11 research outputs found

    Unique structural features govern the activity of a human mitochondrial AAA+ disaggregase, Skd3.

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    The AAA+ protein, Skd3 (human CLPB), solubilizes proteins in the mitochondrial intermembrane space, which is critical for human health. Skd3 variants with defective protein-disaggregase activity cause severe congenital neutropenia (SCN) and 3-methylglutaconic aciduria type 7 (MGCA7). How Skd3 disaggregates proteins remains poorly understood. Here, we report a high-resolution structure of a Skd3-substrate complex. Skd3 adopts a spiral hexameric arrangement that engages substrate via pore-loop interactions in the nucleotide-binding domain (NBD). Substrate-bound Skd3 hexamers stack head-to-head via unique, adaptable ankyrin-repeat domain (ANK)-mediated interactions to form dodecamers. Deleting the ANK linker region reduces dodecamerization and disaggregase activity. We elucidate apomorphic features of the Skd3 NBD and C-terminal domain that regulate disaggregase activity. We also define how Skd3 subunits collaborate to disaggregate proteins. Importantly, SCN-linked subunits sharply inhibit disaggregase activity, whereas MGCA7-linked subunits do not. These advances illuminate Skd3 structure and mechanism, explain SCN and MGCA7 inheritance patterns, and suggest therapeutic strategies

    Conformational plasticity of the ClpAP AAA+ protease couples protein unfolding and proteolysis

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    The ClpAP complex is a conserved bacterial protease that unfolds and degrades proteins targeted for destruction. The ClpA double-ring hexamer powers substrate unfolding and translocation into the ClpP proteolytic chamber. Here, we determined high-resolution structures of wild-type Escherichia coli ClpAP undergoing active substrate unfolding and proteolysis. A spiral of pore loop-substrate contacts spans both ClpA AAA+ domains. Protomers at the spiral seam undergo nucleotide-specific rearrangements, supporting substrate translocation. IGL loops extend flexibly to bind the planar, heptameric ClpP surface with the empty, symmetry-mismatched IGL pocket maintained at the seam. Three different structures identify a binding-pocket switch by the IGL loop of the lowest positioned protomer, involving release and re-engagement with the clockwise pocket. This switch is coupled to a ClpA rotation and a network of conformational changes across the seam, suggesting that ClpA can rotate around the ClpP apical surface during processive steps of translocation and proteolysis

    Computational pipeline provides mechanistic understanding of Omicron variant of concern neutralizing engineered ACE2 receptor traps.

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    The SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant, with 15 mutations in Spike receptor-binding domain (Spike-RBD), renders virtually all clinical monoclonal antibodies against WT SARS-CoV-2 ineffective. We recently engineered the SARS-CoV-2 host entry receptor, ACE2, to tightly bind WT-RBD and prevent viral entry into host cells ("receptor traps"). Here we determine cryo-EM structures of our receptor traps in complex with stabilized Spike ectodomain. We develop a multi-model pipeline combining Rosetta protein modeling software and cryo-EM to allow interface energy calculations even at limited resolution and identify interface side chains that allow for high-affinity interactions between our ACE2 receptor traps and Spike-RBD. Our structural analysis provides a mechanistic rationale for the high-affinity (0.53-4.2 nM) binding of our ACE2 receptor traps to Omicron-RBD confirmed with biolayer interferometry measurements. Finally, we show that ACE2 receptor traps potently neutralize Omicron and Delta pseudotyped viruses, providing alternative therapeutic routes to combat this evolving virus