232 research outputs found


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    Efforts to improve students' ability to tell history need to use effective media. According to the author, the effective media is video media, with video media as an audio-visual media. Students can see, watch, listen and listen to events or history according to the material being taught, making it easier for students to be able to tell stories about the history being taught, especially the Deandels and Raffles Government material. The problem of this research is whether there is an influence of the use of video media in Deandels and Raffles government materials on history telling skills in Class XI IPS 4 students at Madrasaha Aliyah Negeri 3 Kediri. The method used in this research is a quantitative method. Based on the research results from the discussion previously described, the author can draw the conclusion that there is an influence between the use of video media in Deandels and Raffles government materials in Indonesia on the skills of telling history in Class XI IPS 4 students at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 3 Kediri, this can be seen because t-count 2.028 > t-table 0.021. Meanwhile, the magnitude of the influence of variable X on variable Y is 10.8%. Keywords: Video Media and Skills in Telling Histor

    Model Praktikum Sejarah Indonesia Baru Dengan E-journey

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    In the archives of historical research and historical sources are soimportant because both of these things is impossible without history can bewritten. Diselenggrakan lectures on History Education Studies Program, is notonly done indoors, but also on the object's history. Ideally, every student ofHistory Education Studies Program FKIP UNS should follow the field work in thehistory of historical objects directly. The problems that arise namely theUniversity of March notebene as PTN BLU, already apply Tuition Single (UKT)where students are not charged a fee beyond the UKT. Whereas for field workactivity History New Indonesia in Jakarta and Bandung object requires significantfunding.Solutions that want to be found through this research that want toformulate scientific studies, empirical, and systematically to bridge the existingconditions, by e-journey. Maksuk concept of e-journey in replacing the field workto make electronic simulation-based information technology (IT) throughcomposing object in a digital form of video. The concept of e-lab this journey isnot just replace a visit with the video playback however, the video only as amaterial to be processed with software that is tailored to the demands of basiccompetence in the New Indonesian history curriculum

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Nhtuntuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Pkn Siswa Kelas Visdn 004 Simpang Pulai Kecamatan Ukuikebupaten Pelalawan

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    The background of this study is the low learning outcomes PKn students of class VI SDN 004 Desa Simpang Pulai Kecamatan Ukui, that of the 30 students, only 15 students who completed the learning outcomes PKn, with the average value of 54 where KKM specified is 70 , 00. The cause of low learning outcomes is the passivity of students in the learning process, In addition, teachers are still using conventional teaching methods and teacher-centered. Based on this, the researchers conducted an increase learning outcomes through the application of the model. This study is a class action that aims to improve learning outcomes PKn as well as increase the activity of students in the learning process through the implementation of NHT type cooperative model. Data collection techniques used were observation activities of teachers and students, achievement test, and documentation. This study was conducted over two cycles. The data in this research is descriptive about the activities of teachers and students and learning outcomes in subjects PKn class VI student. The results of this study showed that the learning outcomes PKn increased each cycle. Preliminary data states that only 15 students or 50% were completed, the first cycle of mastery learning increased with the number of 26 students or 87%, and the second cycle increased mastery learning again with the number of 27 students or 90%

    Analisis Yuridis Atas Tukar Guling (Ruilslag) Antara Tanah Aset Milik Kodam I/bukit Barisan Dengan PT Citra Agung Sejahtera Dan PT Globalindo Anugerah Lestari

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    Land and building exchanging or swap owned by the State (ruilslag) is one of the alternatives made by the government agency; in this case, Kodam I/Bukit Barisan, in order to meet the needs of unit facilities in which the asset of Kodam I/Bukit Barisan is part of the State's property so that the swap should be based on the Directive of the Finance Minister No. 96/PMK.06/2007 on the Procedure of the Implementation of using, utilizing, eliminating, and transferring State-owned property which regulates the procedure of swap (ruilslag). BMN (State-owned property) can be conducted when; a. State-owned property like land and/or building is not in accordance with territorial and urban layout b. State-owned property is not used optimallyc. Scattered State-owned properties are assembledd. Implementation of the government/State strategic plan, ore. State-owned property besides land and/or building which is technologically left behind according to the need/condition/legal provision

