial cycles of both populations. Mass selection resulted in increased heritability for oil content in the DS7u population.Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrde promene u sadržaju ulja i prinosu zrna u populacijama kukuruza DS7u i YuSSSu. PoÅ”to su procene parametara rađene za CO i C9 za obe populacije, moguće je pratiti promene tokom dugoročne masovne selekcije za visok sadržaj ulja. Sintetička populacija DS7u dobijena je rekombinacijom 29 inbred linija jugoslavenskog, kanadskog i američkog porekla. Sintetička populacija YuSSSu je Iowa Stiff Stalk Synthetic -BSSSC5- Familije su dobijene prema North Carolina Design II modelu. Rezultati su pokazali daje 9 ciklusa selekcije dovelo do statistički značajnog povećanja sadržaja ulja i statistički značajnog smanjenja prinosa zrna u obe populacije. Aditivna i dominantna varijansa za sadržaj ulja su visoko značajne u CO i C9 populacije DS7u. Dominantna varijansa je značajna u početnom ciklusu populacije YuSSSu, ali je ova značajnost nestala posle devet ciklusa masovne selekcije. Aditivna i dominantna varijansa za prinos zrna su visoko značajne u obe početne populacije. Gubitak značajnosti nije nastao usled selekcije, dok se odnos dominantne prema aditivnoj varijansi povećao. Visoka heritabilnost u užem smislu dobijena je za prinos zrna i sadržaj ulja u početnom ciklusu obe populacije. Masovna selekcija dovela je do povećanja heritabilnosti za sadržaj ulja u populaciji DS7u

    Genetičke korelacije za važnija agronomska svojstva između S1 i HS familija u dva kompozita kukuruza (Zea mays L.)

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    Genetic correlations for more important agronomic traits between S1 and HS families of two composites of maize (Composite B and M) were investigated. For the grain yield genotypic correlation between S1 and HS families in Comp. B was significant, medium strong (0,359*), but too low for predictable purposes. Greater correlation for the grain yield was obtained in Comp. M, it was strong and highly significant (0,663**). Correlations for grain yield were lower than for the other investigated traits in both composites. For the ear height and 1000 kernel weight these correlations were higher in Comp. B, while for the rest of the traits they were greater in Comp. M, indicating greater share of the additive in the total genotypic variance in this composite. As far as the grain yield is concerned, combined S1-HS selection should be applied only in the Comp. M, based on the strong, highly significant correlation between investigated families. In Comp. B this is not the case. For this composite, alternative procedure, for the simultaneous improvement of the population per se and its combining ability, is first to apply S1, and after that HS selection, but with very low intensity (about 30%).U radu su proučavane genetičke korelacije važnijih agronomskih svojstava između S1 i HS familija u dva kompozita kukuruza (Kotnp. B i M). Za prinos zrna, genetička korelacija S1 i HS familija u Kotnp. B bila je značajna, srednje jaka (0,359*), ali i suviÅ”e niska da bi se sa sigurnoŔću, na osnovu prinosa S1 familije, sudilo o njenoj KS, ili obrnuto. Veća korelacija za prinos zrna utvrđena je u Komp. M i bila je jaka i visoko značajna (0.663**). Korelacije za prinos zrna bile su niže nego za druge ispitivane osobine u oba kompozita. Za visinu klipa i masu 1000zrna vrednosti ovih korelacija bile su veće u Komp. B, a za sve ostale osobine u Komp. M, pa je verovatno u Kompozitu M udeo aditivne u ukupnoj genetičkoj varijansi veći za većinu ispitivanih svojstava. Å to se tiče prinosa zrna, kombinovana S1-HS selekcija bi se smela primeniti samo u Komp. M, na osnovu visoko značajne korelacije za ovu osobinu između ispitivanih tipova familija. U Komp. B ovo ne bi smelo da se uradi. Ovde je alternativa, za istovremenu popravku prinosa populacije per se i njene KS, naizmenična primena S1 i HS selekcije (najpre S1 a zatim HS), ali uz vrlo nizak intenzitet (oko 30%)

