91 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Brand Image Dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Studi Kasus Pada Konsumen Carica Gemilang Di Wonosobo)

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    Brand Image and product quality are some factors can that influence purchasing decisions made by consumers. As a result, the company as much possible should be able to make the brand image and product quality well in the eyes of society this is so that consumer purchasing decisions against a product is high. brand image that strong and product quality reliable will be able to meet the needs and desires of consumers.The type of research is explanatory research where the sample was amounted to 100 people white purposive sampling technique. Data source used is primary data and secondary data, The selected respondents are consumers who did purchasing decision of carica gemilang 2017 year in Wonosobo. The methodology was to analyzing the primary data in this research validity test, reliability test, correlation coefficient, determination coefficient, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, and Significance test (t and F test) with SPSS 16.0. The result of the research showed that brand image had significant effect on purchasing decision by donating 33,1% and the rest was explained by other factor basides brand image. Product quality had a significant effect to purchasing decision by donating 33,5% and the rest was explained by other factor basides product quality. Meanwhile, simultaneously brand image and product quality had significant effect to purchasing decisionby donating 35,4% and the rest was explained by other factor basides brand image and product quality. This means that the better brand image and product quality, the higher the decision to buy a brilliant carica in Wonosobo. In addition, product quality had the most dominant influence with regression ceofficient value of 0.321. Based on the result of research, researcher suggest UD. Gemilang Kencana re-analyzes the level of consumer loyalty in order to get a better brand image, improve the resulting taste in order to get a better product quality and give a good impression to consumer

    Perbandingan Aplikasi Dekonvolusi Pada Domain T-X Dan Tau-P Linear Untuk Mereduksi Multipel Data Seismik 2D Laut

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    Akibat adanya gelombang yang terperangkap dalam lapisan air laut maupun lapisan batuan, akan timbul efek multipel. Gelombang terpantul dalam lapisan yang sama, sehingga akan memberikan informasi waktu rambat gelombang yang lebih besar. Diperlukan suatu metode untuk menghilangkan multipel tersebut tanpa mengganggu event primernya. Salah satu metode adalah dekonvolusi yang bisa dilakukan pada domain time-offset (t-x) dan intercept time-ray parameter (tau-p) linear. Pada domain t-x, data langsung difilter menggunakan dekonvolusi prediktif. Sedangkan prinsip metode tau-p linear adalah mengubah domain t-x menjadi domain tau-p dan multipel akan difilter menggunakan dekonvolusi prediktif. Data yang telah difilter tersebut akan dikembalikan ke domain t-x dengan multipel yang telah tereduksi. Hasil dari kedua metode tersebut akan dibandingkan. Perbandingan dapat dilihat melalui amplitudo, spectral analysis dan stack. Amplitudo multipel dekonvolusi linear memberikan nilai lebih rendah daripada dekonvolusi . Pada shot gather, dekonvolusi tau-p linear mereduksi multipel di area middle sampai far offset yang terdapat Perulangan tidak konsisten. Spectral analysis dekonvolusi tau-p linear lebih halus dibandingkan dekonvolusi yang mengindikasikan noise tereduksi. Hasil stack menunjukkan pereduksian multipel yang lebih bersih dengan reflektor primer yang lebih menerus pada stack dekonvolusi . Dekonvolusi tau-p linear memberikan hasil terbaik dalam pereduksian multipel. Pada domain tersebut perioditas multipel lebih stabil. Dekonvolusi dalam domain t-x tidak maksimal mereduksi multipel karena perioditas multipel tidak stabil pada posisi non-zero offset. Pada domain tau-p perioditas multipel lebih stabil

    Determinan Faktor Remaja Merokok Studi Kasus di SMPN 27 Semarang

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    Indonesia is the third largest cigarette users in the world, over 70% of children exposed to cigarette smoke and bear the risk of various diseases caused by cigarette smoke. The prevalence of coronary heart disease that doctors diagnosed at the age of over 15 years in Indonesia reached 1.5% and the prevalence of COPD has reached 3.7%. According to Riskesdas Central Java in 2013 the number of smokers aged 10-14 years every day at 0.5% and the number of smokers aged 15-19 years every day of 11.2%. In Semarang, start smoking at the age of 10-14 years amounted to 18.0% and amounted to 53.9% of 15-19 years. The purpose of the research to describe and analyze the determinant factors of smoking adolescents in SMPN 27 Semarang. This research is a quantitative and qualitative information extracting with an interview and cross-sectional approach. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire and an interview guide. The study sample as many as 57 respondents with saturated sampling technique for quantitative and 3 informants triangulation with purposive sampling for qualitative. Analysis of the data used a chi-square test for the bivariate analysis with a significance level of 95%. At 80.7% of respondents have become moderate smokers, while 19.3% of respondents still be light smokers. Bivariate analysis, there was no correlation between age (p = 0.051), parental education respondents (p = 1.000), allowance (p = 0.183), knowledge (p = 0318), conformity adolescents (p = 0.296), affordability of cigarettes (p = 0.742), extracurricular involvement (p = 0.482) and the regulation of smoking in schools (p = 0.462) with the practice of smoking students, and there is a relationship between attitudes (p = 0.03) with the practice of smoking students. Schools can provide information on a regular basis every 1 semester 2 times the discussion on the practice of smoking and the dangers of smoking

    Penentuan Alergenisitas Protein Gen RB Pada Kentang Produk Rekayasa Genetika Berdasarkan Studi Bioinformatika