    Pengaruh Perbedaan Latihan terhadap Kemampuan Smash Bola Voli

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    The purpose of this research was (1) to compare the difference ofinfluence between the static ball smash and dynamic ball smash and (2). tounderstand which method is better than the static ball smash or dynamic ballsmash.The experimental method was used in this research in matching bysubject design. The subject was 32 student of the Sport Education and HealthDepartment of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas MaretUniversity (FKIP UNS). The data were gathered by using measurement andtests. The technique of data analysis t-test was used, with the significancelevel of 0.05.The research conclusion were (1). there was difference of influencebetween the static ball smash and dynamic ball smash, in increasingachievement smash volley ball, and (2). the static ball smash was betterthan dynamic ball smash in increasing achievement smash volley ball

    Impact Analysis of Implementation of Automation Technology on Refrigerator Out Door Forming Process in Electronics Company Tangerang

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    This research is conducted at an electronics company in Tangerang which produces a refrigerator with an average production capacity of 5,500 units per day. To improve productivity in the manufacturing process at the company has done several automation processes in several workstations that allow automation processes. Takt time reduce from 12 seconds to 8.5 seconds and the number of operators 80% decreased from 10 operators to only 2 operators. It also has the effect of reducing the possible risk of accidents for operators. Automation processes using robots have advantages in terms of process stability and ease in the adjustment of motion, making it particularly appropriate in automation processes in the manufacturing process industry. That is based on analysis conducted by using SWOT analysis method

    Analisis Penerapan Enterprise Resource Planning (Erp) (Studi Pada PT Domusindo Perdana)

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    The purpose of this research was to determine and to analyze the implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system in PT Domusindo Perdana. The results of this research showed that PT Domusindo Perdana using SAP R/3 as its ERP system, but not all of the modules being used. Researchers found there are still weaknesses that PT Domusindo Perdana should improve. The weaknesses include: the SAP system and hardware used by PT Domusindo Perdana is outdated, inadequate servers, SAP R/3 that do not fit with the company's production processes, and SAP R/3 which is not user friendly. Based on these problems, the researchers suggest improvements, namely: PT Domusindo Perdana should immediately replace the ERP system of its software and newer hardware, delete or save it to other storage places the old data that are not used, be selective in choosing the user to operate the ERP system, the IT team and BPO should be more responsive in responding to the problems that exists, and PT Domusindo Perdana should optimize the use of SAP R/3 that can fit well with the division in the company and leave the modules that do not fit with the company's business processes

    Analisis Pemekaran Wilayah dan Potensi Konflik di Kabupaten Donggala

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    Pemekaran wilayah di lokasi penelitian sangat direspon olehmasyarakat. Terbukti dari 100 responden yang di wawancara dikedua lokasi penelitian rata-rata 66% memberi persetujuan akanterjadinya pemekaran wilayah didaerahnya, dengan alasan bahwapemahaman mereka dilandasi pemekaran wilayah membawa anginperubahan baik pada tingkat kesejahteraan maupun kemudahandalam mengakses layanan publik. Namun ada juga (34%) yang tidaksetuju, dengan alasan bahwa pemekaran wilayah sebenarnya bukanuntuk kepentingan masyarakat kecil namun untuk para elit politikmaupun elit birokrat .Konflik pada daerah pemekaran pada lokasi penelitian disebabkan,tidak puasnya masyarakat dan elit-elit politik tertentu pada pascapemekaran. Menurut hasil penelitian seperti tidak meratanya kursikekuasaan, pemerataan pada akses-akses potensial serta masih sulitmengakses layanan publik seperti yang dijanjikan pada PRApemekaran (kampanye pemekaran wilayah).Dari hasil penelitian, ditemui fakta bahwa konflik yang terjadi didaerah penelitian lebih dominan issunya tapal batas (batas wilayah).Hal ini didasari bahwa adanya keragu-raguan pemerintah dalammenentukan tapal batas (54%), apalagi wilayah yang disengketakanseperti di Kecamatan Sindue (desa Lero) mengandung emas dantelah ada penambangan rasional. Desa tersebut belum jelas bataswilayah karena masih dilingkari oleh kepentingan penentu kebijakan(birokrat lokal)
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