    Uticaj gustine setve na prinos i broj klijavih zrna u semenskom kukuruzu

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    The trials were carried out in the regular production of the seed maize ZP 680 at the agricultural estate "Nova Budućnost" Žarkovac during 2001 and 2002. Sowing densities (71,400, 85,500, 99,900 plants ha"1) affected varying of yields (4.01, 4.38. 4.40 t ha"1). The 1000-seed weight decreased over increased densities (305.6, 2912, 282.5 g). Germination was even over densities (95.0, 94.9, 94.7 %). A greater number of germinated seeds per area unit (13,122,000, 15,022,000, 15,569,000) was obtained in greater densities. The percentile share of fractions in the weight was uniform over all sowing densities.Ogledi su izvedeni u PD "Nova Budućnost" Žarkovac 2001 i 2002. godine u prirodnim uslovima gajenja semenskog kukuruza ZP 680. Gustine setve (714.00, 85.500, 99.9.00 bilj/ha) su uticale na variranje prinosa (4.01, 4.38. 4.40 t/ha). Masa 1000 semena opadala je sa povećanjem gustine (305.6, 2912, 282.5 g). Klijavost je bila ujednačena po gustinama (95.0, 94.9, 94.7 %). U većim gustinama dobijen je veći broj klijavih semena po jedinici povrÅ”ine (13.122.000, 15.022.000, 15.569.000). U sve tri gustine procentualno učeŔće frakcija u masi bilo je ujednačeno

    Poređenje osobina hibrida kukuruza stvorenih na bazi linija B84 odnosno B37

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    Efficiency of the half-sib recurrent selection (HSRS) method applied to the Iowa Stiff Stalk Synthetic (BSSS) can be evaluated indirectly through the performance of hybrid combinations with inbreeds developed from different cycles of selection of the mentioned population. Efficiency was estimated by comparison of the performance of hybrids derived by crossing inbreeds B84 (BSSSC7) and B37 (BSSSC0) to 20 unrelated inbred lines. The results obtained indicated that hybrids with inbred B84, on the average, overyielded hybrids with inbred B37 by 11.30%. In relation to the success of recurrent selection this increase amounts to 1.61% per cycle of selection. Although moisture determined in hybrids as an indicator of maturity was greater in hybrids with inbred B84 (0.90%*on average), the value of performance indices was 6.98% higher in the hybrids with inbred B84 snowing that higher grain yield was not just a result of later maturity. Estimates of the coefficient (bxi) in the linear regression equation were similar for both series of hybrids. The value of the rank correlation coefficient for grain yield (0.759**) indicates the existence of similar differences between hybrid rank in both series. All the above mentioned points to B84 as an inbred line with better general or specific combining abilities than inbred line B37 indicating the effectiveness of HSRS applied to BSSS.Efikasnost primenjene Half-Sib Recurrent Selection (HSRS) metode selekcije na Iowa Stiff Stalk Synthetic-u (BSSS) moguće je proceniti indirektnim putem preko performansi hibridnih kombinacija sa linijama dobijenim iz različitih ciklusa selekcije pomenute populacije. Procena efikasnosti je izvrÅ”ena na bazi poređenja performansi hibrida dobijenih na bazi ukrÅ”tanja linija B84(BSSSC7) i B37(BSSSC0) sa dvadeset nesrodnih linija. Rezultati ukazuju da su hibridi sa linijom B84 dali u proseku za 11.30% veći prinos zrna u odnosu na iste hibride sa linijom B37. Posmatrano sa stanoviÅ”ta uspeha rekurentne selekcije ovo povećanje iznosi 1,61% po ciklusu selekcije. Iako je determinisana vlaga u hibridima kao pokazatelj dužine vegetacije bila veća u hibridima sa B84 (u proseku za 0.90%*) da veći prinos zrna nije rezultat samo relativno duže vegetacije ukazuju vrednosti za Performans indeks koje su za 6,98% bile veće također kod hibrida sa B84. Vrednosti koeficijenata (bxi) u jednačini linearne regresije bile su slične za obe serije hibrida. Koeficijent korelacije ranga za prinos zrna (0,759**) potvrđuje da postoje slične razlike između ranga hibrida u obe serije. Sve prethodno pomenuto ukazuje da linija B84 ima bolju opÅ”tu kao i specifičnu kombinacionu sposobnost za prinos zrna u odnosu na liniju B37 ukazujući na efikasnost primenjene HSRS na BSSS populaciji kukuruza

