85 research outputs found

    Analisis Proses Pengintegrasian Pendidikan Karakter Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Kelas X Ilmu Alamsma Negeri 1 Surakarta Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014

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    The purposes of this research were to: (1) describe the process of integrating the characteristic values of disciplinary, creative, critical thinking, inquiring, and thorough in learning mathematics at the tenth of science class SMA Negeri 1 Surakarta, and (2) describe the students\u27 opinion of the tenth of science class SMA Negeri 1 Surakarta about the integration of the characteristic values of disciplinary, creative, critical thinking, inquiring, and thorough in learning mathematics. Qualitative research was applied in this research. The subject of the research are students and a mathematics teacher of the tenth grade of SMA Negeri 1 Surakarta. The source of data was taken from informants (teacher and students), documentation (lesson plan), and learning activity. Data collection was taken by using interview, observation, and documentation. Data validity used the source of triangulation. Data analysis used Miles and Huberman\u27s concept that are data collection, data reduction, presenting the data, and drawing the conclusion. The result of the research showed as follows. (1) Integrating character education of discipline, teacher did it implicitly (being a model) and explicitly (giving an urge). To integrate the critical character, teacher associates learning with daily life and guiding students analyse the information obtained or given to the students. Creative character done by the teacher in integrating for learning mathematics was to developed active classroom and informed with gave the opportunity for students to express their ideas in solving problems of mathematics questions. The integration of inquiring character in learning mathematics was not visible. To integrate thorough character, teacher planted thorough character by giving the test and urging the students to recheck the result of their works, listen carefully to what the teacher had said. (2) According to students\u27 opinion, teacher had planted the character of disciplinary, creative, critical thinking, inquiring, and thorough. However, there was no explanation about the character of inquiring because the test given was the standard questions so that it cannot encourage students to have inquiry

    Model of Load Balancing Using Reliable Algorithm with Multi-agent System

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    Massive technology development is linear with the growth of internet users which increase network traffic activity. It also increases load of the system. The usage of reliable algorithm and mobile agent in distributed load balancing is a viable solution to handle the load issue on a large-scale system. Mobile agent works to collect resource information and can migrate according to given task. We propose reliable load balancing algorithm using least time first byte (LFB) combined with information from the mobile agent. In system overview, the methodology consisted of defining identification system, specification requirements, network topology and design system infrastructure. The simulation method for simulated system was using 1800 request for 10 s from the user to the server and taking the data for analysis. Software simulation was based on Apache Jmeter by observing response time and reliability of each server and then compared it with existing method. Results of performed simulation show that the LFB method with mobile agent can perform load balancing with efficient systems to all backend server without bottleneck, low risk of server overload, and reliable

    Design of Microcontroller-Based Portable Instrument for Measuring P-Wave Speed in Impact-Echo Method

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    Impact-echo method is widely used for non-destructive testing on concrete evaluation. One of the procedures of this method is determining P-wave speed by measuring travel time of P-wave ( between two transducers. For this purpose, a microcontroller-based portable instrument is developed. This research proposes a PIC microcontroller routine using interrupt-on-change and timer0 features. On concrete, impact waves reach the first accelerometer and will interrupt the main routine and start the timer0. When the waves reach the second accelerometer, the timer0 will be stopped. The value of the timer represents the travel time of P-wave. Therefore, the P-wave speed can be calculated. The routine is verified using controlled signal generated by internal PIC. The accurate result of the travel time measurements is presented. )t

    Sistem Tracking Panel Surya untuk Pengoptimalan Daya Menggunakan Metode Kendali Logika Fuzzy

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    Salah satu jenis energi alternatif yang berkembang pesat dan banyak digunakan adalah energi matahari yang digunakan sebagai pembangkit listrik, dalam bentuk panel surya. Dalam rangka mengoptimalkan penggunaan panel surya tersebut, diperlukan sebuah sistem pengendali yang dapat mengontrol posisi panel surya agar selalu mengikuti arah dan posisi dari matahari secara otomatis. Sistem yang digunakan untuk pengaturan tersebut dinamakan sistem tracking matahari dengan dua derajat kebebasan. Sistem ini bekerja menggunakan Perubahan daya yang terbaca oleh panel surya. Kelebihan dari sistem ini dapat mengikuti posisi matahari. Dalam sistem ini digunakan perbandingan daya yang terbaca oleh sistem dan mencari yang paling optimal diantara daya tersebut. Berdasarkan perbedaan daya yang diterima, Kendali Logika Fuzzy akan menggerakkan motor servo untuk melakukan aksi kendali terhadap posisi panel surya supaya selalu tegak lurus terhadap posisi matahari. Perbandingan respon unjuk kerja antara sistem yang tanpa menggunakan kontroler fuzzy yaitu tegangan =15,40 V, arus = 0,46 A, dan daya = 7.17 W , sedangkan untuk sistem yang menggunakan kontroler fuzzy 2 DOF (Degree Of Freedom) menghasilkan tegangan = 15,54 V, arus = 0,51 A, dan daya = 7.94 W. Sistem yang dibuat sudah mengikuti matahari untuk mencapai daya yang maksimal

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis E-learning Moodle dengan Model Pengajaran Langsung di SMKN 2 Tarakan

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    This research aims to develop the learning package based on e-learning moodle by using instruction at SMKN 2 Tarakan. This research adapts 4D instructional developmental model by Thiagarajan. They are define, design, develop and disseminate. The developed learning package is validated by the expert and is tried out to the students' of computer and network engineering at SMKN 2 Tarakan as the research subject. The design of the try out uses one group pretest and posttest design. The data is collected through expert judment, observation, test and questionnaire. The data is analyzed by using descriptive analysis. The research analysis of the learning package development can be described as follows: 1) the average score of the validity of developed learning packaget is 3.83. and gets the criteria of very valid; 2) the average score of the practicality ofr the developed learning package is 4.27 and gets the criteria of good and practical; 3) the average score for the effectiveness of the developed learning package which involves the students' activities in the learning process is 3.23, the reliability is 0.93, and get the criteria of very active; students' response for the learning process is 88% and get the criteria of very positive, the result of the students' study result meets get criteria of mastery. The conclusion of this research is the learning package which is valid, practical, and effective. The validity consists of content validity and constructs validity. The practically consists of the easiness in use. The effectiveness gets the positive response, improve the students' activities and mastery in student's achievement. Keywords: Learning Set, E-Learning Moodle, Direct Instruction
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