3 research outputs found

    Analisis Buku Matematika Siswa SMP Kurikulum 2013

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    The aim of this present study is to formulate suggestions as a consideration in improving junior high school students\u27 mathematics book 2013 curriculum. Later on, the mistakes found in the book can be minimalize and suitable to be used by students. The sort of this study is a analitic descriptive research, namely a research that intends to give representations about reality towards objects that have been studied objectively. This research study stresses in one variable, namely the truth concept in junior high school students\u27 mathematics book 2013 curriculum. The result of the analysis shows that in Junior High School students\u27 mathematics textbook 2013 curriculum was found many mistakes. The mistakes includes wrong spelling in written the words and wrong formulation of mathematics learning concepts. Keyword: book analysis, students\u27 mathematics book, 2013 curriculum, mathematics learning