    ZP hibridi kukuruza u proizvodnim ogledima 2003. godine

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    An appropriate choice of the ZP hybrids is a result of studies on yielding carried out under different agroecological conditions. Results on yields of nine ZP hybrids (FAO 300-700) obtained in production trials in 24 locations carried out in 2003 are presented. The highest yields were detected in the following hybrids: ZP 434, ZP 684, ZP 360 and ZP 578. Furthermore, hybrids ZP 684 and ZP 434 overyielded all hybrids under agroecological conditions of Bačka. In Banat, hybrids ZP 434 and ZP 578 were highly ranked, while the highest yields in Srem were detected in the hybrids ZP 434 and ZP 360, Similar results were obtained in the regions of Central Serbia where hybrids ZP 434 and ZP 684 overyielded all other hybrids. Stated results point out to high yielding and adaptability of hybrids of a new generation (ZP 434, ZP 578 and ZP 684). At the same time, high yields of already widely grown hybrids (ZP 677 and ZP 704) were confirmed.Pravilnom izboru ZP hibrida prethode ispitivanja rodnosti u različitim agroekoloÅ”kim uslovima. Na osnovu proizvodnih ogleda sa 24 lokaliteta izvedenih u 2003. godini prikazani su rezultati prinosa ZP hibrida (FAO 300-700). Po svojoj rodnosti posebno su se istakli hibridi ZP 434, ZP 684, ZP 360 i ZP 578. Posmatrano po različitim agroekoloÅ”kim celinama na području Bačke najrodniji su bili ZP 684 i ZP 434. U Banatu su visoko rangirani ZP 434 i ZP 578, a u Sremu su najrodniji ZP 434 i ZP 360. Siični rezultati su dobijeni i u području Centraine Srbije gde su najprinosniji ZP434 i ZP684. Navedeni rezultati ukazuju na visoku rodnost i adaptĆ®bilnost hibrida nove generacije (ZP 434, ZP 578 i ZP 684), a istovremeno se potvrđuje i visoka rodnost već provernih ZP hibrida (ZP 677 i ZP 704)

    Kombinacione sposobnosti inbridovanih linija za prinos suve materije hibrida kukuruza (Zea mays L.)

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    This study encompass the investigation on combining abilities of six maize inbred lines and their diallel hybrids of F1 generation for dry matter yield of both, the whole plant and the ear. The analysis of combining abilities was performed following Griffing (1956) method 2, model I, without reciprocal crosses, while the analysis the genetic components of variance and the regression analysis were done after the model proposed by Hayman and Jinks (1954) and Mather and Jink (1971). Dominant gene effects in inheritance of dry matter yield of the whole plant and the ear were determined by the analysis of combining abilities. The role of these effects are also observable from the analysis of genetic components of variations and results of the Vr/Wr regression analysis. The inbred line ZPLB 406 was the inbred with the highest GCA effects.U ovom radu su proučavane kombinacione sposobnosti Å”est inbred linija kukuruza i njihovih dialelnih hibrida F1 generacije za prinos suve materije ćele biljke i prinos suve materije klipa. Analiza dialelnih ukrstanja za kombinacione sposobnosti je rađena po Griffing-u (1956) a analiza komponenti genetičke varijanse i regresiona analiza po Jinks-u (1954) i Hayman-u (1954), Mather-u i Jinks-u (1971). Na osnovu analize kombinacionih sposobnosti utvrđeno je da dominantno delovanje gena ima glavnu ulogu u nasleđivanju ovih osobina. Najbolji opÅ”ti kombinator za ispitivane osobine bila je linija ZPLB 406. Dominantne komponente (H1 i H2) genetičke varijanse su bile veće od aditivne (D) dok rezultati Vr/Wr regresione analize ukazuju na superdominaciju u nasleđivanju ispitivanih osobina. Utvrđena je visoka heritabilnost u Å”irem smislu Å”to govori o velikom značaju dominantnih gena na njihovo ispoljavanje