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    Genetically modified products (GMP) of Katahdin potato event SP951 containing RB gene resistant to late blight diseasescaused by Phytophtora infestans has been developed in the USA. This Katahdin SP951 potato has been crossed with localvarieties Atlantic and Granola for its development in Indonesia. In the release process, the GMP potato should be tested forenvironmental and food safety. One of the food safety assessment needs to be done by determining allergenicity of RB proteinwhether it is potential as allergen. This research aims to translate the RB gene sequence into RB protein sequence andinvestigate the potential RB protein as an allergen through bioinformatic studies. This study was performed based on thealignment with available protein allergens from available database websites. The predicted RB protein obtained from 2,913amino acids RB gene was a 971 amino acids length protein with ATG as a start codon and TAA as a stop codon. Bioinformaticsstudies of RB protein were performed using www.allergenonline.com, consisted of three searches, i.e. full-length search byFASTA, 80 amino acids search by FASTA, and 8 amino acid exact matches. For full-length alignment search, there are threeallergen proteins similar with RB protein sequence with the percentage identity of <35%, while for alignment with 80 aminoacids and 8 amino acids did not show similarity with any allergen protein in the database. It can be concluded that RB proteindid not have any potential as an allergen, as according to Codex Alimentarius guidelines for full-length alignment search, onlyprotein with identity greater than >50% indicating possible cross reactivity with protein allergen

    Pollination Effectiveness of Apis Cerana Fabricus and Apis Mellifera Linnaeus (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in Jatropha Curcas L. (Euphorbiaceae)

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    Pollinators are well known to provide key ecosystem. Animal pollinators are thought to contribute between 15 and 30% of global food production and bees are recognized to be the most important taxon. The pollination effectiveness of two species of bees, Apis cerana and A. mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in Jatropha curcas (Euphorbiaceae) was studied. Three cages, made of insect screen were set up. Each cage contains three individual plants. One colony of A. mellifera and A. cerana were placed in the first and second cage, while the third cage was used for control plants. Bee colonies were placed during one month in the first and second cages. Fruit set of plants pollinated by A. mellifera, A. cerana, control plants, and open plants were counted and compared. Pollination by honeybees increased the number of fruits per plant and fruits per raceme of J. curcas. Based on measuring of fruit produced by plants, pollination effectiveness of A. mellifera was higher than A. carana

    Proses Klorinasi untuk Menurunkan Kandungan Sianida dan Nilai KOK pada Limbah Cair Tepung Tapioka

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    Telah dilakukan pengolahan limbah cair tepung tapioka menggunakan proses klorinasi dengan Ca(OCl)2. Parameter yang dievaluasi adalah berat optimum Ca(OCl)2, pH optimum, dan waktu kontak optimum antara Ca(OCl)2 dengan limbah cair tepung tapioka dalam menurunkan kandungan sianida dan nilai KOK limbah cair. Variasi berat Ca(OCl)2 yang digunakan adalah 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, dan 6 mg; variasi pH adalah 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; dan variasi waktu kontak yaitu 0; 0,5; 1; 1,5; 2 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebelum proses klorinasi, kandungan sianida adalah 51,77 mg/L dan nilai KOK limbah cair adalah 9953,01 mg/L; sedangkan setelah proses klorinasi pada kondisi optimum (berat Ca(OCl)2 5 mg, pH 8, dan waktu kontak 1 jam), diperoleh kandungan sianida sebesar 30,08 mg/L dengan efektivitas penurunan 41,88% dan nilai KOK limbah cair adalah 1092,09 mg/L dengan efektivitas penurunan 89,02%

    Evaluasi Penerapan Kebijakan Peraturan Daerah Kota Semarang Nomor 3 Tahun 2013 Tentang Kawasan tanpa Rokok (Ktr) pada Program Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat di Perguruan Tinggi Kota Semarang

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    Pemerintah Kota Semarang mengeluarkan Peraturan Daerah No. 3 tahun 2013 tentang Kawasan Tanpa Rokok. Kesehatan masyarakat termasuk program studi yang wajib menerapkan Kawasan Tanpa rokok sesuai dengan Perda Kota Semarang No.3 tahun 2013. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi penerapan kebijakan Perda Kota Semarang No. 3 tahun 2013 tentang kawasan tanpa rokok pada program studi kesehatan masyarakat di perguruan tinggi Kota Semarang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Subyek dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 44 orang yang terdiri dari 36 subyek penelitian dan 8 subyek triangulasi. Analisis data menggunakan Content Analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada tahapan input SDM dalam pengelolaan KTR belum memenuhi, masih banyak kendala yang dihadapi dalam menjalankan kebijakan tertulis tentang KTR, media tentang KTR sudah ada, dana operasional dalam penerapan KTR masih terbatas. Pada tahap perencanaan sudah ada karena terlaksana rancangan program. Pada tahap pelaksanaan belum berjalan maksimal karena masih ada kendala dalam pemasangan papan pengumuman, tanda KTR, belum ada jobdesk dan belum ada penyuluhan khusus tentang KTR. Pada tahap pengawasan belum berjalan karena tidak ada tim pengawas khusus KTR. Pada tahap pembinaan belum maksimal karena tidak ada tim yang melakukan bimbingan dan klinik berhenti merokok tidak aktif. Tahapan output meliputi masih terdapat program studi kesehatan masyarakat yang lingkungannya belum bebas dari asap rokok karena masih tersedia tempat khusus merokok dan sanksi yang diberikan berupa denda atau penenguran
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