889 research outputs found

    Tinjauan Yuridis Terhadap Pemidanaan Bagi Pengguna Narkotika.

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    Pidana penjara bagi korban penyalahgunaan Narkotika perlu diganti dengan tindakan sebagaimana dianut dalam sistem dua jalur dalam pemidanaan (double track system) yaitu disamping pembuat tindak pidana dapat dijatuhi pidana dapat juga dikenakan tindakan. Karena pidana penjara bagi korban penyalahgunaan Narkotika merupakan perampasan kemerdekaan dan mengandung sisi negatif sehingga tujuan pemidanaan tidak dapat diwujudkan secara maksimal bahkan dalam banyak kasus banyak beredar Narkotika yang dikendalikan dalam Lembaga Pemasyarakatan.Dalam ketentuan undang-undang No. 35 Tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika memberikan wewenang pada hakim untuk melakukan pemidanaan berupa tindakan bagi korban pecandu narkotika untuk menjalani rehabilitasi sosial dan medis. Rehabilitasi ini merupakan masa menjalani pengobatan atau perawatan diperhitungkan sebagai masa menjalani hukuman.Namun dalam vonis pengadilan majelis hakim sangat jarang menjatuhkan tindakan hukum berupa pengobatan dan perawatan kedalam lembaga rehabilitasi medis dan rehabilitasi sosial. Karena hal ini dilihat dari ratusan kasus yang terjadi di Palu selama tahun 2013 hanya 5 orang yang menjalani tindakan hukum berupa rehabilitasi medis dan rehabilitasi sosial di Makassar

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Karyawan Terbaik Carrefour Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting (Saw)

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    Carrefour is a company engaged in the field of trade. Carrefour during this procedure uses only the standard recommends employees per Division to include in the determination of the best employees. The assessment is done to determine the best employees of the company must comply with aspects such as mastery of insight into carrefour, mastery of the insight into the activities of the shops, the mastery of an insight into the management of the store, the ability to respond to and answer questions. The company is sometimes difficult in making a decision, especially if some of the existing employees have skills that are not much different the existing problems on the determination of the best employees. Therefore required a decision support system in the determination of the best employees. This research method using Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) are often also known the term weighted summation method. The concept of the method is to find a weighted summation of the SAW of rating performance on any alternative on all attributes. The method of matrix the normalization process requires SAW decision (x) to a scale that can be compared with all the alternative rating. Development of a system that used to use the waterfall. The results of this research in the form of a system that will help employees admin section in performing data processing employees, can automate the penginputan employees and can provide solutions for the employee admin section

    Ascaris Lumbricoides Eggs and Human-Intestinal Protozoan Cysts Found in River Water of Angke River, Jakarta

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    Fecal contamination is a serious environmental problem at Angke River Jakarta. A cross-sectional study was conducted during April-June 2007 and the aim of the study is to assess the water quality of Angke River by detection of Ascaris lumbricoides eggs and the protozoan cysts. A total 24 L water of Angke River was collected from 8 sampling locations consisted of Kembangan/Duri Kosambi (upper reaches of river), Pesing Polgar (lower reaches of river), Teluk Gong (lower reaches of river), Pantai Indah Kapuk (estuary), River Mouth, left side of River Mouth, right side of River Mouth, and outer side of River Mouth. The water specimen was examined microscopically for A. lumbricoides eggs and protozoan cysts using a concentrated technique. Of 8 locations, 4 locations (50 %, 4/8), Kembangan/Duri Kosambi, Teluk Gong, Pantai Indah Kapuk and left side of river mouth were positive for A. lumbricoides eggs and 2 locations (25%, 2/8), Kembangan/Duri Kosambi and Pesing Polgar positive for Entamoeba histolytica cysts. Overall, 60 A. lumbricoides eggs and 2 E. histolytica cysts were found in 24 L water specimens. Among sampling locations, the most number of A. lumbricoides eggs were found at eastuary. The water of Angke River, Jakarta, has been contaminated by human feces contained A. lumbricoides eggs and E. histolytica cysts. The water was unsafe for drinking water

    Would the Objectives and Characteristics of Islamic Accounting for Islamic Business Organizations Meet the Islamic Socio-Economic Objectives?

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    Islam has a different worldview which affects the socio-economic activities of its adherents. As accounting is a social institution which should reflect the nuances of its society and help to achieve its socio-economic objectives, a different type of accounting is required as compared to the conventional accounting of capitalistic society. Research on Islamic accounting is still at an exploratory stage; its pioneers trying to develop a theoretical framework for Islamic accounting using various methodologies. In common with the development of conventional accounting, the search is on for the objectives and characteristics of Islamic accounting as a foundation on which to lay its principles, conventions, rules and standards. This article explores the emerging issues in this development and searches for patterns in the debate on Islamic accounting theory and evaluate these different methodologies and approaches suggested in the literature used to develop Islamic accounting theory. The writer finds that a number of the proposed objectives and characteristics of Islamic accounting are doubted in meeting the objectives of Islamic teachings

    Pengaruh Online Experience terhadap Loyalty melalui Satisfaction Pemain Mobile Legends

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh antara online experience dengan satis­faction, satisfaction dengan loyalty, dan online experience dengan loyalty melalui satisfaction pemain Mobile Legends. Jenis penelitian ini termasuk dalam jenis penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif. Sampel pene­litian ini sebanyak 190 pemain mobile game Mobile Legend di Indonesia, khu­susnya dalam kota Jakarta, Surabaya, dan Medan dengan teknik pengambilan sam­pling yaitu non probability. Metode pengumpulan data pene­litian dilakukan melalui pen­yebaran kuesioner dengan meng­gunakan lima poin skala likert sebagai alat u­kur. Tek­nik ana­lisa data yang digunakan penelitian ini adalah SEM PLS. Hasil pe­ne­­litian ini menunjukkan bahwa online experience berpengaruh signifikan terhadap sa­tis­faction, satisfaction berpengaruh signi­fikan terhadap loyalty, dan online ex­perience berpengaruh po­sitif dan signifikan terhadap Loyalty melalui satisfactionpa­da pemain Mobile Legends

    Program Riset Ilmiah Imre Lakatos

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    The topic of this paper is related to the methodological thought of a philosopher Imre Lacatos. The methodological problem is a core problem in the area of philosophy of science. Science philosopher's discourse shows the methodology of science as one of the scientific procedures in gaining the truth, but in fact, it caused the emergence of methodological mainstream; mono-methodology and pluri-methodology. Imre Lacatos' tried to mediate the discourse of two fortifications by means of scientific research program. Some ideas developed by Lacatos' in its relation to the scientific research programs are; first, Lacatos propose a sum of mathematics knowledge which is based on the heuristics idea, second, Lacatos' criticism to Popper's falsifiable concept, third, Lacatos' effort in looking for a harmonious method that provides a sum of rational scientific progress, appropriately keeps its consistency with the historical fact, fourth, Lacatos' connect the research program to scientists who protect the core of theory from falsification effort, fifth, a research program is qualified as progressive if it is signed by stunning novel facts and as deteriorative if the program is not directed to the new fact, sixth, the hard-core is determining characteristic of program, it is a general theory of hypotheses which is employed as a foundation of developed program, seventh, the negative heuristic of hard-core program is detailed program which states the basic assumption of program, eighth, the positive heuristic of hard-core program is an outline which indicates how the research program can be developed under additional assumption of new phenomenon clarification