    Effects of the sowing density on the yield and the number of germinated seeds in seed maize

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    The trials were carried out in the regular production of the seed maize ZP 680 at the agricultural estate "Nova Budućnost" Žarkovac during 2001 and 2002. Sowing densities (71,400, 85,500, 99,900 plants ha"1) affected varying of yields (4.01, 4.38. 4.40 t ha"1). The 1000-seed weight decreased over increased densities (305.6, 2912, 282.5 g). Germination was even over densities (95.0, 94.9, 94.7 %). A greater number of germinated seeds per area unit (13,122,000, 15,022,000, 15,569,000) was obtained in greater densities. The percentile share of fractions in the weight was uniform over all sowing densities

    Uzorci iz banke gena Instituta za kukuruz 'Zemun Polje' koji poseduju sterilnu citoplazmu

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    In an attempt to search a total of MRI Gene bank, with about 5000 accessions, for the potential presence of the restorer cytoplasm for the gene ms10 in maize, unintendently we discovered 70 independent sources of cytoplasmic male sterility. These sources are randomly distributed among Yugoslav open-pollinated varieties, as well as introduced lines and heterozygous materials. This makes 1,4% of the total number of accessions, and raises a question of the evolutionary significance of the sterile cytoplasm into a population. This could be a barrier against foreign pollen, not carrying the appropriate restorer gene.U pokuÅ”aju da pretražimo celokupnu banku gena Instituta za kukuruz "Zemun Polje", sa ukupno oko 5000 uzoraka, na potencijalno prisustvo restorer citoplazme za gen mslO (Vidaković i sar, 2002), koja joÅ” nije nađena ni kod jedne biljne vrste ni za jedan od poznatih ms gena, slučajno smo otkrili 70 nezavisnih izvora citoplazmatičke muÅ”ke sterilnosti. Ovo čini 1,4% ukupne biljne raznovrsnosti prisutne u naÅ”oj banci gena. Ovi izvori su nađeni kako među slobodnoopraÅ”ujućim sortama sa područja bivÅ”e Jugoslavije, tako i među introdukovanim homo- i beterozigotnim materijalima. Ovako visok procenat uzoraka sa sterilnom citoplazmom pokreće pitanje njene evolucione koristi, kao neku vrstu barijere koja Å”titi dotičnu sortu od introdukcije stranog polena koji ne poseduje odgovarajući restorer gen

    Problems in weed control in Serbian maize seed production

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    Weed control in the seed maize production is facing some specific problems. Maize inbred lines are known to be susceptible to many stress factors, including actively growing weeds and some herbicides. The slower growth of maize inbreds, as well as, the open space between rows provide favourable conditions for emergence and growth of weeds during the whole growing season. Herbicide combinations applied in the seed maize production are the same as those applied in the commercial maize production, but, their efficiency is differently expressed in these crops. Environmental factors significantly affect weeds and maize development, as well as, herbicides affect maize inbred lines. The introduction of sulfonylurea herbicides, controlling grass weeds, has resulted in susceptibility of a greater number of maize inbred lines. Therefore, it was found that reaction of maize inbred lines gives a wide variability to sulfonilurea herbicides. Considering specificity of maize inbred lines, this study presents some problems in weed control in maize seed production